Lovers come and go
With nothing left to hold
The bitter sky turns gold
An eerie silence filled the night
As the moon shone its light
Only one star shining bright
Swaying in the breeze
The magical dance of weeds
And the music of rustling leaves
Lovers coming apart
A trail of bleeding hearts
Trying to make a new start
Wishing someone by my side
Knowing this would be denied
To my lonely self I chide
In the lovers meadow I weep
Wanting a love that won't keep
I must let my restless soul sleep
Waiting silently I pray and seek
The one who won't let my heart leak
Now I must rest and not grow weak
For one day my soul will peak
Sometimes we need to stop searching and just wait. Good follows bad. Take a break and stop trying to find your lover just let your lover find you.