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5.4k · Aug 2012
Octopus Tonight
Along the sea floor
The choral beds your
Topology of dreams, sure
As any submarine lore

Between the blades of sun rays
An octopus parades
Happy in the shafts of light
It is not wrong or right to be an octopus tonight.
4.7k · Aug 2012

Getting high off other's deaths
Jerking off to artist's gore
Spurting up blood fountains
Like a breathless whale

Like a shy devil
Coming to a conclusion at last
To a clearing in the woods
Where the elephants lay

To swear off wishful thinking
To smear fresh remorse on old skin
To keep living vicariously
Precariously perched
Like the moon in a thunderstorm

With your cut Joker's smile
With your tiny hand on your heart
As if there was any difference at all
Between the merciful
And the merciless.
4.4k · Aug 2012
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse

When Mickey Mouse comes home hungover
He throws up ice cold Coca-Cola

He lives in a spherical house in the sky
Which he enters and exits with telescopic stilts
Which grow or shrink with every step

He is a good vertical neighbor
I live just to the right of him down below

He always stops to say hello
Or to make me laugh with a joke or pose
(One time he even stole my nose)

Sometimes I get so mad at Mickey
That I take it out on my kid
And then spent, I wonder what Mickey did?
3.4k · May 2012
Snow White in Fact
Snow White in fact to hell and back pursued the seven Dwarves

Who daily mined their businesses and never minded yours

She danced the ground where hammers pound

She sang in quadraphonic sound

She knew her scene was just on screen

And screens were not of human beings

She knew her life in truth to be

Light flickering through transparency

And that she soon as all cartoons

Would roll back to her film's cocoon

Then a sticky floor for a Disney *****

A princess serving clients

She did her part, now Dwarven hearts

Can beat the blood of Giants
1.9k · Aug 2012
Disassembling Required
When Van Gogh cut off his ear
It was for reassurance that the rest of him could disappear

That illusion of ownership that nerves create
Should have faded with each baby tooth I lost
It didn't though, contrariwise I worried I would extend
Into roads or trees and then feel the tire's friction or the elm's blight

Empathy is a ***** of its own
I pray I never wake up with a Siamese twin
I'd have to care, lest we lapse into mutual sadomasochism
That hilarious territory of bored lovers

The Thalidomide kids might get a kick
out of feeling new arms attached to other people
but that's the exception that proves the rule

After the Vietnam war, some men believed Agent Orange
Had followed them home, alive in newly discovered nerves
Now what odd god must be behind that ****!

Mengele often awoke from dreams sweating and sure
That his patients would learn a trick to generate biological anesthetics
He needed the feedback of sound to really understand the human body
“Prayer or pleading” he used to say with a wink to his bartender after work

Sometimes I worry that my nervous system
Might have a Mengelian agenda of its own

That I am woven into a potential torture chamber seems clear
but then I remember that I can always pull the tooth or cut off the ear
1.5k · Aug 2012
A Stormtrooper Remembers
A Storm Trooper Remembers

Lord Vader was always getting bees stuck in his helmet.  Eventually he learned to live with them in his way,

it was even rumored he kept a flower garden in the Death Star's attic, perpetuating his own affliction.  One time

pollen completely clogged his breathing apparatus and when he pulled off his helmet we saw that he was

wearing lipstick and eye shadow.  He claimed it was for a play he had been writing and that he had to stay in

character and then he killed a bunch of us and claimed that was in the play too.  Another time we caught him

smacking his head against the wall cursing Yoda, bees flying everywhere, we shot at the bees for hours but

inevitably didn't hit any, why did we even have guns?  One time the dark lord was speaking fondly of his

annihilation of Alderaan when huge globs of honey began to bubble from his mouth piece.  It was really hard to

take him seriously after that but I mean you had to, bees or no bees he could still choke the life out of you from

across the room.
For Elisabeth Eitel------Il miglior fabbro*

Snow White of course, I love the sort
With sensuous repose
Was dancing on the bar not far
from where I kept the rows
Of Houses Black that snuggle back
and tingle in your toes

