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Because you were busy I got no birthday card
It's not the first time so I won't take it hard
Because you were busy I was alone Mother's Day
But I know you have so much to do anyway
Because you were busy I stayed home alone
You didn't have time to pick up the phone

I know life is crazy and you just have a minute
But does even one thought in your head have me in it?
I'm getting older and I'm scared that I'm sick
But I'd sure like a visit, no matter how quick

Because you were busy those hours have passed
You're beginning to realize how you've put me last
But time is a runaway train on a track
And it's something that we never, ever get back

Now you remember to bring me bouquets
And you always visit on bright, sunny days
You talk to me and I wish I could reply
But listening's all you can do when you die
I hope that you somehow know I understand
My leaving was something that you never planned
And I hear as you whisper while I lie in the ground...
"I am so sorry, Mom, that I wasn't around".
Jennifer Martin Apr 2014
It's 3 am and I hear the last trickle of rain fall from my roof
I take another inhale of my last cigarette as I try to force sleep upon my weary mind but I can't
it's churning with memories of the way you caressed my body
I allowed you to trail your fingers over every one of my imperfections because you whispered in my ear that I was breathtakingly beautiful
I can still feel the heat of your breath on my neck and the burning of your fingertips beneath my skin
And I wonder if the girl you're with now is burning alive
You lit me on fire and had the audacity to never put me out
I wish I could save her from your havoc
I hate you

— The End —