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Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Jessica Who Aug 2013
Into the darkness.
I retreat.
Calming flame.
Soothing steam.
Melancholy melody.
I want to capture the heat as it escapes my skin.
Let my pores inhale it again.
Hot and slick.
Light reflects my need.
My ache.
My longing.
For far away places.
Exploring the unknown cities in my mind.
Places I've never visited but are with me everyday.
So close.
This impossible oasis I can't seem to find.
Behind my eyes.
It hides
White heat.
Bliss in shades of pink and red.
Tear stained cheeks.
Purge the hurt.
And it becomes beauty.
My sanctuary.
Aug 2013 · 565
Beautiful Love
Jessica Who Aug 2013
There is a love that I've kept hidden.
I've kept it behind my eyes, in the deepest corners of my mind, and in the darkest places of my heart.
I've kept it away from everyone.
I've been saving it for you.
Have you noticed it?
The way it sometimes seeps out of my stare.
Or escapes in my laughter.
The way it travels from my heart to yours when we are pressed against each other.
I've tried so hard to keep it a secret.
To not let it out.
But with you it just flows like a river that has been seeking your ocean for an eternity.
May 2013 · 755
Jessica Who May 2013
Just a finger.
One finger.
Slipping underneath the lace.
Lightly caressing the softest skin.
And I tense.
Everything tightens.
Inhaling your exhales.
Take my breath.
My body is yours.
Explore it.
Find my treasures.
They’ve been hidden for too long.
Beautiful bits.
Waiting to be discovered.
Don’t ask.
Permission was granted long ago.
I’ve been waiting for this.
May 2013 · 785
The Ones
Jessica Who May 2013
There are a precious few
Souls that shine
With hearts wide open and
Smiles inviting
A moment of peace
An unspoken agreement
To only love
To cause no harm
No expectations
No conditions
Hold on to them
And love them back
May 2013 · 634
Jessica Who May 2013
His love left him cold,
Closed to the world around him.
The world that kept reaching toward him,
He just kept pushing away.
Lovely's laid at his feet,
Begging to be seen through his eyes.
Yet his eyes remained closed,
As did his heart.
May 2013 · 546
Jessica Who May 2013
After all this time of outlining and trying to perfect my strokes,
I'm learning that it's nice to color outside the lines.
It can change the whole picture.
May 2013 · 559
Deep Blue
Jessica Who May 2013
She calls through my window
Pleading for souls to rest
Her ebb yawns
Her flow hums
She is chaos
She is serenity
She is Mother
She is life
Her lullaby brings slumber
She is where my soul sleeps
May 2013 · 988
Someone to lean on
Jessica Who May 2013
I'm wandering the trail
In search of a rock
Perhaps a boulder
To lean on
When exhaustion sets in
But the stones I choose
Are clay
And when it rains
They disintegrate
May 2013 · 478
Eat me
Jessica Who May 2013
Eat me alive

With the rhythm
Of your heartbeat
In your eyes

******* soul

Let that rhythm
Make a melody
And dance me
Apr 2013 · 755
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Submerged in orchid, amber and incense
I let go of it all
Let it wrap around my body
Liquid heat, purges
Makes new
Rosy skin
On fire
For you
Apr 2013 · 852
The Witching Hour
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Once again
Sleep eludes me
Thoughts consume me
Your poetry moves me
All of this a sadness
That weighs heavy on an already burdened heart

Watching the movements of the moon
Waiting for the warmth of the sun

Love will not rise with her
It will fall with him
Apr 2013 · 6.9k
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Daydreaming of your face
Those eyes
Beautiful and mysterious
Consume me
My thoughts
I'm warm
I'm loose
I want to run my tongue over the veins in your...
And you don't want to know me.
Apr 2013 · 559
In the night
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Looking for you
Slip into my sheets
Entangled limbs
Searching hands
Whispered words
Authoritive tone
Palms cradle throat
This belongs to you
Apr 2013 · 451
Jessica Who Apr 2013
You can only give so much
Before it's all gone
You can only live this life
Until the living feels wrong
So step carefully, sweet girl
Your soul holds your wealth
You are worth so much more
Than what you give yourself
Apr 2013 · 732
Your Skin
Jessica Who Apr 2013
I want to crawl inside and wander around.
How does it feel to be you?
I want to peek into your heart
And tip toe through your mind.
I want to breathe your breath.
You are quite fascinating.
Apr 2013 · 718
Jessica Who Apr 2013
The wind whips
Train whistle blows
The sun that won't come out today shares what little light it can
Spreads it's gray shadow over his tiny features
His little freckled nose
His almond eyes, lashes reaching for the heavens
His plump little lips
His breath a symphony of sleepy sounds
Dreaming the morning dew
His tiny little hands reach for momma
They work so hard to do that which comes easy for yours and mine
His copper hair lays over the pale skin of his cheek
I can't help but steal a kiss
I made you
Out of me
And I will love you
Unconditional, never ending, all enduring
My little man
Apr 2013 · 497
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Soothed by the raindrops
My eyes close
A chill kisses my skin
I breathe in this moment
They are too few
Apr 2013 · 413
Let me, Lose me
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Let me lose me
Let me walk into the dark
Let the shadows embrace me
Until no light remains

