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Aug 2013 · 795
Jessie Aug 2013
He says humans are so strange,
with our self-absorbency.
But when he points his finger out,
he looks no different than me.

Things will go unknown,
Because they will not be said,

Though it is unfortunate that at first sight,
It seems as if what is known shouldn't be
and what isn't should be,
From an outsider looking in.

it doesn't matter
Does it?

as long as

Apr 2011 · 1.0k
fake a smile
Jessie Apr 2011
fake a smile
for after a while
that simple deed
could help one in need
and may plant the seed
of a smile that's real
and then you will feel
that there is really no doubt
you have something to smile about.
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
Jessie Apr 2011
I love to drink tea.
It's just so good for me.
But if I drink too much tea,
It makes me really have to ***.
But there is no place I'd rather be;
Even though I have to ***,
I will sit right here and drink my tea,
As it's very good for me--
Just me and my cup of tea.
Jessie Apr 2011
One night I was with a friend,
Visiting and spending time.
I took a sip of water,
And set the glass on the table nearby
Without looking.

When I turned to the glass
To take another sip,
I noticed the glass was only
On the Table.

If the table is bumped,
If I don't grasp the glass
Just right
It could fall.
I looked at it,
Almost afraid to
Touch it.
It was an accident
To happen.

I looked closer to the water in the glass
And saw my reflection
And realized
That I was the glass,
Just waiting to spilled,
On the edge,
Just waiting
For someone to shake my table
And let me fall
To shatter on the ground
With water all around.
Apr 2011 · 907
. . . .real
Jessie Apr 2011
what am i?



have i

what was i
i was a
         blob of goo
in the womb?    
what will i be
when the
is barely    
(whose brain do i live in?)

*perhaps to
   someone else

i'm just the
little girl in their
that lives
      in the attic

of a tall house,
sitting at her    
writing desk  

this is the second part to "imaginary. . . ."
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
imaginary. . . .
Jessie Apr 2011

what is your

why are you here,
          living in my
                          brain. . . . .?

tell me everything

           did you come from?

she's a tiny light in my heart-
the giggle you hear when i'm


(she is the one who is me when i am not)

            she already

i will spend
getting to
                     know her~~
this is about Jessica (my imaginary friend), of course. ". . . .real" is the second poem in the poem duet.
Jessie Apr 2011
Life is too busy with its own simple demands,
And subtle rejections for dreamers. She's been asleep
For a day and a half, but she hasn't closed her eyes
In over twenty four hours. She watches the
Clock, begging it to move slowly. Just give her
A little longer in her blanket, her bed, her
Fortress, before the day has to begin.

She lays frozen, like a fleshy Popsicle,
Waiting for even hunger to offer a different
Feeling. Life, with its tedious footsteps into the
Office, and its lonesome visits to the shrine of the
Porcelain god, for a moment of silence from
Chatter over coffee, and the tapping of
Keyboards; life is too noisy for dreamers.

Just let her sleep a while longer,
For dreams and darkness offer more
To a mind starved for beauty,
Than sunlit strolls to crowded buildings
Ever did. She drinks her coffee with only
One sugar, five times a day. She fills her
Blood with caffeine and time. She watches the
Clock, daring it to move quickly. She screams
Inside her head until it's time to go home, and
Lay back in bed.
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
Palaces in Poetry
Jessie Mar 2011
Good children, do not build castles in the sky.
At first they may seem lovely and magical--
Because they are--

All castles have dungeons,
And the dungeons
Are where you keep your
Fears and
Worries and
Inner demons.

While you are frolicking
Inside your castle walls,
In a world constructed entirely
Out of your imagination,
The things you imagine but
Pretend to forget
Will creep out of their
Darkness in the dungeons
And turn your magical kingdom
Into a frightful prison
Of the Mind.

Instead, good children,
Build your
Palaces in

Dance with the rhythms,
Sing with the rhymes,
Build your imaginary world
With words and stanzas

Because these palaces
Really exist--
You don't have to pretend!

Just run away and hide in your
Palace of Poetry,
And paint the walls with
Your stories,
And trap your
Worries and
In a corner,
And fight them with your

Leave when
Reality commands you to,
But come back when you can.

