Will you weave me a basket of willow she asked
Or one made with Hazel so strong, firm and fast
Would you make it with love and with skill and with care
Would you weave a strong basket for your lady fair
I will weave you a basket of willow she smiled
And another of hazel from great forests wild
I will weave them with love and I'll weave them with care
As I weave I will dream I weave gold in your hair
Will you help me to fill them she asked smiling back
And then carry them for me on the homeward track
Yes I'll fill them with fruit and I'll fill them with love
From the field and the garden and trees up above
I will carry your baskets for all I am worth
I would carry you through to the ends of the earth
I'll weave for us alone with my heart and my soul
When we're woven together then we will be whole
A song lyric G Am D C G