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16.9k · Sep 2010
Green Eyes
Jelisa Jeffery Sep 2010
Those green eyes of yours
My favourite thing to see
So now please face me

I look around
For something just as pleasing
Who am I teasing
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
3.5k · Mar 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Mar 2011
Your spit against me
From your hate
But it came from your stomach that’s growling in envy
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Dec 2010
It was a snowflake
Six sided, white and fluffy
Caught it on my tongue
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
2.6k · Apr 2011
Roasting Marshmallows
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
Fire is only hot to the touch so I watch the flames flip around like ladies coming out of water and throwing their hair out of their eyes.
And I watch the colors infuriate the grass beneath, for being so bright and making that green so dull. And I watch the heat that I cannot feel
The temperature only visible mentally
So for a while I pretend it’s cold
Because I can
And for a minute I pretend it’s wet, so if I had stuck my hand inside
I would not burn to black
But become glazed in red water
And maybe it would taste of coconut or something similar
So that if I licked my hand
I’d enjoy it because of my liking of coconut
And while I’m at it
I pretend the entire world is completely different
And my mind is finally at ease
Until I’m called into the tent to sleep and the snore of my friend brings me back to where I am
And what I’m really doing
And how the world really is
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
2.5k · May 2010
Bike Ride
Jelisa Jeffery May 2010
I went down a hill on my bike,
It was fun.

The air in my hair,
Although my hair is quite short,
I could feel it.

I opened my eyes so the wind
Would meet them
And then slide to the corners
And off of my cheek.

There was a feeling of aloneness,
but a good one.
My partner was up ahead of me,
But ahead enough I could ignore they were there
For just a moment
And I could have sworn
I was flying
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
2.1k · Apr 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
Nothing pleases my eyes more
Than your face so close to mine
That they can’t even focus
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.9k · Jun 2010
Imagining Surroundings
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2010
Park bench and swingset.
Picnic table; trees beside;
birds are flying by.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.9k · Feb 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
Monday, please don’t do this
Don’t make me feel off balance
Don’t cause my ship to sink
Don’t take my hopes in gallons

Monday, leave me be now
Don’t take my pros, take cons
Don’t pop all of my bubbles
Don’t walk on all my lawns

Monday, hurry up and pass
Don’t **** me dry of smiles
Don’t last a minute longer
Don’t return here for a while
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.8k · Sep 2010
Bury Me In My Pyjamas
Jelisa Jeffery Sep 2010
When I die,
I’d like to be buried in my PJ’s
For I will not be dead

Forever lives the things I did,
And all the things I said,

I will still be quite alive, I will linger
In the grass you picnic on,
In the dust upon your finger

And so my body, buried,
It is sleeping,
But I’m not gone.

So put me in my pyjamas,
Because forever, I’ll live on.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.7k · Jul 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Jul 2011
The silly butterfly;
Before it born, thought it died.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.5k · Aug 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Aug 2010
Things are knocking at my door, and their faces are familiar
Because I’ve felt them before.
Feelings are falling from the sky and landing in my body,
And it’s a bad night for rain, my thoughts are still sore.

Your face is plastered all over my brain’s walls,
And I’m just waiting for my heart to start receiving them too.
Your hands are what my body is waiting for,
There are prints already there because my body’s impatient for you

