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Nov 2017 · 311
Three Hero’s One Story
JidosReality Nov 2017
Take a moment once in a while, to pause to breath reflect and smile. Let’s all stand tall with respect and pride. And make Portsmouth’s Hero Lord Nelson proud as he watchers his beautiful city smile.

Take my hands and let’s climb up the spinnaker tower, Think happy thoughts and look around.Thank you to Portsmouth City for welcoming me me into this amazing town. Take a run down the sea front pass Clarence pier.

Feel the sun on your face your feet on the ground. Count the stars and examine the sky. Catch the rain and watch the birds fly.

Make something from silence let words lift your soul, and explore every sweet bit of your beautiful soul. My life cuddles destiny and bought me to this place where I was meant to be.

The Gloves on my hands meditating in this boxing ring, my future whispering to my thoughts as I think. Determination and hard work early morning starts.

I will start from the bottom and work my way to the top. Heart beating fast many emotions trying to get out. My thoughts whispering to me.

Float like a Butterfly sting like a Bee” for you are a champion a role model the world needs to see. Inspired by the greats~ Lord Nelson- Mohamed Ali.

So follow your dreams and never give up, and always work hard, your day will arrive at the right time. Remember your stars always shining to bright up the night.

JidosReality 5.10.17
Amazing just so amazing #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
Nov 2017 · 306
Every Kingdom Needs a Queen
JidosReality Nov 2017
My life decided to rest me with determination, found my self in this city I knew nothing about called Portsmouth, the first emotion that attached it’s self to me was loneliness.

My mind was in shock but I knew I had to carry on and be strong. Cause I was about to have a baby this little life inside me needed me. Far away from my family a lot of mixed feelings going on.

And than like a nightmare it slowly faded away like an angel my best friend Shamilla was send my way. She threw away the loneliness I was feeling everyday.

Took my hand and said don’t worry from now on everything will be okay. And now I don’t worry my little boy is grown up and happy.

From shopping down Gunwharf to taking him for walks down the beach, watching my son grow up so happy in this amazing place we both call home Portsmouth City.

It took time to adjust and I may of felt trapped, but my future looks bright I have my little boy by my side.

JidosReality 4.10.17
I take my strength from Esobel #JidosReality #Poetry #JoirneysFestervel
Nov 2017 · 245
Hope Ahead,Watching,Waiting
JidosReality Nov 2017
Sometimes in life you wait for time, than you come to realise hat time has come and passed by, SomeDays I just sit hear thinking thinking been waiting for so long forgot what I’m thinking.

I love day dreaming makes me forget my thoughts are screaming, Portsmouth City’s my Home play up Pompey can you hear the song?

I’m still waiting for a answer to my solution many years have passed by seconds and minutes gone to sleep.

SomeDays I feel weak other days I’m strong, sometimes I wish I never made that wish. And when I feel down and everything’s around me I take a walk to the seaside.

And watch the world look at me I only have one life no one hear to save me. My happiness and peace Portsmouth City gives me. May Portsmouth be blessed let’s all look after our city.

Jidosreality 2.10.17
Maza so much hope #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
Nov 2017 · 308
We need freedom
JidosReality Nov 2017
Break your shackles and reach out to your freedom, the world is yours the poorest man around is not the fellow with out a bank coin to his name.

But the poorest man is a soul without the right information to orchestrate for him self the right future. Cause it takes strength to be certain, it takes courage to have doubts.

It takes stents to fit in, it takes courage to stand out, it takes strength to share a friends pain, it takes courage to feel your own , it takes strength to hide it show it and deal with it.

It takes strength to stand alone it takes courage to live, Portsmouth City my friend what a good friend  you are. Have me the courage and strength to be who I want to be.

You allow me to bake chocolate biscuits and cake, you give me he freedom to clearly see my future, you listen to me as I speak to you at the beach.

You lend me your light house so the darkness stays away from me, I don’t say it much and I hardly say it to! But Portsmouth City my happiness thanks you, and wanted to let you know that it loves you two.

JidosReality 4.10.17
Amazing person we need freedom Madina #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFesterval
Nov 2017 · 235
Love and let Live
JidosReality Nov 2017
Through all the ashes and the hard times, the first time she looked at me her eyes made me smile,

when I think of it, you are the life of my heart.
You’re the reason I smile when I find everything so hard.

With every breath I take and the magic we make. I’m yours and you’re mine, you, my best mate.

The feeling I feel when I’m with you and when you’re not around I always miss you.

I remember the day I said  i do put the ring on my finger Then I kissed you.
Marriage, this thing, this special thing that we are in, two lovers for life, as strong as this ring.

And now I smile I  have a wife in my life. romantic trips to the isle-of Wright candle night dinners down Gun Warf, watching the ships pass by.

Laughing trying to count the stars in the sky, many city’s Iv lived in who would of thought Portsmouth City, is the place I would call home don’t need nothing else but me and my wife.

Planning our future together travel the world to many places, from France to Dubai to Australia to many other city’s calling us.

For she is my happiness and he is mine two.

JidosReality 3.10.17
Amazing couple through all the ashes found happiness #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
JidosReality Nov 2017
I love Reading books on Kings and’s amazing how I feel creating patterns that speak to me.

Inspired by the this city that has welcomed me. There is no other place I would rather be.

It’s like my designs are words that are hear to change the world, from henna to weaving creating and passion.

My imagination creates all these designs that start blushing.

See kids are our future teaching is my dream and I’ll teach them always to follow they dreams.

And give back to this place I now call home Portsmouth City. Remember your futures born with freedom follow your dreams and allow your imagination to speak to you.

For if I can take a plain page and bring it alive, you could work towards your future and watch it smile.

JidosReality 4.10.17
Nairah amazing talented Refugee Your futures born with freedom #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
Nov 2017 · 237
Portsmouth City of Friends
JidosReality Nov 2017
Change is the law of life and those who only look at he past or present are certain to miss they future. So give me a smile and I’ll be happy for the day.

Portsmouth City of friends what can I say? Thank you to Portsmouth for putting a smile on my face, thank you for showing me my dreams **** a beautiful place.

