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jim moore Dec 2016
Such brief pleasure
Your presence
The smell of your hair, your neck
I hold on for dear life

So many things left unsaid, undone
Pages unturned
Questions unasked
The curves of your body unexplored

The sensation of you, molded into me
In the late morning hours
In a strange place, an unknown bed
Left to remain in the imagination

The fear of feeling something
Got the better of me
The fear of feeling THAT feeling
Paralyzed me
jim moore Dec 2016
I never thought the day would come
And there she was
Sitting there in front of me
More elegant and beautiful
Than I had ever dreamed

8,870 miles (14,272 km)
1,339 days
For her to be within reach
She was everything
That she had led on to be....and more

To see
the light in her eyes
To feel
The touch of her hand
Was the best gift
She could've given me
jim moore Apr 2015
beauty is simplicity
if you are a woman
you are beautiful
behind or underneath
whatever you choose
to hide behind
even if it is bare skin
if you are unsure
return to the top
and read again
don't hide
be you
tangled hair,
baggy sweater
I don't care
no amount of Ruby Red #7
hairspray, or spandex
will change who you are
or what makes you beautiful
less is more, some may say
I say, some things
are best left
to the imagination
only to be revealed
by the right combination
of cheap wine and
imitation candle light
...from looking at the tiny little pictures beside the names.
jim moore Apr 2015
A secret among friends
Amongst myself
Since you know not how I feel
So here goes...

How I feel....
You're a flower
at first bloom
Quietly beautiful
Commanding nothing of no one

But sure of yourself
and your beauty
Needing nothing
from anyone

I'd give you the love
I share for you, if I could
Not that you need it,
But you deserve it,
For you are an amazing woman
Unappreciated I fear

You are
what a woman should be
confident, strong,
a diamond in the rough
Though not so rough
Quite refined, as I see

From my perspective
You are a perfect gem
Colorless (though colorful to me)
Cut (perfectly)
Clarity (uncomplicated unlike most)

In all your glory
In all your beauty
You are perfect to me
jim moore Apr 2015
It's funny
I was just thinking
how I used to wake  
every morning
excited to see your response
to my B.S from the night before
Thanks to the 15 hr time diff.
Ah, the good ol days,
before life got in the way
I still go to the cafe
to start each day, when I can
A habit bred of
such different times
Still waiting,
for someone, something
to slap me, to wake me
from this dull dream
But every day
it's the same routine,
the same deafening
monotonous silence
The same dream,
on the cusp of a nightmare,
each day, day after day
Exactly the same
as the one before
a sick joke
like Groundhog Day
....the movie.  Except somehow I'm not able to benefit from the Nostradamus effect of living the same day over and over...

Miss you Ms ***
jim moore Jun 2014
her eyes were captivating
full a fire and sensuality
almost as dark as onyx
depth unknown
her lips were moving
making sound
I didn't hear a word
I was too busy being mesmerized
by their elegant movement
a ballet of perfect form

I tried not to let my gaze linger
to let it be obvious
she kept turning
looking my direction
making it near impossible
as if only to test me
to torture me
knowing the invisible barrier
between 23C and 24E
would keep desire at bay

I watched as she consumed
One scotch after another
on a 10:15 flight to paradise
It was 10:30 am
my kind of woman
the invisible barrier
was like the Berlin wall
she was using a toothpick
to try to bring it down

Vé con dios.
Te veré en el otro lado.
jim moore Jun 2014
The idea seems silly
Getting over you
Considering the fact
that I've never been under you
or you under me
for that matter
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