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2.0k · Jun 2013
Scoop of Your Ice Cream
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Feed me your sadness
and I'll scoop it up in a spoon.
Like a fresh bowl of ice cream
I'll swallow it whole.
It'll descend into the gut
melting away my insides.
I'll let it dissolve everything I need
if it leaves you solidified in my sight.
1.4k · Jun 2013
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Inhale and hold it in.
You don't want to be called a *****
Even by your closest friend.

Exhale and let everything around you disolve.
There are no worries at this point.
There is nothing to think about.
Only the thoughts of what you have just done.
They start to sink in
And your thoughts come at you like never before.

The walls around you have only disolved, as the walls of your thoughts build up 10x as strong.
Tring to break through them only acts as a self distruct.
So you hit the button,
More times than you thought was possible.
Especially after saying you wouldn't hit it after the first.

Running away is hopeless, as you end up where you left
Like many others.
You are not like them.
The ones who are lost in thier own loop.
Learn from thier mistakes.

Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Onto something new we see.
A different country, a different coulture.

Swallow and discover the opposite.
There are no worries.
There are no thoughts.
There is nothing at all.
The only thing that sinks is the liquid inside your empty stomach.

The walls are blured
And your perception on reality is fuzzed.
Like a kid in a bouncy castle,
you don't want to leave.

The echoing sound of your parents escorts you out though.
You follow them home
And before you lay into slumber
They remind you of school in the morning.
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
Open the rusted gate, and view the overgrown.
Come for a walk, but watch the mud.
Here you will see the forgotten garden.

The sun never takes of his grey suit.
The lawn grows taller than the withered flowers.
The trees poisonous roots grow into the heart.

No room for chirping birds and hungry ducks.

Though you found the lost gate.
And when you enter,
the forgotten feels remembered.
With your shining eyes, the sun remembers to change.
The flowers blossom to new heights to view the talked about pretty face which stands near.
The roots grow clean and new with the touch of your gentle hands.

There is room for the birds and the ducks now.
But there is more room for you,
as I saved a seat for the day the gardener of my blossoming soul would arrive.
And I ask you to stay and look after it.
1.3k · Aug 2013
A Couple of Boys I know
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
There is this boy I once knew
Foolish and young
He longed to be the class clown
Loud mouthed
His mother would tell him "think before you speak"
He would only apply it when he got something out of it
Like staying out after curfew
Un appreciative towards everything that mattered
A bit of an ego
Too many friends to count
He didn't like a challenge
Or work
Or any type of learning
His school results showed that
His heart was un breakable
With an exception to those couple of first loves
That were way too easy to obtain
He always knew
They were never going to last
Though they caused attempted suicides and self harm
A foolish lover
Innocent at heart
He would make sure no one would ever notice
He formed an unbreakable shell
It did him good for a while
Until it felt the touch of the most purist hand out there
It went boom and exploded right there and then
No one has found him since.

There is this boy I know
Well he isn't really a boy anymore
He has learnt from many mistakes
Slowly maturing
Over looking for attention, though he finds it nice sometimes
A quiet spoken introvert
Formed by something his mother use to tell him
He will never forget it
Appreciative towards everything that matters
He has learnt what means the most
No ego
He watches ego filled ***** and wonders how they always win
Wishes he had a bit of one
A few close friends to always count on
All he needs
Regrets his schooling life
Wishing he made better decisions
Though he wouldn't realize this until he grew up a bit
And everyone knew that was going to take time
A shattered and beaten heart
Though he found love in pills, a lot more than he would like to admit
A replacement that can't replace the real thing
Longing for the touch of something he once felt
He needs to be re built
You may see him wondering around
Waiting to be found.
1.0k · Aug 2013
An Angel in a Pit of Demons
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
She stood there, radiant and silent
Though her brightness was loud enough to scare sweat filled vaulters aside.
Un noticed, her ears jumped at the sound of a familiar accent.
She turned and smiled.
She told me about past travels.
I told her about future travels.
The music started and we were lost.
She held on, but it was not enough.
There is no room for an angel in a pit of demons.
932 · Sep 2013
Cleaning Up
Jiminy Cricket Sep 2013
Lately everything has been climbing inside
Messing my head up a bit
But it all reminds me of what means the most
and I hope if you would wait
then we could make the most of time that wasn't spent.