You held my hand when I cried and said don’t worry everything will be alright. The things you do and the hinges you say such a beautiful memory truly blessed.

Many friends Iv meet many cultures in this city, nights in cooking lamb all bringing a little culture to dinner. Many friends from around the world who call this home Portsmouth City.

I promised my self one day I would become a pharmacist, to help those that are sick come sit down my friend let’s talk about it over a cup of tea.

Portsmouth City of friends next time you meet someone that’s not feeling so good. Just be they friend.

JidosReality 8.10.17
Adam amazing Refugee #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestevel
Nov 2017 · 200
Take the Hope from my Hands
JidosReality Nov 2017
My taste buds are tingling sitting Hear in my favourite restaurant wa

iting for my Chicken Nando’s you amazing. Watcng all the people around me filled with laughter and joy, I’m so proud to call Portsmouth City my Home.

See hope in my hands, nothing ever happiness like you imagine it will, but than again if you
don’t imagine nothing ever happiness at all.

Your soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts, so be the change that you wish to see in this world. You see if you ever find your self in the wrong story leave.

I find my self in a story working towards
my dreams. From adapting to learning and
respecting those around me. Learning English my favourite words “

Thank you portsmouth For looking after me.
And one day

when your car needs a-bit of TLC I’ll be right Hear to help you with my Tool Box Spanner’s Nuts and Bolts.

For the hope portsmouth gave me and helped me to For fill my dreams. Now please Take he Hope from my hands and go and For fill your dreams.
JidosReality 3.10.17
Poem done for my journeys Festervel Project #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
Nov 2017 · 216
Let’s Integrate
JidosReality Nov 2017
Let’s live and let live I put my trust in Portsmouth from the day that I got hear, to rebuild my life for my beautifully children.

Portsmouth my favourite the magical places it has taken me, walks down Southsea on the beach listening to the waves whispering I me.

Planning my future teaching English to adults and been a mentor for immigrants.

Helping them settle showing them this beautiful city called Portsmouth.

This city of culture, city of peace fills my spiritual energy with faith and belief.

Let’s integrate we can do it together we need more love to super side hatred.

We need more strength to resist our weakness,
we need more inspiration to light up our inner-minds. We need more learning to erase our ignorance.

We need more wisdom to live longer and happier, we need more truths to suppress deceptions. Let’s integrate for our children’s future awaits.
JidosReality 8.10.17
Poem done for Anita a local refugee who now calls Portsmouth City her home #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestevel
Feb 2017 · 303
JidosReality Feb 2017
It’s something I’ve been cultivating for many years now.

Just imagine a mandala or a flower and think about the center of the flower and then all the petals that come out from the center and think of the center of the flower as absolutely still, and think of all of the petals as moving, and energy, and change, but the center is still.

Where is your center?
Thoughts coming, they’re petals. Thoughts arising, changing, disappearing.

“What’s happening? I don’t understand!”
“What’s he talking about? This isn’t going to help!”
“When is he going to start?”
“Where is my silent place?”

Those are all the thoughts. Just notice them. They arise, they exist, they pass away, they’re supplanted by another thought a moment later.

When they were there, they all seemed very real, didn’t they? You can hardly remember the thought you had two minutes ago. It just came and went, just like a summer storm.

An itch on the nose, a pain in the knee, a sound outside, somebody moving, coming, going, coming, going, the stuff of life. Just coming, going, coming, going. Behind it right here is just quiet.

It’s interesting, how many words we will use that are designed to ultimately bring you right to the center of the flower, right to the quiet place, right to the place where we meet, in the deepest way.

We meet through our words, through our concepts. Relationally, we meet in the silence united.

JidosReality 18.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Sometimes
Feb 2017 · 264
JidosReality Feb 2017
Have you Being in the Silence? Just play with the silence for a moment. Instead of using it as expectancy, waiting for something to happen, flip it just slightly and just be in it.

Are you really here or are you just waiting for the next thing?

It’s interesting to see where we are in relation to time, whether we’re always just between what just happened and what happened next, or whether we can just be here now.

So, let’s just find our way here to be together. If you’re feeling agitated, just notice the agitation. If you’re warm, be warm. If you’re cold, be cold. If you’re overly full, be overly full.

Be it, whatever it is, but put it all in the context of a quiet space, because there’s a secret in that, and it’s worth playing with it.

See it's that lost story that says That there’s a place that we can be inside of ourselves, inside of the universe of our soul, in which and from which we can appreciate the madness in life.

Where we can still have delight and quality of presence, and the quietness of Peace.

JidosReality 18.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Being
Feb 2017 · 435
JidosReality Feb 2017
Emotions are like a flavour in my mouth I can taste them Joy tastes like Strawberries. Hate is like a hungry mouth. and love is like rose water I enjoy them all except for one betrayal that has a taste like a burned piece of meat.

My life's full of twists and turns bumps and bruises along the way. See I was quiet but not blind my silence whispered to me....There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand you with out you speaking a word.

In the colderst of darkness, see the light.
In the anger of fear, invoke the love.
In the lost time of chaos, claim the peace that lies beyond.

You must not lose faith in your soul because your Soul is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are *****, the ocean does not become *****.

See life is to short to be angry for your self for been human. There are many things that can only be seeing through the eyes that have only cried.

Cause Nothing in this world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.

Eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. Patience is the only key.

JidosReality 18.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Emotions
Feb 2017 · 300
JidosReality Feb 2017
It's madness I tell ya the world I live in, my mind never sleeps it's racing constantly! 

If I could take out all the pain from inside me, and hang it on a washing line for the whole world to see! 

I'm afraid many people would not be able to handle what they see. Do you read my poetry? And ask your self why it's so deep?  

Do you see the tears falling from the words as they speak? 

I try to understand why sadness has attached it's self to me! Why love finds it hard to become best friends with me! 

I gauss it is wat it is it's how it's supposed to be. My soul was just chosen to be left empty. 

If you don't get it? Let me try to explain it simply! Read this poem again the words ain't going anywhere they may be lost but are always listening.

JidosReality 6.2.17
it is what it is! #JidosReality#Poetry
Feb 2017 · 280
JidosReality Feb 2017
Let's go back a couple of years ago! 

