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 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Pablo Neruda
You are the daughter of the sea, oregano's first cousin.
Swimmer, your body is pure as the water;
cook, your blood is quick as the soil.
Everything you do is full of flowers, rich with the earth.

Your eyes go out toward the water, and the waves rise;
your hands go out to the earth and the seeds swell;
you know the deep essence of water and the earth,
conjoined in you like a formula for clay.

Naiad: cut your body into turquoise pieces,
they will bloom resurrected in the kitchen.
This is how you become everything that lives.

And so at last, you sleep, in the circle of my arms
that push back the shadows so that you can rest--
vegetables, seaweed, herbs: the foam of your dreams.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Ginger Gray
I lie alone

Wearing your old shirt
Soft against my chest
I inhale the smell of you
your breath
your hair

I miss you
The way you would
wrap your strong
arms around me
protecting me from
the world itself

My eyes flooding
with tears
Cool air filtering through
the screen
Stars sprinkled across
the sky
a blue canvas.

Is it too late
To tell you-
Don't forget me.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
I hadn't heard from you in a while, so last night I humored the notion of you, intrigued.
You asked me how I was, high off your *** on Vicodin.
Drunk off my *** on red wine, I admitted I wasn't doing
So well.

So, well,
We spoke for a while, and I admitted a lot of

Well, ****.
More than you bargained for,
I'm sure.

So sure,
You called me out on my mistakes like you always have:
Telling me that I was far too lovely,
To be so ******* lonely
That I would waste such a beautiful side of myself,
In so willingly giving so much of myself

And in a way,
I know that you're

And I can't just pretend I'm

I need to buck up and make all things

Holy ****, what a night.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Jack Singer
It’s been a while
since we last
did this.

I’ve almost forgotten
the way your body
fits together like a perfectly
intricate song,
one part flows
into the next

The patterns etched into my mind
come back so effortlessly now.
I’ve got my hand between your thighs,
I feel your warmth,
this is familiar.

I’m going to touch you
in that secret place.

It’s irresistible,
the look on your face
as you give up
and melt into the feeling.

I plunge into you
like splashing through the surface
of a crystal calm lake at sunrise
and you explode
like a million
shattering windowpanes.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Jack Singer
I want to drop
the fattest bass line
So thick that people
are literally shaking,
(lose control of your body,
you won’t need it in this place)

Ka blam!
baby wake the **** up,
**** is about to get

in here.
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