My head implodes when I hear your voice
and suddenly everything becomes alright
My thoughts are scattered all over the floor
No longer in a mess in the corner
I pick them up and divide them into different piles
and they all want you
Now everything is clean and clear and I think it will be alright again.
931 · Feb 2014
Jiminy Cricket Feb 2014
Mind melted on the kitchen floor.
Open the door and use it as a door mat.
I will join you,
and then I will join it.
Scrapped under shoes
separated throughout the world.
Which part is where?
Will it ever be whole?

A hollow body searches through a town that's changed.
And hasn't.
The weather changes as much as his moods.
And like the weather,
he wakes sunny
and falls cold.

I'm sorry I don't fully understand.
I'm sorry I'm scared.
I'm sorry I can't help.
I'm sorry all I want is your help.

And it was meant to be different.
Haven't been back a week,
and already I feel worse than when I left.
918 · Aug 2013
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
Hold hold hold and
past  supermarket trolleys on either side, ready for acceleration into upset stomachs.
Every trolley has a lady.
A lady who asks "what are you doing?"
Unable to respond, you keep falling uncontrollably all over the place.
Time doesn't exist for you.
This will never be over.

And you're on your back.
In a house that has no resemblance to anything inside your clogged mind.
Trying to get out, you kick and kick and kick and you're out?
Just to loop back to where you fell.

Faint voices bring you back into a reality that isn't the same as you once remembered.
Your head cemented to the floor, able to only move one half of your body.
The world is gone.
You are the only one remaining.
And as you realize this, tears start to fall.
Not because you're the only one remaining, but because your closest friends who were so near are gone.
You never want to feel this.

But this doesn't last.
You can hear the sound of your friend who snaps your memory back into order
and you realize what has just happened.
You won't be going down there for a while.
868 · Jun 2013
Half Way to a Half Life
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Once sleepless nights have turned into slept in days.
That once wanted Lego set has turned into a pleasant lunch with grandparents.
The small things have become appreciated and those once big things are now small things.
Friends have become acquaintances and acquaintances have disappeared into thin air.

I wish to join them, into nothing, to be forgotten.  
Blow out the candles and it's done.
Be careful for what you wish for they said.
Should of listened.

Happy birthday my friend.
829 · Aug 2013
The Boy Who Drags a Boulder
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
Hopelessly staggering behind conversation, he walks.
Everyone unknown to his burden.
Dragging a boulder of thoughts, delays his voice.
And when he speaks, everything comes out wrong and twisted, not intended for this conversation.
Or any.
He can't keep up, and everyone knows this.
Feeling monachopsis more than usual, no one wants him here.

Though the surroundings are beautiful, it's time to leave.
He takes his boulder and travels to a pond.
Listening to the ducks, they are more welcoming than anyone.
805 · Jul 2013
Car Crash
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
My heart is a car that has gone off the road.
Smashed windows, broken doors, blown engine.
Disaster and distress for everyone involved,
yet so many go byers with only a small thought.

You are the ambulance coming to the scene.
Make sure the injured make it out alive.
Though the injured didn't survive,
And the survivor is mentally injured.
Never going to be the same.

Confused as to why she did it.
Why she jumped in front of the car, just to watch it go up in flames.
She knew he'd never hit her,
even with the perfect opportunity.
753 · Jul 2013
Amazing Maze
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
I'm getting lost in your world
Your head is like a maze
It circles around, and goes into
The deepest pasts of your mind
Where hands are held
They stay entwined.
Lost on our way, trying to get out
You knew the way but had a doubt.
Now I'm left to walk this empty path
Where the only thing around is a spec of dust.
Lost in your maze
Why did you run away?
744 · Jun 2013
Stuck In Another Loop
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
My night sky has turned into a distant blur.
Staring out
I manage to lick the edge of it.
And I receive a now common taste
of numbed pain and sleep full nights.