Come collapse beside me and come to the realization
That I come to each time we speak
Travel into my mind and down my spine and see what I’m about,
Your lack of contribution makes me weak
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.4k · Apr 2011
I Shouldn't Bother (Haiku)
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
I'm trying too hard
To fit into your little
Blackened, dusty heart
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.3k · Aug 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Aug 2010
My feelings are screaming at you, pounding on my body’s walls,
Getting angry at my silence because they’re dying to get out.
This reoccurring notion gets me every time, but truth is, they never leave.
They know only one route.
Everything about you sits inside me, I feel you combine with me,
And I can’t ignore this thing that I know.
Take off whatever shield you bear, and let my feelings pour into your veins,
And there, let them live and grow.
1.3k · Jan 2011
Nothing Is Ugly
Jelisa Jeffery Jan 2011
What is ugly
Isn’t really ugly
But is not good enough to those who seek perfection
And I don’t
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.3k · May 2010
Jelisa Jeffery May 2010
I’ve been casting far off on my own,
I’ve been carelessly walking off the edges of the world,
Twirling, watching my dreams float around me
In the same rhythm and speed as I.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.2k · Mar 2011
An Exciting Place
Jelisa Jeffery Mar 2011
Let’s visit dream worlds on a daily basis
Hop a train away from reality
Take my plane with me – it flies where no one sees
And anything is possible there
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.2k · Sep 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Sep 2010
Always, it has been you, it’s always been you
Been you, always, it’s been you always
Craved, have I always, have I always craved for you,
Denied it always, always will I deny it
Eager for you, I’ve always been so eager,
Forever I’ll love you, love you always and forever
Going to love you, always will I, always going to
Has been you from the first, from the first it has been
It’s always on my mind, on my mind it always is
Just barely believing, barely any belief
Kidding about it, joking about the truth
Loving you is automatic, it’s automatic loving you
My heart is getting sick, my heart will always be sick
No love is portraying from you, portraying from you
Open are my arms, my arms are wide open
Please move, please react, move in some way
Quiet, too quiet; tell me words I need to hear
Reacting too slowly, react, do something
Saving all my words, my words are being saved
Talking to myself, telling myself, reassuring
Unable to breathe, breathing is impossible
Vanished all hope, my hope has been vanished
Wishing so hard, I’m wishing for you
Xoxo, Sincerely
Yours truely,
Zealous and waiting
Zeal - fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
1.2k · Dec 2010
Waiting For You (haiku)
Jelisa Jeffery Dec 2010
It’s funny because
I’m as patient as they come
But can’t wait for you
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.1k · Apr 2011
Nature's Tale
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
A tree told me a story today
And it was better than a grandfather-on-his-rocking-chair
Better than an Uncle-George-by-the-campfire
Because this tree did not use words
He used movements graceful like a river
And I’ve never seen anything so beautiful
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.1k · Oct 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Oct 2010
Tomorrow will be the blanket of today
The one that makes it more warming and comfortable
Because today was dreary and cold
And tomorrow will vanish it away
It will no longer be an importance, although it never really was
It will hide the gloom away into the attic of my head
To never to be visited, and never have to be
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.1k · Dec 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Dec 2010
Why is it that, when one thing in your life gets knocked over
A domino effect occurs
And all things come tumbling down?
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
1.1k · Jun 2011
Playground Thoughts
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2011
A teeter-totter is my mind
Up and the other side is down
Then down and the other side is up
Perhaps if both things weighed the same this would not happen
Sadly, they don’t
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.1k · Jun 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2011
My mind like octopus tenticles
Reaching for the depths of the ocean
And the air above the crashing waves
Wriggling, bringing me to the places I wish to be
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.0k · Feb 2011
How To Be A Good Thief
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
The only thing you should ever take from a person
Is a smile
Or a hug
Or a laugh
Something that can be kept, and stolen away at the same time
And leaves you both feeling good
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.0k · Feb 2011
You're Not Doing It Right
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
Your hypocritical mind is un-ignorable
I’m below it holding light towards it
I don’t want it growing or rainbow-ing out of your body
Find it please, its making me cringe
Be rid of it

Don’t look down on others
Or bellow their flaws
Laughing at them won’t reattach your lost pride
Doing as they did to you will not conquer

Fight your ever oozing, flowing, growing sickening **** of forgets
Remember things you say
Don’t mock or pout at others who say the same things
Think of how you shouldn’t do as inferiors do
But do not highlight your superior-ism
Not that you even are
And you’re blind of the fact you’re conceited
You would only deny it if told

