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 Apr 2012 Jae Elle
I lost you there for a moment

You were out on a sea

Deep dark and black

You were far far from me

The sails would bend and the mast would creak

As the rain and the clouds covered the sea

Tossed upon the writhing waves

I awake

Floating in the moon's silver rays
i can feel your art
it's in the heartbeat of your palm


a springtime thunderstorm that might drizzle or might defiantly dump

i'd stand with outstretched tongue
if only for one

of your honeydew compositions   ;   sunflower symphonies.

your diamond skin is


as you dream in orchestrated swells.

i can feel your art
when our heartbeats caress
 Apr 2012 Jae Elle
Don't look back Jack
You know where you have been
I'll clean your wounded arms Jack
Oh but the things you've seen Jack
Oh the things you've seen.

Lay your hands bare Jack
Lay your body here darling
Lay your stomach there Jack
Ill wipe it all clean

Ill watch the blood turn black Jack
A color only cutter's know
But please open up a window Jack
Its getting too cold in here
With only you and me
to warm up the atmosphere
We need to learn how to resemble the sun
Wear it on our skins
  And Ill pass you the whiskey Jack
I promise I will
As soon as you close that door please
and open up a window

I'm shivering
and its a kind of cold
that alcohol can't fix
A kind of lonely
You can't numb, Jack
And I don't want to tell you of the shape of my bruises
And how I think they match the stars
But I could write essays on your eyes Jack
Essays on your arms

If they weren't inked black
If there is any part of you that is pure
Let me gather the light in your eyes
with this washcloth
and some scissors
We'll find something to agree on
and well wipe the white off the walls
We'll paint it a ferocious red Jack
We'll turn the heat up high man
We'll burn this whole ******* place down
 Apr 2012 Jae Elle
 Apr 2012 Jae Elle
No one understands you because you imagine you are better
                    Than all the others
                                When your feast is served you share nothing

2. You are hungry yet you have eaten fully
                        You stumble
                                The wine is so heavy in your belly
3. The people walk the empty streets

    Sitting in waiting rooms
    Standing in line
(You look into crowds of empty eyes)

4. The cuts on your wrist are silent
                          (Yet you speak incessantly of them
                             As of they are your children)
      The cuts on your legs are silent
                            (Easier to hide these cuts
                                      Not so bright red against the pale backdrop of your arm)

5. Your hair is long
        The day is cold and wind cursed
            You press at the hem of your skirt

6. The place once called home is still there
     Somehow different
        Quieter -
        Everyone is awake
         Gone                               Somewhere they make sound and love to the sky


7. You sleep but you find no rest
     You awaken but you still feel like you are sleeping
   The dreams turn to nightmares
Flashbacks/memories of things once loved now hated
Things once pure are now full of lies
         (The radio crackles as you search for the station)

8. You cover yourself in clothes
     You think silly thoughts
"I'm alive! I matter!"

9. You want to believe
     You want to have the faith of a child
              But children don't see the things you've seen
             You feel the barb of pain
                     Throbbing in your ribs

10. Your mind is now your greatest enemy
         It tells you
     Love.     The flamiliar heat of wonder
                    You squeeze your thighs together
Hate.        The lonliness that comes
                   When the heat dies

        You lie on your bed
       Unable to defeat the enemy of self
     You lie awake
      Praying but none listen
You whisper thoughts of longing    your flesh alone against the sheets
 Apr 2012 Jae Elle
I sleep like a dead dog
In the front yard
Always making trouble
Living broken
As I always I come to this conclusion
As I always I come to your conclusion
As always

Would I sail a black sea for you
Only to slams against the rough coast

Would I sleep in the ditch drunk
Would I spit on his grave
And tongue my missing tooth in the back

I needed to walk two miles to your town
I hitch a ride on the back of a horse trailer

On your lawn mushrooms grow
Shining blue purple caps in the morning light

To ring your doorbell in the pouring rain
With the filter of gray clouds against the sun

*The feeling you get in your chest when thunder tumbles deeply somewhere nearby
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