Everything is a haze
and I'm the center of it.
Feeling everything I needed.

But what was that again?
Oh yeah, nothing.
Feeling better than before
I crawl into bed
and my dreams blossom more than the sun's sky.

Every morning I wake with the taste of the night before.
Feeling everything that wasn't wanted.
Feeling everything.
A sore head and an un easy tongue

I crawl into the shower
and thoughts start to fall on me.
I see the distant sky
and poke my tongue out at it.
Mr. moon tugs at it, and pulls me in.
742 · Feb 2014
Boredom with Paula
Jiminy Cricket Feb 2014
You are why I think
About everything wrong
Unable to stop
Even if I try.

You are why I love.

You are why everything is wrong
In every possible outcome
And why it always will be.

You are why I'm lonely.

You are why I sit in the dark
And talk to myself
Or is somebody there?
I guess I'm talking to you now.
What was your name?

"Hi, you can call me Bee"

You were the reason I could clear my head
You were the reason I got out of bed
You were the reason I went for pointless walks in the middle of no where
You were the reason I made it home
I would stop you from fighting
You stopped me from hanging with Bee
You let me forget my thoughts
You were my best friend for 2 months.

You're not here, and the bad influence is back.
725 · Oct 2013
Spanish Beach
Jiminy Cricket Oct 2013
My thoughts were washed down the shore
gathering into a bundle
before forming into an indecisive wave.

The wind changes and they are hurled against the giant's rocks
which he placed along the Spanish beach side.

Now my once reliable thoughts swim atop the water hoping she won't find them again.
It's alright though
the seagulls got to them first.

Now my mind fly's high with them
and I finally feel at peace.
720 · Jun 2013
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
The melodies reversed from either side of him.
Dragging him down towards a what seems never ending pitch.
Now warped to a hummid sea beach area.
Just keep up is always on the back of his mind.

Sitting there as thoughts fly back and forth.
Stuck in an infinite loop of thought he stays, content.
717 · Jan 2014
Jiminy Cricket Jan 2014
I stay up late to think
and when I think, I feel sad
so I stay up late to feel sad.
I feel colder than the rain that enters through the holes in my shoes.
Tape won't even hold us.
Nightmares are more vivid the closer I am to leaving.
My dreams are ending
or will they begin again.
It's too late to be indecisive
and I am more scatterbrained than ever.
These are not real problems
and I'm sorry for complaining.
703 · Apr 2014
The past adjust
Jiminy Cricket Apr 2014
My eyes are starting to adjust.
Slowly opening, as the light of unfamiliarity evolves into a familiar dark.

And my ears,
they jump to the sound of new conversation.
Quiche talking elders with lost words, soon to find a new home.

You could say we're getting on with our lives,
as we're getting older and our hair is getting shorter.
Moving on as I stay behind.
700 · Dec 2013
Winter Train
Jiminy Cricket Dec 2013
Lying on my dreams
that are lining up for you.
I'm asleep at the back
wondering if I caught the right train.
Whispers travel through the crowd
of him and her
uncertainty of where home is
and tales that could never be explained.

Awakening next to my old friend anxiety
as the train passed its stop
and there is no one to greet me as the doors unlock.

The sound of summer days make me hate this unknown place
and the view out the window isn't as pretty as it could be with you.
698 · Aug 2013
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
Tonight eight was an ugly number.
Always wanting more, I never have it.
Now I do.

It was a nice feeling, until I had it.

I became numb while my head flew else where,
over harvested fields,
it felt the summer night enter it
and now my body could feel what the head did.

On a crash course towards each other,
they collided on the bedroom floor and fell in love.
They lay there for an hour,
unknown of being awake or asleep,
before removing themselves and repeating the journey.

