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Wag your tail
Put me in your mouth beautiful

Let me swim around awhile in them eyes you got

Jump up and down
on your fingers

Twist my tongue


I am your bullet
Do you like my scars?
I hate them...
I took a razor to them once... and the scars grew
Break me in half
I want hands and fingers

Tears that shine like the skyline

A whimper and your whine
The back seat heat
Thunder beat

I am so hopped up on crystillian summer
I fell in love with your beach towel
And your bikini falling off
Paralell universe
Ransom note
Bluegrass makes me cry when its slow
I think about Pittsburgh and your apartment
The corner bar
Down the street where we leaned on the stone
Terribly drunk
Love sick
I touched your cheek
Your soft hair twisted in my fingers
The day you packed your case
Slamming it on the bed
Your face red and full of tears
And I couldn't drink enough
And I couldn't stop the train wreck
I turned to stone there sitting on the edge
Of |our| bed
I ****** everything with a pulse to get your taste off my tongue
But it lingered on the sheets and |your| pillow
The sheets once blessed by your silken hips
Love can ****, but I think cheap ***** will beat her to it
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Looks like its back
Back to beer bottles
Back to juke boxes
That won't play David Bowie
No matter how much I ask

Just when I thought I was a real boy
My strings tangled
And I fell flat on my face
Another walk home
It's great to live out in the boondocks
Not a soul to bother
I can lay out in the stars
And smoke cigarettes
And write poetry
Sometimes I ***** out loud to god
But really
Who am I to whine
Ive worked hard
To be able to play my own David Bowie records
As loud as I want
With the front door wide open
Laying in the lawn
Singing along
Singing along
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Hello, its been a while since I've heard from you darling.
Do you not read my poetry anymore?
I write these poems for you
Late at night to the light of a candle
Have you missed me?
I've missed you
Are you happy?
Is your sky still blue?
I'm running out of matches and candles
Its getting cold down here
I don't think that its a waste
I don't. Know
Yo u ar e so far away
it seems like
I can
Reach out to touch you
I miss your bed and your pillows
I miss your smell most of all
Yes, your smell is what I miss the most
When the rocks creep close to me
and try to scare me with their shadows and echoes
I remember your scent
It lingers on each breath
My mind tricks me
I swear it must
For some nights I am awoken out of a dead sleep
And I can smell your skin on the air
I follow you wherever you take me
I have been following you for so long
I know you are leading me to saftey
Although...the paths are smaller
And the rocks squeeze my chest sometimes
When I try to go through
I'm not afraid darling
When I'm stuck
And the candle goes out
And I can feel
The rocks squeeze tighter
Haha and I think its hard to breathe
And it gets so hot in here
And I'm squeezed in
And I'm breathing heavily
But no air seems to get in
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I laugh
Sometimes I lie on the stone floor
Screaming until I sleep
You must not hear me darling
It's alright
I forgive you
I don't want you to do anything
You don't feel like
(The candle is almost burned out now
Its quite dim)
If I have learned one thing it is that you must
Learn to release that which you have loved
For that is the way of nature
And time
oh.     I.  Am sorry
The pencil  has broken and I am using the
Burned match to write

I am filling my flask with dripping water
It seems my final
I'm sorry the last candle has gone out

          I.         Am.    

           Quite  hungry


I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

*I love you
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Your buttons looked like smiling faces
Green fire below your every step
Green like the sea
Green like algae growing on the tips
Of rocks
That protrude from your knuckles
Bare flesh becomes red flesh
Under the weight of the gaze
Tear collecter
You bore me with stories of frailty
Yeah, I know I'm human and life is fragile and all that jazz
I just want to **** some brain cells
That's why I waste my money on coral
And pearls
Hairspray_ letters and bone marrow
Drinking licorice
Smoking incense
Sparking up a glass pipe
Full of Apple blossoms
Gasoline fumes
Coat up my lungs with lackluster black lesions
Uppers downers lefters
Drill a hole through mg skull if you love me
Dump some 409 in my skull if you love me
Nothing feels better
Than Mr. Clean jumping in my veins
From the mouth of the needle
At least this time I saved enough money
To buy a pencil
So I could write this poem
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