Your immaturity is spiking up through my back
And cutting me—slicing me open
But I don’t want the blood to drip in your eyes
I don’t want you to realize through the liquid of mine
But realize through somebody else
I can’t break it to you
The ice you’ve frozen is too thick for me to melt
And you need to crack it yourself
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
1.0k · Jun 2011
Sorry, Nature
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2011
Counting the beautiful things as I walk
Seeing what nature has done to the world without our help
What the world could have done if we had never came here
To destroy what it is capable of
Oh earth, I am sorry I’m one of them
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
981 · Mar 2011
The Helpful Boat
Jelisa Jeffery Mar 2011
Bye, bye
Negative eye
Of mine
I wave you away in the boat that you lay to never come back
Never betray
My days
Sail astray
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
957 · Mar 2011
The White Fence
Jelisa Jeffery Mar 2011
My friends, the fence posts
Are keeping the trees
Away from my view
And I look through the cracks and see only their branches
Please step aside for a moment, fence posts,
The trees are beautiful too
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
925 · Jan 2011
Good Riddance
Jelisa Jeffery Jan 2011
Good riddance good thoughts
Get uncaught; my tangled mind is fine,
On its own, you only make it cry
You’re good but unreachable
Your wisdom is un-preachable
Good riddance good thoughts
I’m changing the plot of my story
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
922 · Apr 2011
Story On A Bench
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
I sit, sit, sit
And I pick, pick, pick
At my watch

I’m sad, sad, sad
‘Cause I had, had, had
But I lost

I’ll cry, cry, cry
And I’ll sigh, sigh, sigh
‘Til I rot
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
910 · Jul 2010
Collecting Dust
Jelisa Jeffery Jul 2010
You have fare-welled and planned on never coming back,
And said you knew your place and mind.
You have come back so intact, and so sure that you will stay,
And tell me you’re sorry. Well, It’s fine.

You have yelled and picked apart parts of me unpickable by others,
And you’ve tied our love into knots.
You have said such sweet things and refuse you’ll ever raise your voice again
And say your tongue was just caught.

You become oblivious to obvious things and lie about it truly,
And clear your throat afterwards to confess.
You sit and sigh and groan and complain when you seem satisfied,
And you tell me I’m much more when I’m much less

You scatter out problems and lay them out flat and you promise,
That you’ll solve them. But I always do.
You forgive and say you’ll forget, but you hold it against me,
And I sit while you hold grudges and feel blue.

You croak and hold things away from me, saying you’ve said everything,
But things in your head have begun collecting dust
You seek new ways out, new roads to follow, but you don’t choose one,
You merely sit in the dew, and rust.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Jan 2011
What if no one ever sees in you
What I see in you?
What if people only see your incapabilities?
And find you inferior
And think you're not strong
Even though, inside, you are capable, superior
And stronger than anyone
Look at how you speak so surely that someone will see it
In you,
What I see in you
Look at how strong and sure you are

But what if all these blind, close-minded, selfish people on earth
Don’t see that
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
897 · May 2011
such a lovely morning
Jelisa Jeffery May 2011
the tree didn’t weep