Pop, pop, pop.
It wasn't quite the same.
So we will wait a couple of days to travel again. Maybe.
697 · Aug 2013
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
The streets are dark tonight
Or is that just because I got told they would be.
Out of tune voices scream from the karaoke bars
and drunken screeches scream with cheer.

Sitting in a garden
Accompied by a beer
Surrounded by English accents on dates.

And I'm on a date with the one star out tonight
Or is it a plane
Anyway, it's in my sight and we will dance.

Three countries in one day
I miss the later two
as they are much more nicer than the faces that pass me.
Though they are not as homely as the hotel room.
682 · Jun 2013
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
How is that you are always here, but never there.
Picking the insides of my sanity out.
Bit by bit, leaving only a memory of your presence.

Kudos on doing so well.
Replacing my sanity to a somewhat insanity.
Was it ever there in the first place?
Only you would know.
I only want you to know.
640 · Jan 2014
Jiminy Cricket Jan 2014
The fog is so thick it allows no view of what will come.
Only the present is visible.
And right now, the fog makes for dull days.
Maybe if I had a glimpse of sun, it would all start to clear.
Slowly but surely.

This weather seems quite familiar now though.
And if Mrs sun decides to show her face,
her anxiety would soon hide her away.
Shading behind clouds for days on.
Leaving the rain to poor down
and drag my inmates and I underground,
where we will dig and explore
multiple outcomes for few situations.

And after months of exploring,
we will return above
hoping to find new ground
but we are only greeted by the fog.
622 · Jun 2013
Invite You Inside
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Been here a while now.
Stuck behind bars that are so familiar
So old, that rust falls at the swipe of a finger.
I want to leave
Escape this prison, where you are fed anxiety and made to sleep under a blanket of regrets.

There's a hole through the ear to the right.
Too small for escape.
Everyday I sit beside it and listen to everything that goes by.

I would like to invite you in for a drink.
Crawl in.
You're the perfect size.
Stay awhile.
Help me build a smile.
Then we could leave through it together.
I haven't been outside in a while.
Tale me through everything that has changed.

But you left without me.
You also took the smile, which fits your face so perfectly.
Now I sit and listen for you to come by,
because I would like it back,
and I would like to get out of here.

Don't lend it to anyone.
It belongs to me as well if you want to remember.
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
The paint on the walls have started to melt
dragging all the the colors I painted, down.
Drooping like my body in this heat.
The weatherman informs me of no change anytime soon.
As the summer creeps up from behind
and kisses my winter body.
Leaving me in a shock of goosebumps.
This feels so un natural
in the heat you made me feel.

My heart jumped at the sound of your voice
and flew at the hope of your sight.
Now it falls like an anchor entering the sea
hitting harder than the sand ever felt.
Everything jumped down
hoping to catch it.

We danced to many serenades
in the colorful ballroom of day dreams.
The queen of the night, you are.

Now the old wallpaper screeches
with high pitched misguides.
I had no intention of them revealing themselves so soon.

Based on a thought
will be the death of me.

Take my hand and come with me.
My sun could light your storm
and your storm would cool my sun.
599 · Aug 2013
Sun Fairies Memories
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
The water moves in the wind
while the sun fairies dance gracefully over top.
Never removing their sparkling feet.
Mrs. Sun applause's in their performance.

Watching by the sandy shore
I find my head sitting atop a rock
over viewing a similar view
on a day of wondering minds losing themselves in blindful bliss.

A pair of hands entwined, walk down a path
where they end up at a pair of eyes awaking.

Removing myself from that day,
I am sorry for always getting lost.
Loosing myself in memories that are by now
long forgotten.

I am sorry for not being able to move.
Like a boulder, I will soon be covered under sea.
A fool on the other side of the world
unable to even throw a stone.
And all I can do is remember the forgotten.
586 · Aug 2013
I Think It's Time to Go
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
Cut the rope around my neck which you tied so tightly.
Free my gasping breath from your grasping hands
and leave from my incongruous body.
Don't leave a trace.
No spec at all.
For I have lived with them for far too long.
Tiny particles of your past, caught in a loop circling the midst of my mind
Slowly degrading my thoughts and being into a nothing.

