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Jessica Who Apr 2013
I want to crawl inside and wander around.
How does it feel to be you?
I want to peek into your heart
And tip toe through your mind.
I want to breathe your breath.
You are quite fascinating.
Jessica Who Apr 2013
The wind whips
Train whistle blows
The sun that won't come out today shares what little light it can
Spreads it's gray shadow over his tiny features
His little freckled nose
His almond eyes, lashes reaching for the heavens
His plump little lips
His breath a symphony of sleepy sounds
Dreaming the morning dew
His tiny little hands reach for momma
They work so hard to do that which comes easy for yours and mine
His copper hair lays over the pale skin of his cheek
I can't help but steal a kiss
I made you
Out of me
And I will love you
Unconditional, never ending, all enduring
My little man
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Soothed by the raindrops
My eyes close
A chill kisses my skin
I breathe in this moment
They are too few
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Let me lose me
Let me walk into the dark
Let the shadows embrace me
Until no light remains

Let me stay in that place
Let me rest my head there
Let my mind be at peace
Until calm is maintained

Let my movements be subtle
Let my breath be deep
Let my hands not tremble
Until I am free from my chains

Let me lose me
Let me find me
Let me love me
Jessica Who Apr 2013
I''ve got my clothes packed into a handkerchief tied onto the end of a stick. I don't know where I'm going but I know it's far away.
Jessica Who Apr 2013
Please excuse me Sir. While I allow you the floor. I'll just be over in the corner. As you dissect me to my core.
Tell me what I should be. What I could be but am not.
How I should address you because it seems I have forgot.
How foolish of me to think that being me could ever please, the likes of such a man as you. The one that no one sees.
You sit so high upon your throne. Your servants they barely reach. Poets, prophets, gurus, gods. They should listen to you preach.
Tell us all, oh mighty, all knowing man. Enlighten us to your ways. We'll try our best to understand.
What should be said and in what tone. How to respond to your gripes and groans.
Just remember this dear Sir. It gets lonely at the top. Where being right is what comes first. But are you really right? Or not?
Jessica Who Apr 2013
I like the way you linger
Your words play in my mind
Caressing all those places
Hidden. Hard to find

Awakening my senses
Seduction at it's best
You draw me out of myself
Lay all my cares to rest

You give me what I need Mister
My darkest desires, you bring true
My dreams and all my fantasies
They all belong to you

I LOVE the way you linger
Like just won't quite do
You've got me wrapped around your finger
I love the linger. I love you.
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