“To Liquid's floor” I did implore
“My Lady, come to dream
Please leave your heights and fill my nights
with thoughts of softest cream

(She jumped to me, I caught her clean
and brought her to the ground)

Somehow she knew then, right away, just what her night had found
Another smooth, deceptive fool whose heart could only pound

She bit in spite, hard down in me
A ****** path of entropy

I grabbed her, whispering low and mean
“I'll teach you of the XOR machine...”
She cocked an eye but failed to see
so on I went impatiently
“I'll teach you of the XOR machines
where one and one to nothing come
but all alone are free”

Smiling sly she arced a stream
(with new light in her eyes agleam)
of blood upon the dancing sea
into the noice of girls and boys
with mad emphatic glee

1.5k · Aug 2012
And then it got worse
no pens would work
I couldn't escape into verse
nothing rhymed without reason
I drank and became hopeful
but there were goofballs in the soup
and my hope began to droop

A hissing hissed
and I felt I couldn't die
not ever or forever
that hell emerged slowly
gutting my army of pawns

Strangers were disappointed in me
I paid the homeless for company
and tried desperately to warm my hands
over a garbage can of dying rage
1.4k · Aug 2012
The Awful Waffle
Even nothing heals
It ravels and unravels
Then coyly coils up into a bow
A present from the fringes of space

Waffling between hate and annoyance
At the lack of access to anything else to feel
A hot gust of flying ants and grass shrapnel
Is how you should picture this

My parents made love in the chimney
My brother wrecked Christmas
My cousin is stuck on Easter Island
Sometimes I see him on postcards screaming

It's the dust motes in the light
That cats love to bat and wonder at
Given each alone the mote or the light
They couldn't care less

So much is still waiting behind the right combination, right?
1.3k · Aug 2012
How are you ever
Going to get out from under this?
It hunts with its nose
It is brave from lack of sleep

Onions, computers, red cabbage, loss
This tangle of things
Goes to sleep in a knot

Is that you in the picture?
Take as long as you please

Come around back now
Fierce and rambling, blasting a request
For mercy with an air horn
Pointing to an unspecified time and place

A leaflet addresses your problems
You lose your ability to use language
Thoughts stack up but cannot be forged
There is nothing to be afraid of
1.3k · Aug 2012
The Car
I was hitchhiking in the cold
Cold so intense that I knew I could die
A car pulled over and I got in
I thanked the driver profusely
“It was the least I could do” he said

As I thawed into survivor's awe
I noticed the man was playing music I loved
He asked me casually about my life
And told me about his
“Why don't you drive for awhile?” he asked
“It's the least I can do” I playfully replied

He fell right to sleep
In a nimbus I drove and drove
The car purred and its leather grew softer and softer
I lost track of time

Near his destination, he dropped me off at a bus station
My bus arrived as he pulled away
Its seats were hard and small
The bus driver was a shockingly large woman
“So you got here in one piece” she said
She grinned, her teeth were huge and perfect
And then she pointed at the grin
“Addiction!” she roared “All Aboard!”
1.2k · Aug 2012
Molly has a rider! Molly has a rider!
All curled up and tucked inside her

Oh Molly, oh Molly what will you do?
With a fellow inside you, who just isn't you

Molly take cover, Molly get clear
Perhaps your new lover is causing your fear

Perhaps gentle Molly the life that you lead
Is vampire slang for the blood that you bleed

My Molly, my Molly, my enemy mine
Has dropped out and turned on inside of my mind

Alive behind eyes that were once mine alone
I have company watching from zones of its own
1.2k · Aug 2012
Civil War
Are you scared Johnny Reb?
Yeah I guess I am too

With each re-enactment
The grey and the blues
Get under my skin
'til it's just me and you
In our animal colors
All black and bad news

Are you scared Johnny Reb?
'cause I've heard hunting men
Is just one hard ****, then again and again
It is joy past the point of all drugs and all zen

Let the next re-enactment
We enact again
Have the slightest addition
Of two powdered men

I've come to consider you
More than a friend
So honestly Johnny
Between us too men
Let the end of our war
Be decided again
1.2k · Aug 2012