Spending hours walking the street no-were to go. Contemplating suicide in the cold by my own. 

Anger building up fuming and consuming, sitting in that quiet place You Know? where no body's looking.

Rage all over my imaginations face, every world that I write in my poem books ready to fight. 

Reality could it be it's left me life's un-wanted misery. Suicide from every corner stalking and calling. 

Time has gone it's run away, it's got no time to watch me fade away.

My how time flys when you don't know if it's night or day! All I need is a solution the these emotions that have gone missing.

I don't need people preaching my name in sentences that don't deserve my name. It's okay it's alright you all sound the same!

This poems going to sleep under that corner shop you shop from everyday.

JidosReality 6.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Preaching
Feb 2017 · 491
Many Paths
JidosReality Feb 2017
Many paths have taken me on many roads! Wouldn't you like to know? 

But before I write this poem do you know your up from your bottom?

Do you have a place you can go wen confusion is all around your world? 

Now let me take you on this road of many paths that as far as I know only two people have been bold enough to go.

The storm may be asleep on the top of the ocean! Cuddled up tight warm and cosy at the bottom. 

Sometimes the bottom of the ocean is the only place to be, you see the storm at the top is filled with emotions lost in the winds. 

See that path coming up in the words that I write? That path has no end to its darkness lost in the night. 

So dark on that path my hands struggle to write, you can play hide and seek on this path but there's no were to hide.

Many paths so many questions? Many roots different destinies! They all seem to lead to that one place called love.

But wen you get there Love has left long ago sleeping on one of the other many paths.

JidosReality 4.2.17
Understand this poem to understand your emotions. #JidosRealty #Poetry #ManyPaths
Feb 2017 · 356
Tasty Treats
JidosReality Feb 2017
Tasty treats amazing me. So many words chasing me. All asking me questions is it my turn Jido is it me? 

Imagination coming alive! Cover your ears and just maybe you'll hear it smile. I took a letter flipped it over left it dizzy for a while. 

Words addicted to me! Tasty Treats inviting me into this poetry's fix, pens running around searching for ink shaking uncontrollably. 

Poem book snappy snappy! Withdrawal symptoms many letters missing. The Alphabet needs re-mapping.

Cravings searching.... but the compass is missing it's lost in many sentences that are broken and hurting. 

Tasty Treats amazing me.. Words falling out of the sky hand picking me. 

JidosReality will let you into a secret thats free! words only crumble wen you don't allow them to speak.

JidosReality 1.2.17
My respect for the way the words speak when I write. #JidosReality #Poetry #TastyTreats
Feb 2017 · 244
Sleeping Words
JidosReality Feb 2017
This Poem was written to me by Loneliness.. It screamed at me and said 

This Poems about Me Only Me To Remind me..

You a paper cut version of a book with out a story.

Empty like the wind always lost searching for a breeze, hollow as the pen that's leaking all it's ink.

Sad as a clown watching people laughing at you searching for you face in a crowd. 

You a stick in a match-box covered in snow, you the boy with the big heart that no body wants to keep safe and hold.

Surely been a looser is better than not been picked, you have no one I'm the only emotion that chose to not leave. 

I'm your lonely happiness your lonely love, I'm your lonely anger I DO! But no one else cares who you are.

You just like the tittle of this poem Sleeping Words.. Now take my hand Loneliness has some were we can go.

JidosReality 4.2.17
A part of me I keep hidden inside #JidosReality #Poetry #SleepingWords
Feb 2017 · 696
Broken Pen
JidosReality Feb 2017
The words coming out from this poem were sad!

This memory I had hidden away had found away to get out. My pen embraced it knowing every word would break it. 

As i looked at my pen and it's ink winked at me, I whispered to it you not ready to write this memory. 

my pen lashed out angry at me! Dropped out from my hand reminding me it's the reason I'm able to breath. 

It's ink has been loyal to every memory I have let free, it makes me smile when I write reading words that are so deep. 

So my poetry stepped in put my pen in my hand, told us we need each other, with out either one well both go mad.  

So I allowed that memory to speak! The pens ink began to think from happiness and all laughter to the madness so much sadness.

My pen begged me to stop writing, understood why this memory was hidden away from reality. 

My question was not been answered! So i asked again? Can I eat the ashes of your burned figed leaf? 

But the time stopped ticking a broken pen is all I had in my hand not breathing.

JidosReality 9.10.16
My pen had a broken episode the memory it wrote was to much for it. #JidosReality #Poetry #BrokenPen
Feb 2017 · 331
Crazy Poet
JidosReality Feb 2017
Slow down for a moment shut up and listen! My depression turned me in to a crazy poet turning words into lunatics. 

Sitting in a square room around a table with the mad ones, suicide whispering in my ear it's time to get out.

The mad ones in the room screaming that the voices in they heads are trying to get out. Call me honest wat ever iv been already Labeled a lunatic! 

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror watching your own reflection cut it's self with every memory that makes it go sick? 

Every word that I write tries to mend the SCARS hidden inside somewhere playing hide and sick. Padded cells decorated with silence.

Medication boxes light you up like matches, therapy sessions leave more questions than answers.

Love trying to be explained! Pain trying to be explained! Emotions all mixed up in this bowl that has no name. 

Crazy poet JidosReality ask Majid? He knows my name.

JidosReality 4.2.17
The title hides the meaning #JidosReality #Poetry #CrazyPoet
Jan 2017 · 478
Beautifully Brutal
JidosReality Jan 2017
My dreams are in a reality of a hash tag that does not exist.

Oh you who do not believe! Put your self in the shoes of a soul that screams. 

Would you dive into a bin? And cut off the only good parts left on the apple that's rotting? 

So at least the little 5 year old you meet in this jungle lost and weak! Can have something to chew on.. 

so many tears holding they hands out asking for help please! 

This jungle is Beautifully Brutal the only home that I know there's no snow but it's cold. 

There's no heating but my mouths dry craving for water a mirage is all my eyes can see. 

What day is it? Is it Monday of thursday? Are you sitting there in your warm house complaining that your favourite show was not recorded? 

Tell me? What happened to humanity? You pay money to go to the zoo to see animals caged up living nicely! 