Leaving me remembering that really, it was I
Who gifted you the rope in the first place.

So I'll take it back
and free my mind from all that you left me.
Giving everything a new prospective.
I'll throw it in the trash
and it'll be gone on Monday.
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
My body is a pit of lava, forever melting
While my mind is a flock of new born critters setting out on their first flight.
So easily lost in a pit of screaming vaulters, they call for their parents.
So fragile, unable to withstand the most easiest tasks,
will soon come natural.
In time.
None will understand their confusion or their vision.
521 · Aug 2013
Lysergically lost
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
A self obsessed being looks at himself and he asks

Why do you this?
Why do you loose yourself in memories and refuse to be found?

There are people looking for you, arms out to help.

"But they are not her, and she is found where I am lost"

He replied to no one.
520 · Aug 2014
I don't remember much.
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2014
I don't remember much
because my memory is with you.
Trying to piece the days together has become an one thousand piece jigsaw,
when it use to be an 'ages 0-5' 12 piece.

My mind is blank and bland
as my days are short, but long.
Everyday I drift
and fall asleep
then wake feeling more blank.

My work all goes to a drink
which kills my anxiety
which held me back from being a bit of an *******.
But it's fun
and it helps me forget
so I can remember.
510 · Jun 2013
Learning To Swim
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
My thoughts come down like the wave that doesn't leave you standing.
They bark louder than the dog that doesn't sleep.
They repeat like a child playing copy cat.

And I watch you learning to swim,
while the life guard directs you.
He hands you a pair of earplugs and you are off.
Leaving me to drown in my thoughts.
484 · Jun 2013
False Future
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
I'd stay up all night
Waiting for you to wake.
Time difference didn't matter
When I had you as my caffine.

Talking about a false future
And broken promises.
Did you know how the book was going to end?
I think we both did.
I've given you enough lives to know how the story goes.

Give up after the first chapter
Then throw me in the trash.
Just a distraction untill you find a worthy novel.

As the reader
Your perception on things is up to you.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm not right for your twisted mind
And if so, i ask you to never pick me up again.

Your eyes are no longer radiant over my pages
As they were fueled by my sadness.

I have run out of lives for you.
So I have no more sadness.
482 · Jul 2013
Dreaded Drop
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
I dropped something on the road the other day.
A container, filled with things only I know.
Filled with secrets and thoughts.
A container I dreaded to drop.

Realizing it was gone, my head dropped.
Dropped to the road searching.
Where is it?

My secrets and thoughts lost,
Only to go back to where they don't belong.
Where they aren't wanted.
Where I've wanted them to be all along.

Out of my mind and into yours.
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
The cabin lights dim and my mind is lit like a fresh ciggerette.
Everyone else has turned to ash already,
and I am left to be smoked by your shadow,
who enjoys this way too much.

She inhales me into her soul,
where I feel warmth and comfort
Before exhaling me into thin air,
To drift into the wind and fade into a most unwelcomed haze.
Too easily forgotten.
441 · Aug 2013
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
My friend, its been a while
since you took my mind on a leash and went for walk.
I  hear it bark at you
and I would ask it to stop if i could view its sight
435 · Jun 2014
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2014
In a crowd of question mark faces and weak acquaintances
I tell my self I need someone, to be here, to make this enjoyable.
Though I prefer to be alone,
in a dark room where the only sound is the banging from the inside of my mind,
reminding me of everything I've done wrong
and that is wrong.

So I go
and sit on that floor of clusterfuck.
And when I am there,
I wish I wasn't alone.
435 · Jun 2013
Cat's Tounge
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Hold my hand like the cat holds my tongue
and ask me to tell you a secret.
I will reveal to you words only my pillow has heard
and find the ones that got caught in the past.
For they meant the most,
and mean even more now.

