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 May 2013 Jessica M
i have painted universes on the
backs of paper cranes again and
but i am still too scared to
explore them.
i think map-making would be such a lovely job.
today i saw a friend that i haven't seen in almost a year while he was working.  it was the weirdest thing, neither of us knew what to say.  but he smiled at me like we were best friends and that right there was enough.
 May 2013 Jessica M
i have run
out of words
to give to
 May 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
i can't always remember
if the sun sets in
the west or east
but it's okay;
i want to be remembered for thinking
the sun had a choice.
mogwai song name poem titles forever
 May 2013 Jessica M
because it's like every time we're
in the same room, i can't
pull my eyes away from the curve
of your ears or the lines of your
knees or the way your veins are
permanently risen off the
back of your hands, like you're
always gripping something,
       you     just     don't    know    what

(it's overwhelming, knowing how
conveniently my hands would
fit into yours, so that you'd finally have
something to hold on to)
true story, yo. because every time i looked at him tonight it was like i couldn't breathe.  the way he knits his eyebrows together when he concentrates and his mouth would move with words you could tell he was itching to say.  and his hands.  i swear, it's like they're dying to be held.  wow, i forgot how creepy infatuation can make a person.
 May 2013 Jessica M
i keep my hands held close to my sides
for fear that if i dare stretch them too far
i may burn my fingers upon the edge of the stars--
       (i suppose the fear i know is just a side effect of
       having lost things i've loved far too long
       and loving things too lost to play along)
found this in my drafts.  i really like the first three lines, not sure about the last, though.
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
being gorgeous
is all a game of
projections and
precision, with a
drop or two of
luck in the gene pool

do you know
how many times
i have stood, ****,
in front of a man
and heard
those words
drip, slippery with
*** and saliva,
through foaming lips?

big headed beasts
who still haven't
figured out where
to find my ****

oh, but desire me, they do
and i'm always the best
they've ever known

'oh baby, how DO you DO
that thing with your hips?'

i lay around wondering
why these men
subject themselves
to *******
dead fish

when it's over they
can't keep fingers
from lingering on my
skin, tattooed ribs
draw out long sighs
and desperate whispers,
followed by lingering
on my
'perfect ****'

then it comes, oh,
how *******
gorgeous i am,
with my eyes that
just can't decide
if they want to be
the bark or the leaves

intrigued by my
beguiling mystique
and desire to be free,
but the sad truth is,
fools or not,
each and every one
does the same thing,
they leave

should've listened
when dad said,
'get compliments
for being smart,
not pretty'
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
Tom McCone
The star exists.

The rain exists
to fall.

The tree exists
to breathe
and fall.

The bird exists
to breathe,
and sing amongst the trees,
and fall.

The beast exists
to breathe,
and sing amongst the trees;
to wander,
and fall.

The human exists
to breathe,
and sing amongst the trees;
to wander,
and whisper, under starlight,
to love,
in despair;
and, finally,
as all else does,
to fall.
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
taylor roff
She must have a hatred for the world
She must be an alcoholic
But in the romantic sense of the word
Only listens to one record
Only reads one book
Only looks threw one window
Has faith in death
But is skeptical of life
And she can ****
With a pure understanding of lust
Only eats when she needs to think
Only breaths when she needs to smoke
Has trouble finding a difference between love and greed
And when I look at her I have trouble finding a difference between love and envy.
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