I pray you turn on your telly and see me in this jungle been judged for the choices life had dealt me!

screaming so loudly yet you hear nothing the tv's on mute Surprisingly! 

Hear please come let me hold your hand! Come breath this air full of tear gas the police breath out shouting shut up your life no one cares. 

Beautifully Brutal this world I live in from a baby to an immigrant to a refugee.

Who's future hope is raising a family in a world I belong to and not this open prison you all see.

JidosReality 24.1.17
Poem is for those lost in the Jungle in the refugee camps #JidosReality #Poetry #BeautifullyBrutal
Jan 2017 · 249
JidosReality Jan 2017
Body's numb my senses are heightened for wats about to come! Every emotion is a puzzle that looks oddly complete.

To perfect... my eyes whisper to my thoughts as they think. 

This can't be the solution to the aggravation that's been causing my sleep to commit suicide in the dark every night as I try to sleep! 

JidosReality dragged poetry into somewhere that's deep.

 It will never be the same! broken so much it searches for a solution to try and get out qweek.  

My problems are bigger than yours! And your Problems are bigger than mine? 

They all problems that need solving let's hide them away in my ink and watch my pen start drowning.

I knew it was to good to be true! Cause the truth is never good if it's only about you. 

JidosReality 25.1.17
Find the solution hiding somewhere in the poem #JidosReality #Poetry #Solution
Jan 2017 · 230
JidosReality Jan 2017
My Tears are lost in a world that screams, That world can be found some-were hiding in my thoughts as they think. 

In this world you'll get lost as all your emotions get ****** out. Love becomes pain happiness rots away, loneliness sticks to you like water drops stick to rain.

Many thoughts Trying to understand why I'm crawling and not able to stand! But understanding that they lost in this confused world in my head that's gone mad. 

Tear drops strangling every tear drop they see smile! Anger consuming the only laughter left in the sky, Insanity patiently waiting no twinkle in it's eyes. 

My reflection trapped in this world in my head that's broken. Voices shouting out!  how could such sad words be spoken? 

My tears are lost in a world that screams! Let me know wen you find the answer to why you don't understand this world in my head that screams.

JidosReality 22.1.17
Jan 2017 · 472
You And I
JidosReality Jan 2017
When I wanted to cry my tears refused to fall, when I wanted to smile my smiles ran away fast, when I wanted to be loved everybody left me,

when I got comfortable alone Love came running from all sides towards me, It is the goodness in you the humble soul in you.

it is the love you bought to me to awake my smiles from the fast sleep they were in. It is because of you I am in love.

And there were times when I often felt my soul disappointed with me with the choices life had delt me.

it confused me and just took me into a darker hole that was filled with nothing but my disappointed soul, and as time went by I realised this is what life had wanted for me so I lived in that place it was sad but it was the only place I had.

Than you came along and helped me out brushed off all the sadness that was around  you took my hand and made it warm you made me believe that love had not run away, it was just waiting for xu to come my way  #JidosReality #Poetry #YouAndI
Jan 2017 · 271
We kissed
JidosReality Jan 2017
We are dreamers,you and I. Living for those moments in which the scars and the pain of the past disappear.

In those moments of happiness and love we can be our selves.

We are dreamers wearing our hearts on our sleeves and when we fell in love we dropped into the depth of happiness and it is beautiful and nothing else matters,

this is the beauty of how dreamers like you and I fall in love And than we kissed it wasn't like any ordinary first kiss

it was as if two lost souls had been searching for each other for a million life times, in a million universes and after a million rebirths have finally found each other and then we kissed. #JidosReality #Poetry #WeKissed
Jan 2017 · 378
Star Fish
JidosReality Jan 2017
prefer to express myself metaphorically. let me stress metaphorically not symbolically.My Poetry's all over me like maggots on garbage, just because I interfered with a pickpocket the other day.

Once a flower is picked it immediately begins to die. see hope is the crystal **** of emotions. It hooks you fast and kills you hard. The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest.

See my Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull.If Music is a Place then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple.

See Love is a piano dropped from a four story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But it is just two lovers, holding hands and in a hurry to reach their car, their locked hands a starfish leaping through the dark. #JidosReality #Poetry #Amazing
Dec 2016 · 306
Merry Christmas
JidosReality Dec 2016
A “Merry Christmas” to you all

Dreams with smiles and wishes coming true Christmas trees with presents under the tree just for you.

Loads of cards just to let you know how many people love you Roast Turkey, Roast Vegetables there’s so much love in this room.

I can feel Mrs Clause and Rudolf smiling because christmas makes us feel good.Little children in the room with family and friends laughing out loud.

The smell of the food in the kitchen is so nice, there’s a knock at the door please let the snowman in-side.

Eggnog and Sherry for grandma and grandpa, little kids all around the telly watching Madagascar. The rooms filled with laughter kids opening every present they get faster, wrapping paper all around with Christmas songs to sing along.

Christmas Socks all been raided chocolate sweets all over people’s faces Marry Christmas to you all and may the day grant all your wishers.

And even though your belly feels full it’s okay to offer to clean up all the dishes.

Jidos Reality 5.12.12
Oct 2016 · 272
Random Poetry
JidosReality Oct 2016
Are you free? Are you smiling? Ate yin crying why you smiling? Are your tears drying? Stalking you when you crying.

Are you lost fading away somewhere in a dream crying. Why you never smiling? Why is he writing words that feel exciting.

Hears another poet his poetry is amazing writing, speaking and talking. Words are always stalking amazingly different.

Special like hey may be words can be crazy lost in a maze. Hey well that's so crazy. Pad locks broken cells, Padded rooms personality! 

Wat you saying Bruv are you walking and talking? I'm not stalking I'm not saying that you boring!! Excuse me for yawning.

This poem reads random find the meaning and thank me. Read it again and understand shy the words seem to be buzzing.

They touching and blushing letters smiling and crying. It's amazing my writing poetry is exciting. Like riding my first bike  it felt like I was flying.

Always smiling excited like lightning meeting fire, ice freezing and frozen winds like rainbows never dying.

Colours miss matched looking tidy, amazing to your eyes read my poetry I'm always writing. 