Let me stay in that place
Let me rest my head there
Let my mind be at peace
Until calm is maintained

Let my movements be subtle
Let my breath be deep
Let my hands not tremble
Until I am free from my chains

Let me lose me
Let me find me
Let me love me
Apr 2013 · 3.5k
Far away
Jessica Who Apr 2013
I''ve got my clothes packed into a handkerchief tied onto the end of a stick. I don't know where I'm going but I know it's far away.
Apr 2013 · 463
So high he sits
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Please excuse me Sir. While I allow you the floor. I'll just be over in the corner. As you dissect me to my core.
Tell me what I should be. What I could be but am not.
How I should address you because it seems I have forgot.
How foolish of me to think that being me could ever please, the likes of such a man as you. The one that no one sees.
You sit so high upon your throne. Your servants they barely reach. Poets, prophets, gurus, gods. They should listen to you preach.
Tell us all, oh mighty, all knowing man. Enlighten us to your ways. We'll try our best to understand.
What should be said and in what tone. How to respond to your gripes and groans.
Just remember this dear Sir. It gets lonely at the top. Where being right is what comes first. But are you really right? Or not?
Apr 2013 · 574
Lingering Love
Jessica Who Apr 2013
I like the way you linger
Your words play in my mind
Caressing all those places
Hidden. Hard to find

Awakening my senses
Seduction at it's best
You draw me out of myself
Lay all my cares to rest

You give me what I need Mister
My darkest desires, you bring true
My dreams and all my fantasies
They all belong to you

I LOVE the way you linger
Like just won't quite do
You've got me wrapped around your finger
I love the linger. I love you.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
My Melody
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Please don't go, I love you so, I'll eat you whole.

Makes my hips sway.

It's too cold for you here now so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater.

Sticks to my brain.

Before the yearning song of flesh on flesh
Young hearts burst open, wounds bleed fresh

Kisses my soul.
Not so much a poem. Just some of the music that keeps me sane.
Apr 2013 · 696
So Far
Jessica Who Apr 2013
So far, so good
A lovely start
So far, we should
Open our hearts

Looking deep
Longing for
Patience will tell
If this could be more

Wanting your touch
Your breath on my skin
I really can't think of
A much sweeter sin

Smiles for miles
Echoes of laughter
Your taste on my lips
Is this ever after

So far, so far, so far
So good...
Mar 2013 · 412
Jessica Who Mar 2013
That much needed release
After your breath has been taken
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Cover me, please
With the warmth that is you
Gaze into my eyes
Brown fading into blue

Whisper your kisses
Across the silk of my lips
As able hands explore
From my neck to my hips

Lips wish to wander
Slowly dancing south
Calling flesh to rise to
A truly talented mouth

Paying careful attention
To every dip and curve
Fingers, tongue, lips and teeth
Awaken every nerve

Getting closer to the sweetness
Ever still remaining calm
Carefully testing out the waters
The heat and wetness on your palm

You release a moan of satisfaction
The curve of your smile against my skin
I vibrate from your energy
And we're ready to begin
Mar 2013 · 674
Jessica Who Mar 2013
I hate that lump.  
The one that keeps my voice from speaking clearly.  Keeps me tongue tied and unsure of whether to cry or scream or laugh it all off.
I'm good at that.  
But things don't seem so funny right now.
Not much humor in hanging by a thread.  
Holding on for dear life.
Trying to force that breath from my chest to my lungs.
That's where I need it most.
Clear your mind...let go of the past.
But the past is clingy.  
Like a needy friend who can't get enough attention.
I want to let it go.  
To sever that tie with long ago hurts.
Easier said than done.
Enlightenment plays tricks sometimes.
Here one minute.
Gone the next.
And here we go again with that ******* lump.
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Busy mind, please be still.
I need the space that thoughts don't fill.
Breathe deep and clear from down below.
Ride silent tides, the ebb and flow.
Bend and stretch with breath of fire.
Chant the words that take mind higher.
Connecting me with thee and those.
The stillness brings inspirational prose.
Patience, love, serenity.
These are the gifts you give to me.