How are you ever
Going to get out from under this?
It hunts with its nose
It is brave from lack of sleep

Onions, computers, red cabbage, loss
This tangle of things
Goes to sleep in a knot

Is that you in the picture?
Take as long as you please

Come around back now
Fierce and rambling, blasting a request
For mercy with an air horn
Pointing to an unspecified time and place

A leaflet addresses your problems
You lose your ability to use language
Thoughts stack up but cannot be forged
There is nothing to be afraid of
1.1k · Aug 2012
Us Anacondas
She's a good girl
Born from the mouth of God
Amid a celestial bout of sneezing

She lay with me as the clock ticked
Talking softly of her fear of colors

Green ants and black turtles
Orange sparrows and red, red water

Fear not I bellowed
The night caught the echo though
And sent back nonsense for hours

Your tongue is cooked black she cried
Your hands are gray cruelty

I wrapped my arms around her shivering
Detached my lower jaw
And swallowed her back up.
1.1k · Aug 2012
The Dying Man's Pizza
It has been shown
That the dying man's pizza
Can be divided up approaching the limit infinity
At the limit everyone gets a slice of nothing at all

Just before such an absurdity
Everyone, less one person, gets a tiny slice
The dying man is that one person
Enjoy his small gift gratefully
843 · Aug 2012
In Times of Jane
Ahh sweet love Calamity Jane
In rough girl hands your guns again

I miss the days of Lord Geoffrey Jane
The horse faced con-artist she smiles
I watched him sell a man the moon

That's how good that stallion was
******* most charming horse that ever lived

But I digress, Jane swears at the stars
And weaves away drunk
To drink at the bar

Ahh Jane, it's morning again
The old days are bled out
All bleached in the brain

We can only hope honey, for you
after war, to keep men alive
love, is all you live for
822 · Aug 2012
Foxy Sail's Pretty Tail
What are you doing right now?
You...who were always on the move
Or sleeping beautiful on my arm
You are a soft fox, sweet, and haunted
You are my dreamy fox, curling in her burrow, dreaming of princes
You chat happily and unafraid of the English in my arms
You, who named her young after the prey you raised them on
You, with her ****** muzzle that snapped at the moon's reflection in the water
Leaving a wake of blood and questions
Do hunters prove you are worth while?
They'll put bullets into you  to take your life
But they can only take you dead
 They will be confused and mourn their loss
And they will load their guns again
773 · Aug 2012
I'm a bad bad man
(I take it in the can!)
There was nothing to run from at all
(but I ran)

I smell the blood in your matted hair
with your nodding to nothingness
and to everywhere

After all I was
wasn't I
771 · Aug 2012
Ash, Ash

Ash, Ash descend on me
I'm burning but I am not free
I'm looking at too much to see
A rock untouched by gravity

Ash, Ash I'll ask once more
These stables are an endless chore
I am at best a simple *****
But no one pays me anymore
756 · Aug 2012
Reality Accretion
I like you sort of beat up and a little torn
“I am lying”, your safe words were sworn
This is how I think we were born

Curious, uncomfortable, and pure
For so long I was never sure
Of much beyond sickness and cure

Sunlight on a happy girl
My brother's various head injuries
A teacher that had a go at me
These things were real first

High school was a lot like a cartoon army
You got drawn into it and you followed its rules
Your face would forever be 2D, but the rest of you got free

I became a mechanical engineer
I learned credit was nothing to fear
I was cool with a beer, and a casual ear

The spectrum seemed a manic to tragic game

Being played in a cage of bright steel

And then everything was real.
751 · Aug 2012
Human Heads!
When he was little

My Dad had a battery collection

The rarest, the triple As, were the crown jewels

The Ds were the muscle

The common, double As, were just lazy and plentiful

The 9V was a spy

With these rules my Dad played in various worlds

He told me that his parent's friends

Always looked away quickly when he showed them his collection

They were embarrassed for his parents, he later supposed

“That's something else” they'd say “You could power Denver”

Then my gentle Dad leaned into me slowly

And grabbing my ear with his teeth

He began to growl in a musical tone

That no one ever noticed

That every battery was a human head
742 · May 2012
High School
High School

But we know don't we class?
The quiet ones and the kids at the back
The Morse nonsense of tapping chalk

