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 Jun 2013 Jilka
Kimberly Clemens
I like to ramble and I like to write in all caps whenever I'm tired
I like to sing and I like to dance but neither of those traits were really admired.
I like to compete and I like to achieve but lately I've been losing
I like to pretend and I like to cry, it's just the path that I'm choosing.

I like to love people and I like to be loved right back
I like to have security and I like that my friends keep my life on track.
I like to make decisions but I'm probably the most indecisive person ever.
I like to be busy but the way I plan some things just isn't very clever.

I like to write and I like to revise and lately that's what I've been doing
I like to study and I like to remember and yes it's a full plate that I'm chewing.
I like to eat healthy but I always end up eating way too much.
I like to have friends but sometimes I decide not to keep in touch.

I like that I'm single  but sometimes it'd be entertaining to have a lover
I like searching for nothing in particular, because there's so many things to discover.
I like to talk and I like to think but I usually end up annoying myself
I like the idea that my life could be an interesting story on somebody's book shelf.
Well, now you know a lot about me.
They have us surrounded
Shocked and astounded
Bloodshot eyes weep tears
By the thousands...

I looked at you, and you at me
The most stunning beauty that I'd ever seen
The boots on the ground and drones over head
That was the moment...

That we knew for sure

They built their prison
But it wasn't enough
To contain two lovers
As in love as us...

I could feel your heart pounding
Lurching and leaping
As the door burst open
And the gas started seeping...

It was then that I held you
And told you there was nothing to fear
It is only a line, together we will cross
A love as strong as ours could never be lost...

I remember the sting of fire in my back
I remember your screams
Everything went black
And then we awoke, or so it seemed...

To an existence so beautiful it could only be a dream

You were young again
More beautiful than you'd ever been
That is when I knew that the old world
Was only a means to an End...

Now we can begin to Live!
I know there will come a day when she will leave me

She has to

No longer will I get to enjoy the beauty of the smile she hates
Or notice the way she waddles away
A bit like a duck

'I'm perfectly okay with this'
That is what I'll say
That is what I'll say on that terrible day

And it's coming...

Creation slows for no man
Not even the son of Three
It's coming to take her away
To new and exciting roads...

A life that needs to be lived in a little

I hope that she finds the goodness
That she finds peace
It's an ugly world we live in
If you ain't marching to the right beat

If ever you need me, I'll be around
Spinning just the way I always was
Even if only the electrical impulses that used to be me
Remain buried


Deep in the back of your mind

I hope sometimes you'll visit
You can have a seat in my chair
Perhaps we will plan new adventures
Or just reminisce about the ones we've shared

Either way, I will be grateful
To see that you're happy and intelligent, and capable
I'll tell you a couple of my stories, too!
Maybe then we'll fall in love the way

All True Lovers do.

— The End —