Mar 2013 · 786
Jessica Who Mar 2013
I am going to write a poem, perhaps a novel,  entitled "The Disenchantment of the Suburban Housewife" ....just as soon as I finish the laundry.
Mar 2013 · 497
A Taste for Art
Jessica Who Mar 2013
The stinging bites of those tiny teeth.
Coloring my skin.
Branding me with art that touches my soul.
As the pain brings such pleasures, not to be spoken of.
I needed that.
Pulling it in and spreading it throughout.
It's almost too much.
Ahhh, the cold, wet kisses it better.
Takes me back, I'm ready for more.
Clearing my mind.
Redirecting thoughts.
I lose myself in the melody.
Deep breaths.
I can do this...and so much more.
Mar 2013 · 642
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Palms lay exposed against supple thighs.
Rest on your heels, cast down those eyes.
Memorize this pose, present yourself so.
If energy were visible, you would positively glow.
Take a deep breath, await his command.
Anticipate where he might place his hand.
Will his touch be soft, a caress of your skin...
Or tangled fingers in hair as he pulls you to him?
Darkness envelops as silk knots press.
Quickens the rise and fall of your chest.
Wrists gathered together, the buckles speak clicks.
Eagerness builds heat, the creation of slicks.
Words whispered softly, " Do you like this my pet?"
"Yes sir." You reply through lips, soft and wet.
As you're coaxed into standing, shuffling feet.
Push forward and bend, ******* rest against sheet.
Legs are spread wider with the nudge of his knee.
"I like you this way, Princess, spread open for me."
Steel against ankles to hold you exposed.
Repeat clicking of buckles, now you can let go.
Bound up completely, yet free as a bird.
You lay perfectly still, awaiting his word.
"Beautiful," he says. And you blush from within.
There's nothing you wouldn't do to be taken by him.
Mar 2013 · 633
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Just a number in a long line of distractions from your monotonous existence.
Sleeping in separate beds, my ***!!
I should be used to this by now.
Bring on the pain. It's the only relief to be felt.
Art of the skin speaks the beauty of the soul.
Just keep breathing.
The whole thing is one big illusion.
A black magic trick.
Your voodoo.
I'm done.
Mar 2013 · 2.7k
self love
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Thread count high against my thigh,
Soft meets softer,
Makes me sigh.
Tiny breaths, hushed moans.
Treasures found, fingers roam.
Half asleep, half awake,
Give me all that I can take.
Push me further...a little more.
Body languid, please, adore.
Caress as if I'm made of glass,
Now make it rough, hard and fast.
Take me to the edge and push me over.
Just me and myself beneath these covers.
Mar 2013 · 664
The time that love forgot
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Your voices when meshed
Make melodies unheard
A simplistic beauty
Yet not of this world

The pluck of your strings
Caressing of keys
Creating a harmony
To bring Gods to their knees

Your lyrics speak of shadows
Ravenous for light
To succumb would be wrong
So you stay faithful to the right

But I can spy your glances
Your looks of longing love
As your souls share a song
You're fit like hand and glove

How tragic is this timing
So close and yet so far
Both parties could submit
But that would leave a scar

So you soldier on through life
What's meant to be cannot
Staying true to your commitments
And the time that love forgot
Mar 2013 · 762
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Swaddled babies never felt such care as this, being wrapped in the blanket of your love. Nuturing kindness, whisper soft kisses on angel soft skin. Dancing souls, matching steps and even breaths in this moment they share. Anticipating needs with a watchful eye and a caring heart. One made of something more precious than gold. More beautiful than the rarest of stones. Yet forged in a similar manner. Wrapped in the pressure and heat of our mutual adoration. An ever growing presence in itself. Transforming all that we know and understand about ourselves and each other. Sharing thoughts like a glass of fine wine...leaving floral tones on the tips of our tongues. Curious as to how each others individual tastes might influence that tone, we share a kiss and find ourselves amongst the stars.
Mar 2013 · 939
Your words
Jessica Who Mar 2013
Speak to me with your naughty tone,
Take me to that place,
Where all your nouns and all your verbs,
Are fingertips that trace...

Around my wants, desires, needs,
My secrets seldom shared,
Trace my lips with your adjectives,
My tongue with your savoir faire...

Let your words graze my *******,
****** me with your phrase,
Speak them down my stomach,
Lead them through my maze...

Move them lower, let them roam,
My rounded hips and softest thighs,
Stoke the fire of my lust,
And receive the ultimate prize...

Silent thoughts, no more speaking,
Hushed moans and quiet weeps remain,
Giving of ourselves completely,
We become whole once again.

— The End —