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 Apr 2013 Jessica M
taylor roff
Some sounds surround synapses
Surrendering suddenly
To tremendously tall
Pudgy passengers
Longing lovingly
Quitting quiet questions
Still tempting princes and queens
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
taylor roff
One two three four five
One two three four five six seven
One two three for five

 Apr 2013 Jessica M
taylor roff
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
taylor roff
You are a dream
Not even a dream
You are a dream before a dream
A subsection of a line of thought to put me to   sleep
And some nights you aren't even there
Which means you can't be real
But as lines fall in a quickening pace
Hands begin to form
Hands and thighs
I see you
I've seen you
Or maybe you are just a fail safe
A way for my mind to sober up when life gets to easy
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
i sometimes feel your eyes on the back of my head like i'm an alien with antennas and green skin and you're a scientist trying to figure out how i'm even alive.
i sometimes want to grab your ears and kiss them like they do in all the magazines i shouldn't
read even if i like the way models stare through me.
i sometimes wish your mind and mine were the same because my fingers are small and you couldn't grasp me with just your hands
even if you
I feel weird about this
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
and it is as simple as this:

i loved him first.
i loved
him first

but i loved you more.
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
in the
with your body pressed against mine, you ask me questions
because you want to know my mind
want to know me
and not just the face you see

you ask me things like
what is your favorite color, food, embarrassing memory,

all pretty tame questions
ever break anything? you say and i assume you mean
bones so i tell you about breaking my wrist, the
snapped radius and the misplaced ulna
but you stop me
no, like,
broken something. you know?

something like someone’s heart?

and i think no nothing like that because i’m not sure
if anyone else has ever loved me
enough to be sad
i left

but i don’t say that
i tell you about smashing plates against the wall
for fun
and when i’m done

you’re fast asleep.
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
Lyra Brown
endless nights
spent on
if I cried myself to sleep
loud enough
would it wake you from
your nightmare of a life
and cause you to shout through a megaphone
across the sky
from your hot air balloon and say
"there is no place like home"
would the echo of your voice
be enough to convince the clouds
to let you land safely  in my arms
so I could finally whisper
"welcome home."
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
like to be inside of your mouth
and find new words hidden under your
 Apr 2013 Jessica M
Lyra Brown
the devil finds work for idle hands
but he also finds thoughts for idle minds
and no matter what kind of
destructive habit we take up
it is always
the danger
that we are addicted to

the devil fills me with dangerous thoughts
when i have nothing real
to focus on

it's a scary thing to realize about yourself,
that you can not always trust
the things your mind comes up with
what doesn't seem to matter
or what seems like a good idea
at the time
usually actually does matter
and is a really bad idea
all the time
but we don't realize this until later on,
and sometimes we learn, and sometimes
it's too late.

but that's not what this poem
is about.
"too late" is too much of a tragic thing
to say,
because is it really too late?
for some, yes, i mean, i've seen it firsthand
and it isn't pretty.

but i'm not going to end up like that.
this poem is actually about how whenever my mind
feels ***** like this,
i say a little prayer and surrender to the fact
that i cannot trust myself
and so i run a steaming hot bath,
dip my whole head under the water,
and stare up at the white tiled ceiling
not thinking, not obsessing,
just breathing
this is one successful technique i use
that makes danger seem boring
and clearly unnecessary.

and so
no matter what thoughts the devil injects into my mind,
this is something i must always remember:
having a bath is better,
having a bath is better.
 Mar 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
i'm sick of your *******-knowitall-i'mtheking attitude
your listentome-i'malwaysright-goaway aura
your shuthefuckup-can'tyouhearmetalking-******* demeanor
[or maybe i'm just sick again]
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