Lock the door each time you enter,
Put the key in your pocket,
And write yourself away.
Mar 2011 · 867
I thought of you today
Jessie Mar 2011
I thought of you today.
I haven't thought about you in a

The last thoughts I had of you were
Thoughts of
All burning inside my chest
Scorching to dust that
Little thing
I used to call
My heart.

But today,
I am simply curious to know
How you are.

Amazing how things change
Over time.
Mar 2011 · 649
Life's Eternal Questions
Jessie Mar 2011
Who the **** am I?
What the **** am I doing?
Where the **** am I going?
How the **** am I getting there?
Why the **** am I even here?
And why the ****
Do I care?
Mar 2011 · 1.3k
Goodbye--I mean--Hello
Jessie Mar 2011
One day,
I made a flip book out of sticky notes.

It was about a stick man who
shoots himself with an
ink pen pistol
and bleeds all over the
imaginary floor.
I named it

When I played with the book
I found that it was easier to flip the pages
because the pages kept
skipping and sticking.

So now,
the story is about
a man who is laying
dead on the ground, when
he raises from the ground!
and a bullet from out of
flies through the air
and through the gaping holes
in his bleeding head,
patching up his wounds,
and landing safely
into the

Mar 2011 · 635
Jessie Mar 2011
injecting these words into this page
     like a cure for a disease unknown.
Mar 2011 · 778
The Unliving Man
Jessie Mar 2011
The unliving man
     has lost his heart--
     he gave it away to a
The unliving man
     has lost his mind--
He walks as if he's searching,
     but he cannot fool himself.
Mere existence isn't life...
Time stands still for this man,
     while everyone else
                         rushes by
Living their lives--
     life he has never had,
          and doubts he ever will have.
Existing eternally,
                                is he not alone?
Feb 2011 · 675
A Friend in Need
Jessie Feb 2011
There was once a girl
who stood at the edge of the sea
plagued by thoughts
                        and full of worry.
She prayed for comfort,
                        but the gods did not hear.
She was consumed by pain
                        and torment and fear.
A friend nearby saw her standing there.
He whispered her name and
                        stroked her hair.
He grasped her wrist
                        removed her watch,
and threw it into the water.
He kissed her forehead and told her

"There is no such thing as
Feb 2011 · 980
Girl of Bones
Jessie Feb 2011
Somewhere alone,
she cries her hurt aloud.
Can you hear the screaming
                        of the girl of bones?
Her beauty is wasted--
hunger pains are her only comfort--
With only her bones
      and beating heart
Wasting away
She waits for someone
      to tell her
how beautiful
                        her eyes are.
Feb 2011 · 946
Boy in the Corridor
Jessie Feb 2011
Somewhere between
      space and time
A young boy walks alone
Through a dark corridor,
      lined with doors
      all locked and
      dark inside.
Lost and afraid, he used to search
      for a brightly unlocked door...
Knocking, knocking
      looking, searching,
Such hope he used to have...
Still he walks,
      alone in the dark
Waiting for someone to
      welcome him
Feb 2011 · 772
Jessie Feb 2011
Sunshine burning on my cheeks--
I kiss the wind
As my feet trace the skin of the earth--

Will you dance with me, my love?
It is a very difficult type of dance;
The name of it is "Life."

Will you dance with me
Until the music fades?
Until the last heart beat
Ends the rhythm?

Sunshine will burn on our cheeks,
The wind will kiss our lips
As our feet trace the skin of the earth.
old poem from an old journal.
Feb 2011 · 1.5k
Jessie Feb 2011
I don't really exist.
I am only here
because you
imagined me

When you
forget about
me, I

*(When I'm gone
I (do)n't
want to come
Feb 2011 · 814
Jessie Feb 2011
Sometimes I wish I could reach up
and tear this reality to shreds
I'd dig my nails into its flesh
and peel off its skin and watch it
bleed all over my laughing face

I imagine it would be improper
to ****** without first
washing your hands

**My skin is a like a
body bag,
holding my
dead insides
Feb 2011 · 2.1k
Jessie Feb 2011
tongue traces teeth


is it moving?
it's moving!

wiggle wiggle
oh my God it's

reach up
fingers touch the tooth
anxious like a child
with their first
loose tooth


gaps and spaces
sinks full of

push them back in!
--fall out again--
push them back in!
--blood on your fingers--


is it moving?
is it moving?


is it moving?
it can't be moving!