Don't let the sweat of your palm loose the grip of my fingers
For when my hand is cold,
Your presence becomes not so present
426 · Apr 2015
Jiminy Cricket Apr 2015
in and out of sleep
eye to eyes
no sound.
Wondering what you're thinking
never asking
in case it's not what I'm thinking.
414 · Jul 2013
23rd of September 2011
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
This spot I sit at right now is simply amazing.
I only wish that this could be a painting,
then I could show you the loveliness of it.
For now I only have my mind to capture this moment.
I only wish you were here.
Taking a puff of this cigarette makes everything stay still for one moment.
Time to get a hair cut.
I'll be home soon.
376 · Nov 2013
Cross Roads
Jiminy Cricket Nov 2013
My head is hung at the cross roads decision point
Hung and lost, with no where to turn
Only able to stay

My thoughts tried to escape
Only to get caught on the strains of my hair
Where they will stay
And grow
And put on weight
Until the head finds the right way to go.
365 · Dec 2013
Jiminy Cricket Dec 2013
Everyone is telling me all these different options
Thinking they know what is best for my life
and I try to reason with them all.
I am not one who likes to disappoint
and it's hard when no one wants the same thing
for me.

Is it really for me though?
Or is it just
lost dreams
and a lost heart.

I am left in the middle while they play tug of war with my body.
It's starting to hurt
and I don't want to loose you
or them.
Can't they have half each?
I can't deal with this situation
please tug me apart and let me be with her.
355 · Dec 2013
Jiminy Cricket Dec 2013
Dreamy drips of rain drops splat on my head
as i sink
not able to tell if i'm awake or asleep
is a nice way to be
lost in a mental haven
where hands are held.

And the rain stops.
The sun comes out
and so do you
so i can be clear
for just six hours
from this unknown shadow
that haunts a haven that will never see the outside of a pair of eyes

And the rain starts.
The sun goes down
and so do I
338 · Dec 2013
Jiminy Cricket Dec 2013
I tend to go for walks
and I trip on your voice.
Landing in your view,
I find myself not know what to do.
The views around are safe.
They seem welcoming enough.
So I'll stay and write things in the strains of your hair.
It's nice to find this place
filled with your funny faces when I go for walks.
So why make me go for walks.
338 · Mar 2014
Home 2
Jiminy Cricket Mar 2014
You use to tell me to come home.
I did.
We are now in the same town
and I miss you more than when we weren't.
I didn't think I could feel like this again
Like my being is filled with wet cement
and when it sets, I will be stuck to the ground
where you will walk over me
and i will whisper your name
and if you hear it
maybe you will remember that i was once part of your life
but nothing will change
because i am stuck here
for the rest of my life.
334 · Mar 2014
Jiminy Cricket Mar 2014
I don't think I can do this thing
That thing everyone longs for, dedicates their lives for, dies for.
I don't feel comfortable enough
Following paths ending where they start.
I don't like to chase, I can't keep up.
I'm shy,
When everyone judges you
Especially you

Days pass,
yet dreams stay the same.
I feel the same.
Reoccurring thoughts,
Making me walk in all directions.
Often going the wrong way, always getting lost
Won't you lead me?

One more path.
Will you take my hand?
I don't really want to come back
325 · Aug 2013
What is Summer???
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
The only time I felt summer was when I had your body to keep me warm.
Winter has been far too long.
315 · Aug 2013
Quiet Eyes
Jiminy Cricket Aug 2013
My once quiet eyes scream at the presence of your face
Calling for your attention, a reaction, just anything would do.
They will speak in any language
and they will speak louder than any words that leave my lips,
for very few words leave them,
as they are scared of what you'll think.
Though my eyes will always be calling for you, and maybe one day you will hear them.
303 · Jul 2013
Jiminy Cricket Jul 2013
You crumble me.
I am nothing, a hollow body.
You scrapped every last inside till I was only left with a lonely soul.
You threw the rest in a jar until the day I would be ready for it.
I will never be ready for it,
and it taunts me.
I am to alone for any of this,
and I don't help myself.
I am afraid and empty,
so I hide in my cell.
Send me to exile,
so my soul.can die.

— The End —