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Jae Elle Mar 2012
take a walk in her shoes

impromptu parties
& people you know that
just love you
'cause you're one of the few
that remember how to

a very close game of
beer pong
birthday boy mixing all
the liquor in the
nearly empty bottle of
but ****, was it
dangerously delicious

you fall in love with anyone
who gives you the
least bit of
attention and you feel
like a siren
trying to draw in
all the men
so very lost at
if only for a friendly

then its closing time
for your schedule
& the next day you enter
into the world of all you call
home sweet home
back at your mother's
all the people you ever loved
minus one
have come to grace you with
a good old-fashioned
get together

the girl who had your back
since grade school
gives you the great gift
of fresh ink on your shoulder
she worried about ******* it up
you worry about how much
that needle's gonna sting
but it doesn't

the men gather upstairs
& we sing classic songs
of drugs
& love and grunge
you almost made the boy
cry with your voice

these days are too few and far

come by again sometime
we miss you where you are
& you'll always miss feeling so
Jae Elle Feb 2012
I was going to write a poem
about a boy
& a girl
but I got quite *******
this evening
& I'm feeling quite proud
of my curls

I dashed away a bit of
& thought
I'd rather have tequila
he touched my
& his tongue slipped
"well, I'd rather
be your

then deal me down
& send me
to the sharks
for I've lost my taste
in winning
I'll lick your sweet
whenever the rain
comes so you'll

*its only the beginning
Jae Elle Feb 2012
just bad days turning
into worse here
just cold metal sinking
into bone
we are what we speak
& he's a *******
& I am petty
fluttering in and out
of concern
for our
verbally battered mentality

we had a lovely dinner
last night

asiago and roasted garlic tortellini
a glass of merlot

it won't matter if you say you
don't mean it next time
I'll already be

Jae Elle Oct 2012
I can never really sleep
so I guess I never
I'd give you a bit
of my heart
but you'd probably
take your fill
& that's far more than I
can currently

once upon a
I thought I could

now I'm not quite sure
I put the ******

they all stand
before me
with pointed fingers
& furrowed

how dare you allow yourself
to be beaten down
& change your

how dare you shut out
the spirits
& drink the cold

the earth is no longer

& it eats up my vision
as I begin to
Jae Elle Jul 2012
to all lost within the
to all left behind in
the firefight

she became a caged bird
sullied and shamed
brave enough to sing
through bars in

the moon pulsates in
the clear dark
& gives her warmth and

she dreams about dancing
in sunlit prairie

she'll never tell you where
the wind goes
when it steals your hat
& never bothers
to tell you

we must all roam the earth
a few times
before we ever come
back home
Jae Elle Feb 2012
his solo journey made
its fresh, courageous start
on the waves of
*** and vicodin
& the bright, painful
color of it all
was nearly lost on her
& pale eyes

little did he know she was
a stowaway
steadily drinking up the
to make herself known
to him

but oh Lord, when
she did

you better believe he
forgot her
Jae Elle Mar 2012
you know you've
lived here long
when you can feel
a storm
coming from an hour
the tingling on the
surface of your
the smell of warm rain
& the thick air
for the removal of clothing

I used to be terrified
of tornado season
but I realize we're a lot
we throw tantrums
& they tend to be bright
& sometimes destructive

the sky is a glowing
of pure fury

I could watch it all day
Jae Elle Aug 2017
i see your lemon juice
in the fridge
with the instructions you
wrote to remind
me to drink more water
because you knew
i was a jaded

i want to expel it
and christen it as garbage
but i don't, as
i hope you'll be back for it

i put too much faith
in people
who don't really
give a ****
or simply aren't
required to

i put too much soul
into things
left behind here

the devil in the details

the almond oil left on the nightstand
by my son's father
who took his
own life
just last May

the striped journal i still
haven't written in
from my dearest friend
who abandoned me
because I loved my demons
too much

as a human
part of your survival
is to encourage
& my cup runneth

my memory is an endless
loop of love
that is long gone to me

when you've driven them
all away
where do you drive?

& would you choose water
over wine?
Jae Elle Dec 2012
when no one is around
& the silence

I can still hear you whisper
"close your eyes"

even in my wildest
day trips
& lapses from time

I never quite imagined I would
find a more intoxicating
drug to condone
than the skin above your

or the intensity of your

but our lips at last
have met
oh, will me unto death!

for I'll beg
& beg
for them
based on a weird *** dream of a fictional couple~
Jae Elle Jun 2012
she would watch for you
while you were at
tangled in the scratched
& forgotten mess of
you would leave past
the door

all that harmony
you were wishing for
plays in the back
of her head
& she becomes a
crying out in
for you to come
back home

the chaos has come to
collect her now
the dust surrounds in
thick black clouds
fueled by fury