if pushed too hard,
could that make them
fall out?

gums sore
from over flossing
gums not growing
from toothbrush

not quite
pearly white
holding tight

a real phobia of mine.
Jessie Feb 2011
can you be inspired
without imagination?
can you imagine
without intelligence?

can one dance
without music?
can one write
without words?
literally, words written on the back of a journal.
Feb 2011 · 689
Jessie Feb 2011
Falling down is rain and snow--
Turns my fire to smoke--
And away I go!
I fly away into the air--
Look close, can you still
See me

Jessie Feb 2011
Today is a muffinless morning.
I shouldn't have ignored the clock's warning,
As I wouldn't have been nearly late for tea
And find out that without muffins I would be.

Next time I'll remember to wake up on time
For tea without muffins is simply a crime!
With a muffinless morning, the day isn't right,
But least I can have muffins at tea time tonight.
Feb 2011 · 2.2k
Muffin Flowers
Jessie Feb 2011
Today is a day for special tea,
For muffin flowers
That spread their papery petals
Upon the table
Before being devoured by a

I'd like to tell you all about it,
But my mouth is full of

Follow me to the land of
Tea and Honey!
And a very merry unbirthday to you!
(did anyone get the innuendo? ;)  )

i'm in a silly mood today <3
Jan 2011 · 796
Friday Morning
Jessie Jan 2011
today i woke up and found
blood on my hands.

the sun was shining through the
black curtains,
my fluffy,
was curled up under my arm.

i looked up to the popcorn on the ceiling

*l a u g h e d
Jan 2011 · 893
Sleepy With Somniphobia
Jessie Jan 2011
When I was a little girl
Monsters used to sing to me at night.
They would stalk closer and closer to my bed,
With their soothing lullabies,
Waiting for me to fall asleep
So they could tear at my soul
With their nasty teeth
And swallow it, bit by bit.

Every night I tried to hear past them,
And listen to the angels outside my window.
They said they could protect me
With their songs about sweet dreams.
But when I did sleep,
The dreams were never sweet.
(Yes, even angels lie.)

In my dreams I stood by the sea,
Staring out over a cliff.
My tears would fall with the rain,
Until I jumped to an icy death.
I was murdered in a dark alley.
I was eaten alive by bugs.
I was drowned in someone's bathtub.
I was ***** by demons I couldn't see.
I was buried alive and tore off my fingernails
Trying to claw out of my own casket.

(Who the **** dreams this as a child?!)

I'm all grown up, and I know now that
The monsters in my life aren't the ones
That try to sing me to sleep.
The angels in my life aren't the ones
That lie about sweet dreams.

But even now,
With my half-eaten soul,
I never know what lies in the darkness
Or how I'll die when I fall asleep tonight.
(re post)

insomnia has never been my friend.
Jan 2011 · 2.7k
Lola and the Lookingglass
Jessie Jan 2011
She first met the mirror when she was
about four and a half years old,
strutting around in Mommy's heels and pearls,
wanting to grow up just like Mama:
beautiful and
strong, intelligent, and
successful. She was
young, sweet and pretty,
dancing the years away
without a care.

Mother always taught her how to behave like a lady:
manipulate manipulation
ever so sweetly-
so gently-
so secretly-
and smile.
Never cry unless you are

You must work hard to be happy,
and happiness isn't free.
(And remember happiness
can be taken away from you,
but don't let it look like it can, because
that's how you beat it.)

Always look in the mirror
to see  what everyone else can see.

Never feel sorry for yourself.

Lola was a clever, and rebellious girl,
politely mischievous, and prettily spoiled.
She learned to **** with
kindness, to
be so sweet it made her sick to her own stomach
and she simply wanted to run to the bathroom
and ***** all the undeserved
praise and adoration.

But, she soaked it all
up like a sponge, primping herself in front
of the mirror
every day.

And as she grew, the mirror stood there,
with years of little dresses, and mother's
jewelry, and cute new tights every Christmas
prancing across the glass; epitome of
a child: selfish, heartless,
innocent, sweet.

Mistakes could not be made,
and if they were,
they weren't mistakes.
She always painted over her sins like ornaments on a tree;
add a little glitter here, a little paint there,
and every thing will be
alright for everyone
to see.
Just smile, Lola, darling,
and breathe.

