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Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
Things falter.
My own life crumbles before me.
Happiness spiraled downwards.
And yet you don’t realize
it’s you who scarred me for life.
Here I am.
Sinking deep with my shattered self.
Along with your mocking words,
which you could never take back.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
tonight i feel above emotions because i am dreaming of you again.
every night must always be on this side of what is intensest.
perhaps on a September evening, like on the 23rd,another night must loom.
where the simplest mastery of your body's shape would toss me in grey silence.
ah, your sweat in my skin, and all flavors of your tastebuds in my tongue ---
all these i have mastered. because every night i am dreaming you.
and in my bed, in the sharp corners of tonight, i know, i shall not slouch.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
you move near me and bring love upfront. i see light changes. unbelievable, yet i see them all. for a while it feels good and then it keeps rising --- that feeling. the one beyond words. you may not also believe any of these. but you make me turn around and see where all love stories go. and i see mine, too. i see it go perfectly entangled with what you have brought me. through which i will return. a love that looks straight in the sun. and a love that could stand gloomy rain.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
it is not just another day.
because even when i sleep, thoughts would retrace every shape-shifting cloud.
and they will make a bed for us.
you and i. deathless, forever-floating in this seamless world.
and always. as always.
with my mind's recurring desire,
i will hold you so tight.

i know it is not just another day.
because it makes me find ways i have lost.
because it gives me a different strength
--- like i become more driven, instead of weak and afraid.

the skyward-blown dandelions.
the playful curls of the sea.
new moon in my brows.
the repetition of thoughts
of your pretty face
the strangeness of a sun-smelling day.
all these --- they tell me, it is not just another day.

yes, i know, it is not just another day.
because it's a day that passes but never ends.
a day that gives me your sweetest attention
and the brightest star after a day-time's work.

i know it is not just another day.
i am telling you world, it is not.
and i don't need any twists or witness in my telling.
it is not just another day.
it is not.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
lately i give no loyalty to the cause of the quiet-cancelling of joy in the heart.
the world knows how many times i'll spit and curse on the bad things that made you cry.
what they were even wanting to say
is like belonging for the cowards
where laughter was always not home.
far out, they want. but i will not.
what i would always want is to be enlivened by the thought
of me being seen living with you all my life.
i am going to take what chance gives me today.
and that is to write this poem in the hot-cold mix of the moment.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
their eyes would usually do the poisonous scanning of my soul.
but what they find would always come as a surprise.
like a clear view of nothing wrong.
sure enough, what they'd find out later
are crazy noise of peter pan longings.
of moonlight borrowed from Eli's side.
and these, for what is worth, are not mine.
the brief nights.
and the lovely song within a hug.
and in the morning, i will walk outside and meet again
the unnecessary ghosts in my life.
and they would murmur words
like those of the usual society-talk
that you rarely hear them say to the others.
and i would try to remember love,
like it's all i ever need in a time of ragged lights.
and i will smile,
and leave,
and become an equal of who i really am.
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
like a velcro to the earth which lazily lay here with its face down,
i felt a new skin. finally. i feel.
a much tighter embrace from the exact world i've been trying to push away.
i breath freely, with all the thoughts that i've been saving not to bring me down.
i lay still and i remember when i was told i was born on a sunday like this.
and i ask for one moment more if days would always be like this same day.
when there's a very thin line with what i really want,
and what the world actually wants to give.
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