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WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
What if your eyes came back to me
A thousand years from now
When both our bodies have turned to dust
Countless times.
What if I caught you
In the face of a stranger
A perfect stranger.
What if I knew those eyes
What if my own welled with tears of forgotten grief
How can this be?
As I recalled fluttering skirts
Wild laughter
Dark curling hair
A ski ***** nose
and a love too powerful for one being to contain.
What if I capture your eyes
infinities from now
and still know them.
What will they say?
How will they prove souls exist
and that ours found the other in the face of a perfect stranger.
How will they prove that love
exists beyond the boundries of mans wonderments
that is is beyond full understanding
and follows souls between bodies.
Why waste our time trying to disprove and play down such a mysterious thing as love
When we are here to bask in it
To learn from it
To grow from it
And create a love that exists beyond the cage of human flesh
That expands into the very atoms we are made of
and travels through the soft willfull passing of time
What if I told you I loved you enough
To travel beyond the stars
Beyond the dust we are made of
What if I told you my soul loves yours
I know thousands of years from now
When both our bodies have turned to dust
Countless times
We will find eachother in the face of perfect strangers
And recognize the eyes in which the soul lives
That knows no bounds
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Watch i orgins if you want to be mind blown.
(c) 2016. Jess Treijs. All Rights Reserved.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
"No matter where you live you should be able to turn on the tap and drink safe water"* - David Boyd

Every day I grow
The importance of the preservation of our enviroment becomes more and more predominant.
To grow up drinking from discovered gurgling creeks,
To feel the cool purity revitalize my young soul,
To bask in the clean beauty of our waters,
I took for granted its safety.
To grow up with the river as my guide,  my mentor, my reflector for my inner growth
I learned to listen to the way it laughed and danced
And polished unassuming river stones as it told me of past stories
and taught me humility.
All this time

I took for granted its safety.

It is only now
As my cacoon of security begins to crack
do I realize
This is not every humans relationship to our waters.
Only now do I realize I am blessed to be able to drink from discovered streams, let alone my tap without a second thought
Only now do I realize
Millions of parched souls
have grown with water as an enemy
Wary of the pollutants it carries.
It is treated with caution
Whereas it was once revered.
Water, as a definition is "the basis of the fluids of living organisms"
We are essentially poisening ourselves as well as our earth
with our actions.
It is time to shift as a country, as a nation
To protect our enviroment
to protect our waters
and to protect humanity its self

The right to a healthy enviroment
Is the right to live.
The Blue Dot movement is one that David Suzuki and the David Suzuki Foundation created that is essentially a fight to introduce the right to live in a healthy enviroment to the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms. I was asked to be a part of the youth which spoke to our city council as supporters of the blue dot movement and this poem is what I presented. I strongly believe in this movement not only for Canadians but each and every human being on this planet. Look up "what is the Blue Dot Movement?" if you're interested in knowing more.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
She leaves without a trace of remorse.
Toes dug into course sand
her backpack resembles her heart.
Littered with flags of the countries she's visited
But never been to.
Decorated with key chains she's bought
But never seen before.
Her leathery soles bespeak of her travels
Her eyes of her misery.
Like the ocean devouring the shore
She searches
Pushing away things that under first perception seemed worthless.
Her backpack muffles the screams
Of the caged traveler in her veins
A china ***
filled with crickets.
I watch her taunt limbs cover
Mountaintops and clouds
Exploring everywhere
Yet experiencing nothing.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
My brother is the musky smell of woodsmoke.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
My sister is a dreamcatcher dancing in the wind. Following every gust of excitment, every breath of desire; she collects passerbys dreams and leaves sunlight in her wake.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
I want to flirt with the rain.
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