She is a classic and tragic beauty,
this Lola. One day,
she came to a realization
that shattered her mind.

She stood in front of the mirror
and as she looked, she found she could not
recognize the girl inside.

The girl in the mirror was all grown up, and
could be anyone she wanted to be. Except,
the girl in the mirror didn't look
like Lola, or sound
like Lola,  or do the things
Lola liked to do.

The girl looked happy there, in her pretty clothes,
her sparkling smile,
her polished shoes, but

Lola stood before the mirror
confused because she couldn't see herself.

Lola wanted to see herself.

She looked behind the mirror.
She discovered
that the mirror was different on both

One side was reflective,
and the other
was see-through.
But the side that was see-through were rose-tinted,
and made everything shimmer
and glow.

"Oh **** it,"
said Lola in a drunk rage one day,
and she punched the mirror
And watched it fall to the floor.

To hell with it, she thought, and picked up
the pieces of her shattered reflection,
and made herself a mask.
She glued them all
together, in the shape of her face, so that it
would fit only her.

She learned to like how the world looked
with rose colored lenses, and she supposed that
would have to do.

She wakes up each day, with a cup of coffee and,
a cigarette, putting on her make-up, her jewelry,
her mirrored mask--
like a a barbed wire fence
wrapped in silk ribbons.

Everyone smiles at her,
and she smiles too.

She can only see the the beauty
in everything she sees, and all eyes that look at her
can only see the beauty in themselves.

Lola keeps her mask a secret, so that everyone will

She doesn't mind that she's
invisible now.
The world smiles at her,
and she's free behind her mask.

Everything is okay now,

Lola regrets never asking the girl in the mirror
Who she was.
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
A Black Star's Kiss
Jessie Dec 2010
Some night not too long ago-
or maybe centuries-
or weeks-
in fact, I don't really know-

a dragon I had never met
came to my window.

He handed me a something
in a silver cloth
and flew away with not a word-
but a smile
and a wink.

I opened up the shiny
and a little black star floated out
and kissed me on the cheek
where it left a bit of it's
black lipstick
in the shape of a star.

She told me she loved me
and will always protect me.

Then she flew out the window
and the cloth exploded into
Dec 2010 · 763
Rambling From My Brain (9)
Jessie Dec 2010
I have decided

that I shall stop

swearing like a drunken sailor.

Oh who the **** am I kidding?!?!



and more fuckities on the ******* floor.
( :
Dec 2010 · 594
Rambling From My Brain (8)
Jessie Dec 2010
If you look deeply enough you'll see

that all of my poems

all say the



no comment.
Dec 2010 · 968
Until the Inkwell ran dry
Jessie Dec 2010
--I can't really tell you when it happened--
each day is just a blur--
maybe it was yesterday
or the day before
      or the day before
            or the day before...

that Voice--
that Thing--
my wrist
a string
dragged me


into a darkness
where he stabbed
my brain with
my very own
writing pen.

unwritten words
poured out and evaporated,
floating into the
emptiness in which
echoed the Thing's

my arm reached up--
without control--
and pulled the pen
out from my skull--

with blood as ink I
tattooed the air--
while the monstrous Thing
tugged at my hair--

my soul hung from a distance-
hanging from the sky--
with every word that I wrote,
I heard her let out a cry--





It kept me writing Its poem all through the night,
until It had no more words left to drip from my hand--

until the inkwell ran dry.
Dec 2010 · 783
snakes and stars
Jessie Dec 2010
scarlet snakes slither
and slide, dancing around the
s[t]ars i try to hide
meh. it's a haiku. and not a good one at that. but i don't care

(stars are prettier than lines)
Jessie Dec 2010
I am a liar of the worst kind.

Sometimes I can't tell the
From what I make up
In my head.                        

Sometimes I'll do something
Just to give myself the
Spill something out--                        

Something I've hidden, and
Release             ­           
Anyone there
To listen.                        

There is only one thing
I know I can trust about myself:
My emotions                        

When I tell you
"I love you"                        
That means:
I ******* LOVE you.

