A is for Almost, how much I tried
B is for Barely, how I survived
C is for Clearly I'm feeling worn thin
D is I'm Dying inside of this skin
E is for Every, the days that feel worst
F is for Fear, the unbearable curse
G is for Guttural, forth from which sorrow boasts
H is for Happy, what I long for the most
I is for how I am screaming Inside
J for how I long to feel Justified
K is for Knowing that none of it's real
L is the Love that I no longer feel
M is Misanthropic, Macabre, Morose
N is I'm Not okay, Not even close
O for the thoughts that become Obfuscated
P is for all of the People I've hated
Q is for the always unanswered Question
R, from the ones I hold dearest, Rejection
S is the Solitary Silence I Seek
T is Trying to fight when I'm weak
U, feeling Ugly, outside and in
V is the whole bottle of Vicodin
W is Working through Panic attacks
X is the whole bottle of Xanax
Y is for You, the only light that I see
Z is the Zeal for life you've brought back to me
© 2012 Jene'e Patitucci