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his vulnerability is a bed i never once slept in
what is your fantasy/?
a canyon, i say

****, he says
i think we might be meant to be
and i'm not saying that just because i am

my pleasure pierces the cold, snowy streets through open window
as the deepest parts of ourselves mingle
i give him the ******* of the century
because we are practical and know that a baby born into this world
is a sad baby.

in my palm
is one of those moments you recall later on as


as pure

as achingly beautiful.

burrowed into this summer solstice body that fits
he says,

i'm not letting you go anywhere.
someone told me that you would get uglier with time.


your beauty amplifies the farther and farther you move away from what we
almost had.

even when you left me at that party and showed up with another girl and everyone yelled at you for
treating me like ****

your mask did not crack and fall away

it continued to glow and my fingers jumped to trace it,

falling in love with fellow free spirits leaves my heart swinging open wide
what is there to do but keep walking?

my capacity to love will never be lessened by another's capacity to fear

that's why i am still able to think you are a
things you say don't belong to me.

just long enough to
                       this city is so small
stick it to me

with false pretenses and fluttering lashes

waylaid kisses and promises of breakfast
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
Sara Teasdale
In my heart the old love
Struggled with the new;
It was ghostly waking
All night through.

Dear things, kind things,
That my old love said,
Ranged themselves reproachfully
Round my bed.

But I could not heed them,
For I seemed to see
The eyes of my new love
Fixed on me.

Old love, old love,
How can I be true?
Shall I be faithless to myself
Or to you?
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
Sara Teasdale
“She can’t be unhappy,” you said,
“The smiles are like stars in her eyes,
And her laugh is thistledown
Around her low replies.”
“Is she unhappy?” you said —
But who has ever known
Another’s heartbreak —
All he can know is his own;
And she seems hushed to me,
As hushed as though
Her heart were a hunter’s fire
Smothered in snow.
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
Sara Teasdale
Oh you are coming, coming, coming,
How will hungry Time put by the hours till then? —
But why does it anger my heart to long so
For one man out of the world of men?

Oh I would live in myself only
And build my life lightly and still as a dream —
Are not my thoughts clearer than your thoughts
And colored like stones in a running stream?

Now the slow moon brightens in heaven,
The stars are ready, the night is here —
Oh why must I lose myself to love you,
My dear?
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