See poetry is the mirror reflection of why the words are always silent. 

Silent but violent thought provoking got you thinking is love really amazing?

Does it have your heart blushing and asking questions that are always searching for something. 

So tell me what you thinking? Writing words that are dreaming, my pen has me playing hide and seek.

Now I'm looking searching for something. The letters looking at me smiling like it's funny, I'm running but always writing. Never stopped addicted to words and letters my words never stoping. 

JidosReality  8.6.14
Sep 2016 · 414
JidosReality Sep 2016
Im suffocating and breaking hopefully waiting, dreaming and thinking, silence screaming and dreaming.

Basically waiting listening and searching, I'm breaking and crumbling tears watching and smiling.

Water drops searching and biting, hunting me breaking me, my life is dangerously watching me.

Amazingly teaching me running and chasing me, basically biting me taking me, writing had my pen smiling and talking. 

When I was crying and dying thinking and searching, watching the whole world suffocating. My fears were drowning because they were always crying. 

Words cursing and attacking chasing the meaning of the memory! Reality had now become scary.

Thoughts attacking me me like they wanting something, whilst desert storms protect me from the subs heat.

Water drops trapped in the reflection of the mirror that's watching me. Now can you see? Why poetry had to set you free.

Give you letters and words the meaning was so deep. So please come with me inti JidosReality amazingly poetry was an upside down gift.

It was a gift from the pen because words were attracted to me, they broke me and held me, loved me and hated me. 

And now I'm suffocating holding onto the words that are trying to leave me. 

When I write I feel a buzz it's like a star has fallen from the sky from up above. My heart seems to rush the pen speaks so much.

My poetry is amazing because it comes from the heart.

JidosReality 18.6.14
Sep 2016 · 274
Many Words
JidosReality Sep 2016
y words are crying because my soul is dying. Please help my words why ate they crying? 

Teach them about a story called smiling, make my words speak understand why they crying.

My pen is lost literally fighting, the letters are not thinking lost and fighting. 

My poetry poem book is suffocating an crying, my hands won't write arthritis writing. 

The lines in my poem book are crippling and breaking, my pens ink won't let my imagination amaze it.

Letters scrambled up whilst words stand there and starve, memories feeling lost slowly fading away to somewhere in the dark.

My pens shattered it hasn't spoken it try's to get up but it drops. Every word makes no sense! The letters were lost somewhere in my head.

The poem would not speak whisper or dream, lost in the mist running away from the winds. Searching and screaming but the pen has no ink.

The poem book felt sick every word lost it's dream. I looked and I wonder'd Listened cause I was broken.

Shackled in a padded cell the smell was bad! But the silence will make you go mad.

I couldn't write I had a block every letter seemed to have stopped. My poem book was starving my poetry was hungry.

My thoughts were patiently waiting for my pen to start creating words that would sound amazing. 

Poetry so deep the meaning was hidden somewhere underneath the ink. 

JidosReality 8.6.14
#JidosReality I love poetry it's such an amazing feeling changed my life
JidosReality Sep 2016
I had to stop and think! Why were letters chasing me? Why my pen would not stop craving for words that felt amazing.

How every line in my poem book satisfied my pens craving. The imagination in the poem had all the letters rushing and blushing.

Every line came alive as my one either smiled or cried. The sounds the words made created memories that would never go away.

Mixed with love and pain in every emotion, filled with dreams and imagination many words had to be spoken.

My hand comes alive every-time every time it picks up the pen and writes. My thoughts can not speak! But every poem let's them breath.

Every letter searching and whispering for a word to start listening. This addiction has my craving wanting me to write poetry that's amazing.

And when I sit and I think! And write poetry that's so deep, my mind becomes free my heart beat cuddles me.

The anger inside me that wants to explode and become free, comes out when I write my pen sets it free. 

Letters and words give life to my  poetry. What a different type of life reality has shown me.

JidosReality 26.3.14
#JidosReality My love for poetry is such that it's so amazing changed my life.
Sep 2016 · 241
JidosReality Sep 2016
How deep do you think when you sleep in a dream? How clear does it seem everything that feels so real.

Life is alive Breathing, Listening and Learning. Our eyes are watching and screaming searching but whispering.

Tears always watching they own shadows crying. Reality see that's a memory that's free. 

I court a smile heed it away some were in my jeans. What can I say words and letters amazingly hypnotise me.

I use this pen as a weapon to battle this label iv been labelled Depression.

Every letter belongs to a word that holds the secret to the combination as to why my deppretion is always whispering, and asking questions.

My mind never sleeps it racers as it thinks. My pen has a heart that's filled with ink to write and breath.

The lines in my poem book come alive when a memory speaks. Words start Buzzing Blushing Craving for something.

This label is on a table that's balancing on a box of Medication. Doctors sitting around this table, trying to find a solution that will save me.

What you doing doctors asking? Why my words were shouting and smiling and not saying nothing.

Letters thinking and crying, How Deep do you think when you sleep in a dream?

JidosReality 9.6.14
#JidosReality Labbeled by Deppretion
Sep 2016 · 388
Addicts Brain
JidosReality Sep 2016
What goes throughout an addicts brain? Besides static pain broken words addicted to pain.

A broken train derailed as death waits to slowly inflict more pain. My pen tries to breath like an addicts addiction craving for another drink.

Scratching around looking for another hit, the addict may be rich or poor living good or on the street. With every hit and every drink the addict will never be like you and me.

Addicted to something Buzzing addict what a munchie, ill have a smoke this high grade is some nice ****.

Come on baby girl come smoke with me , sit down and listen my poetry is amazing just let all the words go free.

An addict is cleaver what a lier so clever. It all comes down to a drink. Another hit let's the addict breath.

It don't matter if they score in a house or on the street. They thoughts always echo making sounds that are empty. 

Pockets always empty they bellies are always starving, the words from they mouth are full of ******* and nothing.

The addict won't stop! The addict is broken and torn apart there's no honesty or trust. See now the story's told everyone has given up.

Making choices broken promises and the lies will have to stop. The addicts at the bottom were there's nothing to hold on.

Everyday they get judged, stop the drugs even tho it's hard Stop.

