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Jun 2016 · 1.9k
Love is Blind- a Haiku
JRF Jun 2016
Love is Blind- a Haiku

Love is blind, they say,
but I saw you so clearly
all those years ago.
A simple truth-and I still love him so dearly. It'll be 15 years of marriage soon:)
Jun 2016 · 888
Paper Dolls
JRF Jun 2016
I cut you out.
Dad. Mom. Children.
Pretty house, big kitchen and lovely bedroom suites.
I used to cut out the
things I wished we could have
and then I would tear you up and hate you because I couldn't have you or be you- so go to Hell, Sears catalogue.
Go to Hell and die like I died a little every day when I realized that my little paper dolls were the best that I could ever have.
True story. Sadly. This was really me. Late 1970's when catalogues were a thing and paper dolls were popular.
Jun 2016 · 804
I've Got Wings
JRF Jun 2016
I've Got Wings

I could fly away
from you,
but you clipped them, didn't you?
You want me
to be caged.
This is how you like me.
Without hope.
But they do grow back, you know.
These are the secondary feathers that have no blood vessels so you can't really hurt me or keep me
I can still fly and I can still navigate and find my way
past you.
I can find
my way
A poem for everyone that feels caged and flightless...
Jun 2016 · 964
I Have All Kinds of Words
JRF Jun 2016
I Have All Kinds of Words

...that I can express
or pathetically,
or with apathy.

Which of these would you like?
JRF Jun 2016

This is what I feel
in my heart of hearts.
It burns
and consumes
and turns me to ash and then,

like a wave,
my emotions
break and beach
and wash over you
and drown you.

Push and pull- these are the
the tides of my emotions,
and the moon is the cause,
and I moon over you and it pushes and pulls the waters on the shores of
my pathetic, insignificant
little soul.
What doesn't **** me makes me stronger. I still move with the push and pull of the tides...but don't we all?
Jun 2016 · 1.9k
When I Look at You
JRF Jun 2016
When I Look at You

I see love.
I see

God, how I love you.
warmth, strength, and loyalty.

It emanates from your soul.

You were meant for me,
and I,
was meant for you.

This love,
this love is

A poem for my darling husband ...
May 2016 · 660
Poetry is...Haiku
JRF May 2016
Poetry is the
private musings of the soul;
the songs of the heart.
May 2016 · 933
Black Widow
JRF May 2016
Black Widow

I pity the fool
that falls in love with me.

I'm sorry you got tangled in my web.
Yes, I cast it,
and I was looking for you.

And now I'm just going to collect you
like the others.
Store you for now.
Devour you later.

And then I'll start over.
Move on.
Cast a new web.
Find the next one.

Watch for me,
carefully now.
Watch for me in the shadows.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Love, Hate, Love
JRF May 2016
This is what
I feel for you.
I love your smile, but
I hate your grin.
I love the sin
you involve me in.

I hate your snide
I love our
insignificant talks.

I love you.
I hate you.

So here we are.

Love, hate, love.
Alice in Chains fans will understand
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
We Could Have Been Friends
JRF Apr 2016
...but instead, we chose to be lovers,
and that
was the beginning of our end.
turned to bitter tears
and cruel words.
The comradery so quickly
became incompatibility.
What was once so fruitful
became barren.
And so we both went our own ways,
lonely and hurt.
What fools to attempt such a thing
we could have just been
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
Weeping Willow
JRF Apr 2016
Gentle giant.
I sit in the oasis of your shade.
I peel your bark, and
it is like skin.
I rub your skin between my fingertips and feel calm;
I feel your energy.  
You are a healing tree.
When I sit in your shade,
I feel peace and contentment.
However, your song is one of despair,
and so sometimes,
when I sit beneath your limbs,
I lament.
I hurt and I feel
for all things that have passed.

— The End —