The thing is,
I can't help how I feel.
And I try to help my behavior,
But I'm just too
Driven by my desire                        
To feed off of the happiness
I feel I can give you,

Or at the very least
The happiness I see you feel
When we're together.
yes, this is a re-do for anyone who has read this before.
Dec 2010 · 968
Rambling From My Brain (7)
Jessie Dec 2010
I used to be a romantic person

but one day I opened my eyes
and saw
just how
reality is

and you know...
it's almost prettier
this way.
Jessie Nov 2010
There once was a girl who was utterly mad
She was tired of living and was always sad
So she stabbed herself with a knife
So that she could end her life
And now she doesn't feel so bad
thought about this as i was driving home today.
Jessie Nov 2010
I've lost count how many times
You said you were
Or how many times
I lied,
Telling you I forgive you,
Just to
Venomous voice.

My first physical connection with a man
Was simply you
Injecting your
Parasitic poison
Into me

No matter how many times I break my skin,
And try to bleed it out,
The poison still flows through my veins--
Slowly killing the heart you broke,
And filling my brain with
The insanity I take pills every day
To try to

The only revenge I seem to have have
Is that guilt you claim to feel.

I know I should be happy
You're "doing better"
But to be perfectly honest,
I would be much happier
Watching you
Suffer as I have.

The god you claimed to serve
Was not the god you really worshiped--
The man you saw everyday when you
Looked in your mirror to
Shave your face with
That expensive electric razor
I bought you for your birthday.

I always knew you were lying when
You told me you loved me.
But, I understand now
That you were lying more to yourself
Than you were to me.

We couldn't fix each other,
And secretly, we both knew
We weren't even trying--
We were just trying to use each other
To get by in a world
Where ****** up people like us
Simply couldn't fit in
With everyone else.

But none of that matters.
What matters is now,
And now,
I am relieved that I will never
Have to see you again

Because in my mind,
I can sit, watching you
Writhing in pain
From the remorse I hope you feel,

And ask my new boyfriend
To pass me the popcorn.
For someone who will probably never read this.
Nov 2010 · 853
crimson stars
Jessie Nov 2010


first star--
I see tonight--

i wish
i may
i wish
i might




i don't really feel anything you know--


searing burn
of the branding iron pressed against
my heart
before my ribcage is put back together--
like a little puzzle to be solved--
like a clock taken apart--*

just get it over with
and leave me be.
stars are prettier than lines.

Emily Dickinson was my shoulder angel when I wrote this.
Jessie Nov 2010
There is a white hot flame that burns in my chest,
Boiling my blood,
Sending bubbles to my fingertips.
I pop them, one by one, on your skin.

I'm drowning in this blazing ocean,
Reaching out for your touch,
Feeling the flames consume my body,
But I'm only grasping air.

Can you not see this water rising,
Filling my lungs, and bringing me down?
Do you not see my hands reaching out to yours?

I see you standing on the beach,
Looking out to the stars,
I know you see them,
But is it really too dark to see me?
Nov 2010 · 557
Jessie Nov 2010
I think I broke a poor boy's heart today.
I guess that's all there really is to say.
iambic pentameter, how i love thee...
Nov 2010 · 853
Jessie Nov 2010
I live each day on this tightrope--
Teetering back and forth,
Knowing that at any moment,
I could stumble and

If I try my best to
I will never get to the other side.

But if I take one step forward,
I will fall.

I know I will,
For I have always been a clumsy person--
On the inside
And the outside.

My legs are shaking,
My arms keep swinging wildly



Don't fall don't fall don't fall!!

Why am I even here in the first place?
I don't remember how I got here,
I don't know where I came from...
(Where the hell am I even going?)

So here I am,
Trying my best to keep my
Balance,  and wondering

If falling is really
Such a bad thing.
Nov 2010 · 777
Jessie Nov 2010
Look at me.
Look at me.

Take of my clothes--
Rip out my hair--
Peel off my skin--
Tear off my flesh--
Pop my bones right out of their sockets--
Let my organs fall to the ground--

and look at my


Look at me,
Hold me,
Kiss me,
Cherish me--



See my potential--

My potential for good--
My potential for evil--

But tell me I'm
Still beautiful--

That the good in me
Makes up for the bad--

And then smile for me--

Because that's all I've ever wanted.
Emily Dickinson was my shoulder angel when I wrote this.
Nov 2010 · 985
Imagery (1)
Jessie Nov 2010
the stars of the night sky
opened up like roses
whose petals cried
unto the earth...

a man walks under the downpour,
his whistles echoing between
dark city buildings
and concrete alleys
mingling with the echoes of the
raindrops hitting his
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Red Bubbles
Jessie Nov 2010
It's kind of cute watching
Those little bubbles
Come out of the lines--
It's kind of like watching the
Raindrops racing each other
On the car window--
You wonder which bubble will
Get the biggest,
(Does anyone ****** get it?)
Oct 2010 · 1.0k
Jessie Oct 2010
The belly button is
                                     a poet's

most used
                     part of
                     the body.

