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 Jun 2014 JerrHoll
 Jun 2014 JerrHoll
I would much rather be studying
where you move your hands
and how you will kiss me next.
It's hard to concentrate on the different conjugations
of the verb querer,
when all I really want is your couch
with the torn up leather
and the small tables
and drizzle on the windows.
So come save me from the textbooks,
crawl into my body and unwrap my soul
until I can remember what your name tastes like.
Cry if you want
It's never a sin
Scream if you want
To relieve the pain
Lie if you want
When you feel you're weak
Stand if you want
When they say you should sit
Smile if you want
There is no better time
Run if you want
But don't run from me
Rest for a while
And don't you give up
I was once you, don't forget
So live your time without regret
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
I gave up everything I owned so I could find my peace
At the end I was left trembling, naked and barefooted

I gave up everything I loved so I could heal my wounds
At the end they were even deeper

I gave up everything I believed in so I could re-claim my mind
At the end I lost the trust in my thoughts as well

I gave up everything that made me strong so I could forget the mistakes I made
At the end they were everything I could remember

I gave up the day because the night wins the fight at dusk
I gave up the night because it loses the battle at dawn

I gave up the one I became because this is not me
but a pale reflection of an imaginary non-existence
Copyright Afrodita Nestor

— The End —