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As the sun rises and I already have 3 hours of energy spent and the attempt to slow the thought processes to a dull roar seems to have failed, yet I feel invigorated and excited as more words and thoughts, race across the compartments of my mind looking to find and keep the thoughts that will bring emotions and feelings to the readers of my work.

And even then will I really know if it's good or just polite. Either way it really excites to stir what you hope are emotions and thoughts that will stir others thoughts.

The draw from the energy of my brain is so great and not really wanting to lose my position as I sit precariously on the edge of the blade. How far can I lean to the artistic side of my mind before I fall to far and lose my mind completely.

What is life without risk, I like the feeling, I like the release, it's such a rush.

Yes it's worth risk to hang on the edge and hopefully this second cup of “Joe” won't push me over the edge.

— The End —