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Jerry Jan 2013
Your song is truthful & meaningful.
It sings as a watchful and caring bird.
Your flight I will follow.

It is pleasing to sing in the dawn chorus.
I wish not to sing out of key.
nor, squawk with ruffled feathers.

Most times, I am inspired to sing along
Some times, I chirp & squawk my own song.
Some times, I sing  instead of listen.

Unsure of my surrounding, I give pause.
Are those ruffled feathers?
Has this tree emptied to get away from me.
When my songs or squawks cause distress please say so.
I will immediately remove them with an appology.
Jerry Jan 2013
She's a selfish lover, armed with stunning beauty.
She hunts joyfully for an innocent & caring heart,
She wants to satisfy her longing spirit.

Self validation by conquered hearts.
Conquests, like trophies on a night stand.
Each victory validated by a wounded spirit.
Her potent satisfactions soon dwindles.

Repeated victories, must be obtained.
Scores of bleeding hearts form rivers of tears.
Each conquest screaming from nearby roof tops.
Her Reputation becomes known by many.

The walking wounded,
They protect their dulled spirit
With raised eyebrows and gently shaking heads,
With muffled voices they warn, she is trouble waiting to happen.

I have been bitten by her kind of love.
The sting lingers in my heart,
The scars noticeable in my spirit & in my eyes.

I have her disease now.
My heart longs for love.
Not for Revenge!
But, for recovery and for self validation!
Inspired by Jaishree Gargn, A poem called "I Want Trouble"
Comments welcomed.
Jerry Dec 2012
Outer beauty is about 33% of the total package.
Unfortunately, it is the first thing people notice.
An obvious statement by me, a man.

From my perspective; maybe not so unique.
A woman's physical "perfection" may not be as desirable as one might imagine.
Physical Perfection can be intimidating, by men & women.
Physical Perfection can be resented, even though admired.
Physical Perfection can also attract some "unwanted" attention.
Physical Perfection can bring on mental frustration,
while dealing with the perverted assortment of attention.

Having said so, I am curious to know the personality of a physically perfect girl.
As, I can not get close enough to say anything more than Hi as we pass in the mall.
But, my physical self can not keep her attention, even for a minute.

The competition for her attention would be too great.
My cautious and shy personality would be left behind.
She would be whisked away from me.
Most likely by a younger more physically perfect guy.

I would prefer, the girl next door type.
She looks cute and is quite nice.
When she does her magic. She transforms into a very pretty and even **** girl.
Even with glasses and slightly crooked teeth.

Her most endearing qualities though is not physical perfection.
Rather, her beaming smile, sparkling eyes, self-confidence
outgoing personality and...
her get it done attitude.
Jerry Dec 2012
I wonder what is yonder!
Can it be different then here?
Can it be better then over there?

Where ever I go...
I take myself along.
This same person and all my flaws.

I have had a near death event.
Still, I am the same melancholy person.
Run and save yourself!

Try going over yonder,
leave your fears behind.
Else, there will be no point.
Inspired by another
Jerry Nov 2012
I am playing this game!
The score, not in my favor!
Time is ticking,
But not fast enough.
Jerry Nov 2012
This is as good as it gets!
For what purpose do I exist.
A cruel joke of Mother Nature?

The Tree of life!
efficiently conjectured,
of Birth & Death.
Responding all, to wind, rain and sun.

The fruit of the tree,
Love, Anger, and Indifference.
must die to become fertile ground.

Such an efficiently cruel cycle.
The tree of life.
Jerry Nov 2012
You are a Woman of Iron,
Composed of high expectations,
Forged with strong morals.
Quenched by the coldness of the world.

Your determination stands firm against all challenges.
Victories are graciously and easily surrendered to you.
Energetic and effective action.
All around you, people take notice.

Your are a Woman of Silk,
Your feminine form, undeniably ****.
Your sweet odor is of respect and admiration.
Your skin, amazingly smooth & firm.
Your sensal lips draw me closer.
Your smile, beautifuly contagious, brightens all the day.
Your blue-gray eyes, sparkle of happiness and captures my soul

Your sassy auburn hair, thick and shinney,
bounces and flows as you graciously move about.
Your voice is soothing, it sings to my heart.
Your laughter, lifts my spirits,

A perfect combination, you are...
A woman of Iron & Silk!
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