& it creeps up her
to whisper into her
that all is lost to
Father Time
& she doesn't have a
prayer's chance
of ever keeping you
Jae Elle Apr 2012
one look at that girl
& you knew

she was gonna die young

if not by her hand
then by the forces
of her nature

she won't float forever
stop sewing sails
send her out in a boat
filled with

& promise me
you won't go after
Jae Elle Aug 2022
you are my constant

my only constant

you keep me living

although I may be livid

you might not see, dear

just what we’re here for

so don’t watch me waste

another beautiful day
written June 30, 2009
Jae Elle Oct 2012
& perhaps
the tragedy of it all
was that reality
never seemed to be a
compared to her sense of

if at any moment she caught
a scent of any
deeper meaning
she took to the tips of her
& stalked it

until the
became too great

to bear as
tried and true

then down came her shoulders

down came the flood gates

fueling the catacombs
of her
with any drug that was

sleepy days
& lucid nights

misplaced whispers
& constant fright

"something must have remained"

she'll tell herself
on the seldom, solemn
cigarette days

"some piece must have stayed"
Jae Elle Nov 2012
she wanted to strip off
her shoes
& sprint through the
field of dying
glistening orange stalks
in the setting

unraveling her delicate
bandaged wings
she reminisced upon how
she had never liked
to run
but it was all this
had to offer

"when will we stop being so afraid?"

her hair flew like dark sails
out from behind

brief footfalls on the
& she had half a

to never stop

billions of stars blazed in
the sky
on two separate nights

& she had yet to
wish upon
that first falling

her lungs gave out once she
reached the land of
buried bodies
carefully planted near her

but at last she felt a glint
of hope

that much was left
to roam
Jae Elle Apr 2012
interest piqued
breath fully swept
& a longing look to seal
the damages.
I took a long, hard drink
& watched the city swell and subside
I left everyone in my old world tonight

everyone except you

I filled myself with Samuel Adams
& the flavor of my newly altered daydreams
sailing the seven seas
with *** and songs and love
no longer ****** about the sand in my shoes

I'm too mad here, too bitter
I have to taste the summer air out where
your eyes shine the brightest
when no one is watching you but me
come sink under my covers
sink under my skin
where your words stop
is where my lips begin
breathe deep against your neck
& breathe in
I swear I could live forever
on your fingertips
all we have is only above the
surface of our flesh
& we are old and tired at our
tender ages

rest a while
for once

I'll wake you when its time
to run
for our lives
Jae Elle Dec 2011
Gives a ****
If she wears her
On the back of her
At least she doesn’t
Have to look at it
All day
& courteous people
Will warn her of
The stain
So it doesn’t often
Embarrass her
She’ll just cover it
& presto
She’s the same ****
You thought you were
So afraid of
& every God forsaken
Pity party
It was ever worth
& **** Fate for
Bringing him
Jae Elle Mar 2012
cunning and quiet
the room is shaking
& I've got no bread left
to take for the
I feel in my spine

I could have sworn you were mine

my darkness is shed
upon your
& the silence you
is the silence
I dread

I marveled upon you
one cold winter

& you left me with

but music
& plight
Jae Elle Dec 2020
I'll float
& not soar
I won't sing, but I'll roar
& you won't know much about me
but you'll wish you
knew me
Jae Elle Apr 2012
heaven help me
from the terrorizing




Jae Elle Sep 2020
when I went to New Orleans last year I
visited the Voodoo Museum.
aside the lobby that had an area for
tarot/palm/misc. readings.

while I waited to pay for a mojo bag
filled with herbs and blessed for
protection and power;
a man walks in.

he looked like hell.

he rang for the reader
& she let him in.
they seemed familiar with each other.
I could just faintly hear him
beyond the curtain.

"I got the worms. I can feel them. they're all inside me!"

she then began to discuss remedies
& all I could think was,
"this must be a show." the privacy curtain
didn't conceal their conversation.

it wasn't until much later,
closer to recently,
that I began to realize...

...the worms are very real.

& they eat us from
the inside out.
Jae Elle Mar 2012
Proverbs 31:6. "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts."

I met you half dead in the desert ....
A drop of blood down the side of your head
Red lips and
dark haired killer
"Agua?" through the heat
Glimmering pistol handles
My canteen with a cross
Fresh filled at river
Cool and sweet

the last thing I remembered
was the taste of cherry
& his daring death kiss
this ******* headache
& I'll speak my own
broken spanish
to save the only life
I got left

Dust deals heat to the back of my throat
Sweat is thick on my forehead
You take the silver flask
As the hem of your dress lifts just enough
She was the devil
Like a lone roaming coyote looking for a meal
The silent circling vulture
The rattlesnake bite
The scorpion sting
She drinks as if she has been lost
A drop of sweat
Rolls down the back of my neck

I was terrified to say more
as if he already knew
I was lying somehow, some way
his eyes were that of a
cautious man
eyes you always trusted
even if they didn't
trust you
I could tell I was bleeding now
dizzy desert
sand on my tongue
sand in my head
& all these cautious eyes
around me