Stop the drinking and start thinking? You alcoholic your life is with living. Don't destroy this life you were given.

You think you understand an alcoholics addiction? Understand this? Put your self in an addicts position.

JidosReality 17.6.14
#JidosReality Addiction is madness it's another world, untill you in it don't judge understand.
Sep 2016 · 487
Her World
JidosReality Sep 2016
She had evil in her vain's, her heart wished for all our pain. 

From the moment she could see the true meaning of fear, it made her think! How much she needed it.

Her words would never speak, they would always whisper to us whilst we sleep.

 Our nightmares were all created every action was meant to break us.

Our hearts were filled with fear, our happiness were turned to tears. 

Our happy memories were all erased and replaced with suffering that lived on our pain.

Her secret was so deep her love breathed no heart beat. Her destiny has no soul it's world was dark and cold. 

Her smile was always lost as it twisted watching us rot. Eating away at us slowly like shadows searching in a fog. 

Her secret was in a box! Locked an tired up in a knot. Her past was never gone it's future had to be found.

Our souls were all promised to a spirit she had conjured. Blood has to be spilled every drop taking away our youth.

She acts like she's caring loving and always smiling. Her food always tasted good but we never knew it was blessed with African voodoo.

Animal sacrifice the snake would cuddle her at night late in bed. The eggs would be planted around the house in th morning.

Her world is a world were demons would respect and wait to be commanded.

JidosReality 20.4.14
Sep 2016 · 279
JidosReality Sep 2016
When the dead return wounds re-open, secrets come alive with many words to be spoken.

We all have secrets many things we hide. Little story's and big ones all ready to come alive.

Closet doors shut closed waiting to be opened up wide. The truth has a begging but got lost in the lies. 

Our eyes can not speak but tell a story hidden deep in our smiles.  Your face never lights up! Always confused by the lies.

Your words make no sense from the beginning to the end. Your secret is not lost it's just silently eating you up.

Your personality will change every thing you do will never be the same. Confusion has now come to get you! 

It was stalking you and you never knew. Nothing fits it always breaks, tiny little pieces scattered all over the place.

They all lost misplaced confusion has them feeling out of place. See now nothing seems to make any sense, 

What a mood? So much stress, this place is a mess. Why are you confussed? Doors closed locked in a cupboard in a little dark room.

Wounds hurting as memories start screaming, the trauma has never left you.

All the lies will now confuse you, there's no were to run confusion has come to get ya.

JidosReality 18.6.14
#JidosReality When all seemed as I thought I knew it, this was not true this poem explains the confusion in my head.
Sep 2016 · 335
JidosReality Sep 2016
I had to think about it? Everytime it had me in a place where evil breathed.

It's been a long long time, thought I could run far far away! But it got me calling.

And knew why I looked my pain was the price I had to pay to understand this life that I lived.

It's reality was twisted by many words that were lost in an empty star that was bright with darkness.

I cried tears that smiled this was my destiny, I fight and I try but my tears still cry. Why won't it leave me why?

It's the only thing that believes in me. It's words make no sounds but it's caring always sounds out loud.

Every time it's not around my thoughts hear it calling. In the morning it's the worst Shaking Alcohol Carving.

Begging for some Cider to come and take away this thirst that's craving. It don't really care that I'm hurting and braking.

All it really knows is that it has me craving, screaming and lying in control of my thoughts, whispering words always shouting literally dying.

Letters never smiling they always crying and bitting. Memories are created because somebody's smiling or crying. 

Rehab never had the answer but addiction would make you wonder? That drinking Cider has many questions and answers to make you wonder! 

JidosReality 9.6.14
#JidosReality It takes you away far far away, a place that understands you but at the same time breaks you Dark Times.
Sep 2016 · 210
JidosReality Sep 2016
Family what a lovely looking tree, amazing how it makes you feel deep with-in.

You can always turn to some one for some help solving a problem. You laugh you cry! Family are your guardian you are they angel.

They teach you how to walk and talk with respect, they cuddle you when you need it and leave you with that warm fuzzy feeling.

Your birthdays are always special, balloons and cake for you to remember. Blow out the candles and make a wish for something special.

But sometimes family can be the worst thing in your life, you never saw it coming now your family has disowned you.

They don't appreciate your pleasure or the love been in your life, it's against all they tought you, they feel like you've let them down.

No mama or pappa Get out from our house! there's no food in ya cupboard, no water to bath or shower. Your brothers drug habit causes such madness. 

But his family still has time to help him. Your family tree is broken and cold you never did drugs or caused madness Oh No.

But family have chossern to love who they want depending on the day if you lucky you might get a smile that's been searching for ya soul.

JidosReality 3.3.14
#JidosReality Family is love and pain this poem speaks with so much meaning.
Sep 2016 · 223
JidosReality Sep 2016
Death was waiting for it's finger nails to grow long, so it could grab him in the back and drag him into another world were all it's secrets lived.

His double life was catching up.

All his lies had to stop, his demons would never leave him turning his smile into something evil.

To sacrifice he would never think twice. His black book was filled with secret rituals to  conjure many different demons that were blood thirsty.    

In the morning whilst we were sleeping, he was awake feeding demons plotting and scheming.

His food was always special it was blessed from Hell with a message from Satan.

With words he had to speak to take control of what we think, from a smokeless fire to what the snake desired.

He would make sure your soul was promised to those that come from the fire. To him *** was never pleasure! 

It was this way to show the demons that they had his blessing. He would take your soul and slowly live off it.

Sit back and watch your whole world crumbling. The more souls he takes the stronger he begins to hate.

There's not a twinkle when you look into his eyes, it's the evil that scares ya at night.

He was consumed by guilt at power, the angel of death is coming even if he tries to run away faster.

JidosReality 24.4.14
#JidosReality Thus poem had to be done.
Sep 2016 · 228
JidosReality Sep 2016
You will always be judged!

You will always be judged by the blind leading the drunks. By the sad sad days stumbling around the house.

Shouting and screaming, tearing all those thoughts out. Saying things you never ever thought you dreamed about.

Shouting out words that are filled with anger when you only whisper to you self.