Say what you will of writing
         from the

                                    or writing
         from the

*Is it not true
that we poets
are known for
the things
over which

we contemplate?
(learn something)
Oct 2010 · 509
Waltz of the Cosmos
Jessie Oct 2010
Tell me what you see
While watching the universe
Dancing around you.

If you stop leading,
Then the intricate patterns
Of the stars lead you.

You are a part of
A most beautiful and pure
Waltz of the cosmos.

You are but stardust
Lighting up the universe
And moving mountains.

You alone can choose
To lead the dance or follow
But you must still dance.
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
Rambling From My Brain (6)
Jessie Sep 2010
I have stinky feet.

This is very relevant
to why I became a poet.

When I was a little girl

I  loved saying things
in words that rhyme.
In fact, you could say that
I did it all the time.

And every time I said things
in words that rhyme,
my mother would chuckle
and then she'd chime:

"You're a poet
And you know it
And your stinky feet show it!"

And indeed I have stinky feet

And indeed I am a poet
Sep 2010 · 12.4k
When I Die
Jessie Sep 2010
When I die,
I don't want to be buried.
I don't want a casket.
I don't want a tombstone.

I don't really want much of a funeral.
I simply want whomever desires
To say something about me
To do so
(Whether it's good, bad, or funny).

I want to be burned
In a cardboard box,
And as I'm being cremated,
I want someone
To read a poem that I have written
For that very occasion.

When I'm all turned to ashes,
I want them to put me
In a cheap little container
And throw my ashes into the wind.
Maybe over a field, a forest, or the ocean--
Whatever, so long as it's windy there.

I don't want my loved ones to have a
Specific place to visit me

I want to be the one
Who visits my loved ones

So I can give them kisses
When the wind
Brushes their cheeks.
i wonder if i can put this poem in my will...
Sep 2010 · 365
Jessie Sep 2010
I like to see things as they could be
because then they become
what they could be
to me.

It doesn't really matter
If they are
or if they are not
in reality,
because reality
simply isn't
what I want
to see.

I prefer to see
those possibilities
that are deep inside;
to see
the beauty and
the power
those things don't know
they hide.
Jessie Sep 2010
You were always so blithely blind, my dear,
Whispering to the angels behind the wall,
While you kissed away my sorrows,
And held my hand when I sinned.

The glass from which I drink my life
Isn't half empty,
Or half full.
It fell and shattered into
Sharp little bits
On which I continue to choke,
And all that I have left to say for myself
Is the blood that I spit up every single day
On my pillow when I wake from my nightmares.

There is blood on my hands,
Because I tried to ****** your light,
Leaving everything in darkness,
So that we could see the stars.
Forgive me for that,
If you can.

All that is left are
Memories that
Never existed and
Dreams that
Never came true.

I want to drag you into
The sands of time with me,
But I would hate to watch you suffocate,
With the sand in your nostrils.

So let me fall alone,
And don't reach out to catch me.

This time, I will swim among the stars,
And rearrange them into my own story.
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
An Urge for Self-destruction
Jessie Sep 2010
I'm itching to tear this body down.

I'm being deafened by this sobriety,
Trying to silence this urge to
Scratch off all this skin
And smear my insides all over these stupid
White walls.

I've gone too long without the razor
To give up now--
But, oh!
The desire to watch my own blood
Drip and
Slip and
Slide down my skin,
Watching it dance around
The freckles and past scars
On my arm.

Isn't it amazing how
My first line of defense for my body is? How
it is? How under several tiny layers
My insides are held in place,
But with one
They can come tumbling out
So everyone can see the filth
I hide inside?

These silent screams that no one else can hear--
That others deny even exist in my mind--
Are rattling around in my skull,
Calling me,
Coercing me,
Nearly forcing me to--


One small cut.


By my own
Shaking hand.

And finally,
There is silence once again.
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