She seemed to sway
Like a **** in the wind
She was gonna need bandages
For the cut on her head
I had half a bottle of liquor
In the sadlebags
She's dressed in dust
Wiping her lips with her hand
Cherry lipped
Tense as a jackrabbit
Ready to run

Its funny how you can
shoot a man in the
& he'll tell you all
his secrets
but those ****** eyes
were leaving me wildly merciful
& in a blur of blood and sweat and dirt
I gave him the gun tied to my thigh
& took the shirt tied to his waist
it was my new wig
or my new pillow in my desert bed
god, let me sleep forever
with this stranger who has my gun
how can you tell if you're in shock?
will the sky ring with magenta
in the prelude to my death
or will it be quiet as this strange, strange

Her gun always seemed to get me into trouble

Since I have taken it by the handle

There's been a strange wind on the east

Nights I try to sleep

It calls up from the holster

Speaking in tongues of dead men

Souls I had to deliver

Nothing can compare though
To the nightmares of you
In which We stole away in wagons
Flaming arrow full
I saw her eyes
In my mind
Like a fever dream
Full of liquor bottles
Full of bullets
Full of her thighs
I could not tear my eyes away
No matter how I tried
You pulled me deep
Into velvet seas
Of blue
and Green
The taste of gin
The taste of whiskey
Beautiful and sweet
A little something I wrote with Tonic for the seafarer. My words are italicized. His are in plain text.
Jae Elle Feb 2020
I want a man
who chooses to
hold conversation
using only the power
of his eyes

& I want to call it

I want a man
who picks wildflowers
to stick them
within the ribbon on
my long-brimmed
black hat

& I want him as my

I want a man
who creeps up to
kiss my neck as I wash
dishes, singing of

& I want to bathe in
the static


I want a man
who doesn't stare into
my fierce gaze to tell
me he doesn't want
to leave
this ******* bar,
but he does anyway

& I want to break his
casual sway

I want a man
who doesn't twist my
heart to turn my
head around
when I know **** well
he's already gone

& I want jukebox bitter

I want a man
who doesn't remind me
that hope is a
dangerous thing to

& I want what I can

I came long enough
to see the

I left soon enough
to know it isn't
Jae Elle Dec 2011
in everyone’s eyes
& she wouldn’t have seen
“.A Difference.”
For that moment that
Seemed to stand
So still
As chilled winter air
Ripe with bated breath
& unmentioned absences
Its as if you never
When all the stars
Burned into the
Bottom of the ashtray
She called “long ago”
& so far away
Take all the cake you
Need to make it through
This treacherous
& save all your clever
For tomorrow’s morning
Of blood to every aching
Fingertip she knows
Had every mortal desire
To stand there with her just a little
While longer.
Jae Elle May 2012
I secretly ventured the
borders of
your own clever tongue
& found no boundaries there
but a thin wall of
thrown carelessly and clearly
for decoration only

you still keep me
but baby
I want in
I could soak my legs
within your sin
& save the rest for
Jae Elle Nov 2022
it's 5 am on a tuesday
late november
& cold as

another day

a few hours ago I was
informed by message that
my father was

another so it goes.

we weren't close but my
older siblings are pretty upset
I somehow saw it
& felt it would be swift

another altar candle

the only grief I have is for
my family.
my sister and brother's guilt over not
doing more hit too close

another "same as it ever was"

I hope I can make it down there for the funeral.
if any of my beloveds here can assist, my cashapp is: @JLatham90 or message me for other options.
I hate asking but don't have many other means to get there so quickly.
Jae Elle Oct 2012
sleep will not yet come
& the air is thick
with memories of all my

an argument left without

confrontation is key
but I lose those
**** tiny metal things
all the time
& I'm not really sure what
my point is
'cause in truth I'm quite terrified
to ever speak
at all

the world passes
we all age
our children are babes
& I still cannot say
a thing
to save my life

the autumn wind rises
in its full, achy

I wipe my nose on
my jacket

& sometimes remember
to sing
Jae Elle Apr 2012
empty water bottles everywhere
cheerios on the floor
I can never keep track of myself
or the food I bring out of the kitchen
I'm worse than a bachelor
& my Benadryl is almost gone

I need it to sleep
sleep and to dream
so maybe my nothing
will be something
that it seems

I cannot stop obsessing over
how lonely I feel
in my new married life
I feel better talking to people
I barely know
than I do my own husband
they say the first year
is the hardest

but I think I've just always felt
this way
when your heart clings to something
you can't have
the feeling never quite frays
never quite
erodes in its natural form

I find myself daydreaming about
things that don't happen
true love that doesn't come true
romance is not abundant in these parts
chivalry is carved on a tombstone
a few blocks from my
& I'm lucky to get a kiss on
the cheek whenever
I walk by

I want to believe that
there is some man out there
who would build me a bouquet of
& play me some classic rock
ballad about eternity
maybe he lives
in this house

maybe he lives
at all

— The End —