No one hears they all tired of the bottle causing problems. They don't see that you try to drink all your memories away. 

The alcohol understands all the pain and the rage, they never drink! But qweek to judge when your heart stops showing love.

All the shouting and rumbling questions searching for answers that lead to something.

What once was a habit is now an addition, you've become an addict. You will always be judged by the blind leading the drunks.

JidosReality 24.1.14
#JidosReality Dont Judge Understand!! My journey on this page leeds to a dark place.
Sep 2016 · 195
JidosReality Sep 2016
My reflection looked at me with no life in it's eyes. It put it's hand out the mirror and grabbed me by the throat, and pulled me inside into it's world on the other side.

It was like standing in the dark watching my own shadow cry. My thoughts were all screaming! Crushing me as I tried to stop thinking.

My anger turns into rage. No laughter on my reflections face, sadness has taken over happiness has lost it's place.

So cold in a world were the sun shines all day, were the stars always shine every night they shine so bright.

As I look and wonder? Why my shadow cry's it makes me numb. My destiny has been chosen death will have to come.

A voice starts to whisper you won't be missed, you were never loved. Take these pills an cut your wrists.

Your life has no meaning, once you dead you can stop screaming. Don't be afraid of the other world were broken souls and tears have to go.

A place were there's no reflection and many mirrors waiting to watch you waiting. 

All your problems seem to be lost, and your thoughts no longer rot. Your heart will never beat and crave love from deep with-in. 

My shadow doesn't speak it stands there as silent as the darkness all around me.

JidosReality 24.1.14
#JidosReality This was a dark time in my life, when you come to a point were there is no more answers or questions, my life really did not matter.
Sep 2016 · 224
JidosReality Sep 2016
Dint stand on me my life's filled with wild flowers. You know nothing about it! Iv been to Hell and back I can show you vouchers.

That's why I write poems that are filled with broken bottles. Today felt like a silent picture searching for some colour in it's world.

I hold onto the old willow tree, but it's shade is Oh so cold! I let go and the wind takes me to a place were silence grows.

A place were screaming has loads of meaning, every sound screaming and searching.

Where your heart will never love, because hate will make it starve. I try to run to find somewhere to hide!

But when I hide my eyes start to cry, my tears think but they thoughts are deep.

Sadness comes along and takes hold of me, so don't stand on me take a look at the picture painted for me.

JidosReality 24.1.13
#JidosReality so much pain through hate, always judged.
Sep 2016 · 208
Come with me
JidosReality Sep 2016
Reality is the only dream I live in, I've stopped searching for the clues to the life of my destiny. 

I feel left all alone as cold as a stone that's covered by snow. Today felt like a silent picture searching for sone colour in it's world.

The ones that I trust are only happy when I hurt, I fought all my demons by my self when I was been kicked lying there in the dirt.

This picture was painted by an artist with a broken brush that had no thirst. It's colours were as dim as a fire fly been swallowed by the mist.

The road in this picture leads to a dark place were silence lives. Were screams feed the heart beat life that makes it hurt.

Were pain will not go! It gets deeper as your tears only make it grow. The trees have no leafs! Only branches filled with lost memories that twist.

The rain drops are cold, the wind seems to whisper shhhhhhh! Like it knows. It wonders and moves around this picture with no were to go.

The moon is dim it's light has run away from the night, taking away all the stars that shine bright, because they happiness never felt right.

Come with me into this picture that's so cold.

JidosReality 4.4.13
#JidosReality Sometimes my emotions all get lost at the sametime, people only see the smiles only cause I choose to not show them why my tears cry.
Sep 2016 · 220
JidosReality Sep 2016
A new baby is like the beginning of all things wonder hope, a dream of possibilities we all grow to know. A new life so sweet oh wat a perfect soul.

Love not complicated smiling before we think it. A soul so peaceful it brings tears to my eyes knowing that one day this soul will be broken.

Tarnished into many pieces dark secrets lost in the decisions. From a cute little baby who's heart beats love whose eyes shine brighter than the scars.

Skin so soft a delicate Rose that cant be lost. To a cold heart beating anger and pain personalities switching places depending on the lie of the day.

We all wait for time looking at the clocks hoping the life to come will bring happiness to our hearts. How you going to hold the life you created in your palms? Keep it safe in a nice warm place?

You say it's the beginning of something new, still making the same mistakes blaming everyone else but you? It's a sad sad situation I was a lovely baby so cuddly so cute chubby cheeks little Afro looking good.

Wat happened to that baby? Where was everyone that always said we care for him? They left it all alone on a silent dusty road, now my life's been one big Bus stop no were to go.

JidosReality 24.7.15
#JidosReality I wanted to try and put to words a little of how my life has been .
Sep 2016 · 335
Love letter
JidosReality Sep 2016
I'm oxygen and she's dying to breathe. I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world so please listen no need to speak".. 

Do not fall in love with people like me. 

I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place.

so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. 

I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. 

And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people. 

JidosReality 7.6.16
#JidosReality Love what is Love? Happiness or Pain??
Sep 2016 · 274
Locked Away
JidosReality Sep 2016
I'm a prisoner in my own mind my sanity got sick so insanity stepped up to take it's place qweek.

The hour of the last is the wisdom of the future the more they told me the less I listened.

Locked Away in a place in a room that screams, so many secrets hidden hear it's hard to day dream. 

Only my thoughts to keep me company and that's something that's troubling. 

They watching me accessing me trying to understand who I am, why am I anxious and sad and thinking to deep? 

They have all these questions what a great master plan this is.

My eyes are wondering searching and stumbling there's nothing in this room but thoughts that are troubling.

Hear take a drink of this it will calm and relax you! It will stop your thoughts from haunting and stalking you.

I try to be mind full of my surroundings but this room is pale White suicides all around it "Locked Away with the only key that's able to set me free.

All I have to do is tell them that I agree with what they think, see they don't understand I ain't no puppet they ain't my masters, this ain't a class room joke were we all laughing.

I'm locked away and it makes me sick I was only ever been me now I'm labeled a lunatic. 

JidosReality 14.5.15
#JidosReality These were dark times so many answers bit the wrong questions???
Sep 2016 · 302
Cracked memories
JidosReality Sep 2016
My thoughts are lost in this house of cards build from bricks, some doors in this house open up memories that scream. 

