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Jerry Oct 2012
Cleavage,  Oh, what wounder!
Full and Round!
Soft and ****!

Like a bouquet of flowers!
Fregrant & beautful,
meant to be admired.

Properly displayed,
In color and lace,
So wounderfully feminine!

A cavern of love,
She captures my attention,
And releases my desire.

Add just a smile!
Even a hint of one,
a powerful potion is revealed.
Cleavage with a Smile!

A great and powerful man,
under her **** spell.
hoplessly mesmerized,
by Cleavage with a Smile.

Don't look away!
Don't be offended!
be kind, add a smile.
Cleavage With a Smile!
I more than wecome feedback & comment.
My experience, most women quickly look away when they notice me notice them.
Jerry Oct 2012
Taboo! Taboo!
I love you more than I should.
On the alter of Sin, I forfeit my sole to you!

Why is my love for you Taboo?
Love, so strong in spirit.
Love, so true and fresh.
Join together our flesh, with love & spirit.

How can such love be forbidden?
Natural Love, Innocent Love.
Love, that can not be overridden!

Contentment and happiness, can't be obtained,
While longing for you. If only I could.
Love, never fully expressed, never fully contained.
I love you more than I should.

A normal day, It can not be.
Your essences is constantly with me.
Taboo love for you, from me.

More than normal love,
I am in love with you.
I love you more than I should!

Bitter Sweet, Taboo Love.
Must it, will it, always be Taboo!
Jerry Oct 2012
No second chances!
Once the deed is done,
No changes!

Do only deeds of love and respect.
Elsewise, It may cause regret.
Once done, the effects remain forever,
What's left? A memory to disect.

There are no do-overs.
So be sure of the effects!
A rewrite. Inspired by friendly & helpful comments.
What U think Now?
Jerry Oct 2012
No second chances!
No do-overs!
That is one of the regreatable rules of time.

No more pigtails & pretty dresses,
No more Horsey-back & Piggy-back rides,
No more Tee-ball & Soccer,
No more Marry Poppens & Wizard of OZ,
No more Popcorn & Video games,
No more homework & bed time stories,
No more marshmellow roasts & snipe hunts,
No more sand castles & sand dollars,
No more Sparklers & Pinwheels.

No time to pause & reflect!
It can only cause regret!
Enjoy it along the way while you can.
Everything is temporary.
It needs to ryme better! But my regreat is clear.
Jerry Oct 2012
I want to write you a poem.
It should be funny and witty!
It will declare our love with a token!
It should be endearing and flirty!
Not at all, *****!
It should be about, You and me!
Could it be possible?
You & Me!
Jerry Oct 2012
It's a lasting sadness!
It over shadows all gladness.
It's constant loneliness.

It's in my voice.
It isn't by choice!

It's more than a lark.
It pains my heart!

It's perpetural anxiety.
It keeps me from sobriety.

Lost Love
Is this better than no Love?
I am looking for feedback.
Jerry Oct 2012
Inside my skin, there's anguish.
It twists & burns.
Inside my heart, there's emptiness.
It bleeds & aches.
Inside this vessel, there's continual longing.
Longing for pleasures & acceptance.
Nothing is found & nothing is recieved.
This vessel, it seems
is haunted!
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