The jocks seemed just off
One muscle in one place way too grown
A small sickness perhaps in nerves or in bone

I knew the story of how I got here
But not exactly how I did

There were very large mirrors in each bathroom
Some slightly convex some slightly concave
The exit signs contradicted each other
Some things just don't get along I suppose

At night my parents laughed and drank wine
They gave me a new nickname every week

“I'm going to high school!”  I said to a girl I knew
A pretty girl too, she vigorously nodded “Yes!”
Her perfume came off her in layers
Like she'd worn hundreds of different scents

In the smoking section everyone was silent
In the office was a grinning secretary
Some portables seemed too far away
And I couldn't ever remember my age

But that's how things are right?
741 · Aug 2012
Wild Man
I played **** jams and watched the **** cams
Without any doubt about dying
A waltzing Victorian casually avoiding IEDs
Bombs without brand names

My eyes grew sleek my fingers black
There was so much in my peripheral vision
That I hardly cared to look ahead
Bright dust motes in swarms of sun and color

My internal temperature dropped, my teeth grew
At night I slept in a hammock
With a cat at my feet

If there was a war like the looky-loos say
It never felt that way
Though I'm sure I did my share

My low chuckling at the sight of blood
Even from my child's knee
Assures me that I did my share.
658 · Aug 2012
Family...(Just You)
I understand this bit of you
(I particularly hate the brain sick too)

I've been around so many wards
Of mewling, lost, head gripping hordes

They are at best the living dead
Forever tucked in their childhood beds

Selfish and terrified, browsing some book
If this was your life, yuck, you'd rather it took!

“All I want is to see him try
To stick to work like you or I”

And therein lies your answer see
Who'd dare dispute “Work Will Set You Free?”

“I earn my sleep...he lays about”

“I bought this house...he lays about”

I've earned who I am! But he's just there
“Enduring” he claims with his little boy  stare

“My love is given on my terms”
“My love is such that it must be earned”

“Grand kids!” Snort  “A human being!”
“Are you not seeing what I'm seeing?”

Slowly I have learned your mind
It's loathing twitch and sadist's grind

You clap and hoot at life on TV
You're one retort “You don't know me!”
633 · Aug 2012
The Conspirators
I see you dutifully down
Beaten up in rags
Coyly penitent

Now we can talk
Our teeth interlock
We sway and we rock

“Pry out your eyes” you say
“Pry out your eyes” you giggle
I scold  “Once is fine but twice cloys”

Let's shore up our alibis
“Above the trolls” you whisper and point
“There runs the terror of the bridges”
606 · Aug 2012
You cannot eat December
Though it tastes of candy canes
And a flavor I remember
As a flood of growing pains

You cannot trap September
Though you scheme and rack your brains
And most cages I remember
Were a flood of growing pains

You cannot trip November
Though you pump it through your veins
Where's the high that I remember?
In that flood of growing pains
541 · May 2012
It isn't Love
In the corner there is a little door in the wall
You jam your hand up inside me
Twisting around in my guts
I gasp and whisper “It isn't love”

So you fall upon me mad
As a bumble bee buzzing
Hungrily and desperately lost without flowers
In my huge eyes “It isn't love”

You twist my **** and bang loudly
Into the back of my throat
Watching my tears mixing with my makeup
And again and again “It isn't love”
539 · Aug 2012
You Never Come
Oh dear you never come
Out in the back yard after some
Frightening noise like a jagged hum
Kept you from asleep

Here goes the aftermath
Blood pooled still in a drawn bath
Pink diluted human wrath
Kept you from asleep

On going going on
Purring blades that cut the lawn
Bringing on a peaceful yawn
Before you go to sleep
465 · May 2012
New Friends
I set up a set of windows

They were clear and lovely in panes

And all of the incoming birds coming in

Shouted their incoming names

Smash “I am Peter!”

Smash “I am John!”

Smash “I am Alice, and free!”

And love was the sound

Of hollow bones hitting ground

My new friends piling up at my feet.

— The End —