The room in this house I'm sitting in writing this poem needs to breath, to many memories in this room fighting for oxygen that's trying to leave.

There's no house warming feeling, or a hand baked loaf of bread in the oven dreaming. Just memories torn apart they happiness stopped speaking.

So deep wen I think! Its so sad how could it be? Anger and pain are the only voice to my memories.

Happiness and Love those memories are lost far far away in the rust of this broken falling house.

So many Memories laughing at me cause I'm weak, every room I walk into tells a story with no happy ending.

Im trapped and I'm lost, the keys in my hands only open doors to were loneliness is never lost in the dark.

All I'm left with is Cracked Memories all over this house of cards build from bricks. 

JidosReality 9.8.16
#JidosReality My Memories are trapped they have no where to go
Sep 2016 · 243
JidosReality Sep 2016
Every letter in the word I'm talking about felt ashamed to be the reason why this word was alive filled with pain.

Each letter with a meaning to create this words name. When this word is spoken the letters break up like broken pain.

They memory could never be the same, tangled and twisted blind men always thinking why they eyes are always searching to why they blind but always listening.

Letters don't want to be picked the alphabet try's to speak. Life had left these letters oh how much power does this word need? It's filled with greed that's all it needs.

Pain and misery give life to it's every heart beat, the secret was silent only the letters knew about it. Each letter brought together to create one word filled with lost letters. 

Disgusting and sick thoughts washed up in a ***** sink, torched and tormented the pen stops writing when this word is mentioned. 

The poem book shouts with loads of anger so much pain this word will always remind ya, with out these letters it's meaning begins to crumble.

All these letters want to know why they were picked to create a word so disgustingly sick, a word that causes anger pain and grief. 

It's secret was alive as a snow flake searching for some heat, the Tongue would not speak it stutters this word makes it weak.

The memory it creates has only a place in a heart that's filled with no love but hate. It takes love away twists it and turns it into pain.

Trust will make you think when this word begins to speak! Silence leaves the room running from the screams. Don't lie this word shouts hopping that you never believe.

When these letters come together it's another stormy cloudy weather. Rain drops turning into tears.

Lightning mixed with fear, dark clouds screaming but no one seems to hear. The pain brings alive every emotion that we try to hide.


JidosReality 20.3.15
#JidosReality I put the tittle of this põem át The end for a reasong. Ita. The moat disgusting Word to Ever been created, but i had to write about it.
Sep 2016 · 240
Lonely Scars
JidosReality Sep 2016
The marks humans leave are too often scars. One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside.

The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did.

there was no way to comfort it. See I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. 

It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.

JidosReality 2.4.16
#JidosReality The põem speaks for ita. Self.
Sep 2016 · 369
Blank Page
JidosReality Sep 2016
Every letter that I write seems to be burning JidosReality my poetry started learning, that letters become words and words become meanings.

Memories are never lost they awake but day dreaming, sounds searching and screaming my poem book is drowning silently shouting.

The genius in the words as I write when I think, JidosReality was as twisted as an apple refusing to fall down from a tree. Like a shadow afraid of the dark scared to be lost.

A pen with out ink! Oh how hollow can I think? Words come out rushing the poem cuddles my pen as it starts blushing. 

My fingers are tingling buzzing to the words my thoughts are speaking. Sun shine filled with rain drops cold misty days trying to warm my heart up.

I crush and break every word I can't tame, there's a name for those words every word has a name! Poetry as I write it will never be the same.

JidosReality hears my pen pick my brain, hears the book I write in write down what you see. 

But the pen has no ink a "Blank Page is all I can see.

JidosReality 20.3.15
#JidosReality Só much mneanung in this põem look into it hard and The põem will start speaking to you.
Sep 2016 · 244
JidosReality Sep 2016
I'm dedicated to the pen my Poetry makes words that come alive, so please let's smile take a moment and think for a while.

I want to cry as I smile writing this poem the words are coming from a place that iv never known. Hide and sick as the words play games that I'm supposed to know.

Have you ever wrote poetry in the snow and not known were it's gonna go. Has your soul told you secrets that you only know? 

I'm Dedicated yes I got to write I go to sleep get lost in a dream my poetry still writes. Eyes open up in the morning craving to write.

Dedicated to this medication my pen gives me all the time. Shaking like an addict craving to write addicted to many letters the words feel so write.

I bit my lips as I write my hands cuddle this pen, words from my poem book have come alive. I see when you read my poem your thoughts stop thinking and start speaking.

How amazing are the words you been reading from the beginning, a simple question with many answers searching for a meaning. 

Poetry with out my words becomes lost and confused so naked poetry becomes a mess. 

Im an addict Dedicated to the story the words keep telling, read Dedication again many story's on one page like the scars on my pen when it thinks every day 

JidosReality 4.4.15
#JidosReality My Dedication to The Pen and Pad The Words and Letters is só Amazing i had to put Words to this feeling.
Sep 2016 · 240
JidosReality Sep 2016
I wrote a Poem about Poetry 

Poetry said no.

Told me stop said I'm not ready to understand what poetry knows, I told it iv learned my Lesson! See my memory's were lost just like its soul, 

Nightmares sitting there talking to me, i told Poetry i understand why its thoughts are always speaking, words that are day dreaming screaming at me shouting So loud.

I took the pen away from the pad i made it feel sad. I made my Poem book crave for words that make it go mad.

Poetry laughed at me!! Than silently whispering, told me I was  shouting out words that are mumbling nothing, said every one has a story on a page that speaks, My story was on a broken page thats hard to fix. 

Im often not missed yet so miss understood, 

See poetry with out me is A lost page in a book that cant speak, trying to Miss treat every word it speaks. 

Letters coming alive wen i write see my pen smiles amazed at the poetry it writes.Every line craving a story to tell.

Poetry looked at me tried to shack my hand, begged me for the pen and the pad I had, told me im still not ready to understand wat poetry has.

But respected me for keeping poetry safe in my hand.

JidosReality 14.5.16
#JidosReality Poems about The respect i have for Poetry for changing My life
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