it did sag deep down and fall to the grass tips of the lawn

the drops dripping, plip plip plop, from the tree branches to the green blades

into the ground, with the worms and bugs

that climb back up through their dug hole

and climb up the willow

to see the sun coming up that morning

on a thursday where the clouds were blue, the sky was white…
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
895 · Sep 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Sep 2010
You are all puppets, you do as your superiors say
Invisible strings sprout out of your backs
And the only person unable to control anything is you
Your job is to make the little ones laugh
Until they're at your age, where they will learn like you
And give their lives to someone else to take over
You’re all zombies, and all blind to what you’re doing,
Drink up their words; of your own, you are sober
But you asked for this; you signed the papers
And you let the whole thing happen
The entire show you’ve had the scissors in your hand,
But you were blinded by the attention; by the clapping
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
893 · Jun 2010
Lady In A Red Coat
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2010
Walks by everyday,
'round the same time.
Her red coat as bright as her smile.
In her hand
a coffee, or perhaps, a cappuccino,
one she's been drinking for a while.
I envy the vibe that comes off her.
She radiates something so nice,
I automatically paste her smile to my lips.
I catch just a glimpse,
then I have to look twice.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
833 · Jun 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2010
This all happened too abruptly.
Too quickly, (untameable)
This all happened too fast,
You’re gone (Unavailable)
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
824 · Oct 2010
No Endings
Jelisa Jeffery Oct 2010
The movie was coming to an end
But we were in no rush to shuffle and get up to turn it off
We were solid; comfortably still and both knew
We would stay like that long after the credits
(Inhale, exhale. Your hand on my back slightly moves to the left)
We watch the screen with scrolling eyes
Laughing at the funny-sounding names we spit out loud
Gathering pillow corners in our fingers
And touching them with our noses
(Inhale, Finger tapping, rubbing your foot along the back of mine)
The names turn to nothing but we become entertained
By other things; the way my hair looks now
That I’ve been leaning on it that way
For two and a half hours
And how your eyes look like they have freckles
And I am examining them and trying
To convince you of this
But you say it’s not possible, for your cheeks hold them all
(Exhale, eyes turn away, you smile,
You travel your finger up and down my arm)
And we fall asleep
But not to end the night; to continue it
Because our sleeping bodies know that we’re beside one another
All night long
And that’s how our sleeping bodies like it
(inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...)
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
791 · Apr 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
Maybe contentment is a bird I set free that I’ll never get back
Maybe life is a plane that takes off and you just have to get on before it does
Or you take the train
It’s slower but you still get where you’re going eventually
And maybe you’ll see your contentment flying by your window
Wishing you were flying with it like you would have in the plane
If you had gotten on
And perhaps I’m one of those people who didn’t get on
And I’m taking the train watching that bird out my window
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
788 · Jul 2010
Jelisa Jeffery Jul 2010
Zero regrets
One love
Two tears
Three hugs
Four strokes
Five lies
Six question
Seven sighs
Eight Breaths
Nine sobs
Ten shivers
Eleven throbs
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
769 · May 2010
Jelisa Jeffery May 2010
“Have you not any legs?”
“I do not”
“Have you not any arms?
“I do not”
“Have you not any eyes?”
“I do not”
“Then what do you have?”
“A heart”
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
752 · Feb 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
I** try not to tell you how I feel
No one should determine your choices but you
Farther from honesty I become
Lies aren’t told, but my thoughts aren’t portrayed
Unless you can dig them out of me
Every thought you have discourages you
No truth I could tell would save you from that
Cause the truth is, if you go
Everything would be hard for me, and you’d only feel worse
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
Jelisa Jeffery Mar 2011
My childhood friends were the butterflies
And the dandelions
The picnic tables
The trees that held swings
The puddles
And the animal-shaped clouds

Not people
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
742 · Oct 2010
Lazy Words
Jelisa Jeffery Oct 2010
My words are lying on their side;
I’m sorry they’re so lazy, there’s really nothing I can do
But you open up and your words fall out like a slippery fish
How are your words so daring and beautiful?
Teach me
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
736 · Jun 2011
Why not checkered?
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2011
Plaid thoughts.
Criss-crossing, over-lapping.
I’m stuck, what should I do?
Stuck in my plaid thoughts…
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
725 · Apr 2011
Being Wind
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
The wind blows but I know it means well, not to sneak into the crack of a sleeping baby's window, but to tickle the trees, and to give me a peace I can't find in anything else.
And what I can't grab is how it dances, because I could never dance like it and if I could I would grab at the stars and be one with the clouds because thats what the wind can do
I would sit on the tree tops and have picnics of falling chestnuts
I would pet the backs of squirrels and give life to the wings of the birds and everything would be okay because I would have no broken home to go back to, but a field of flowers waiting to sway with me and hear my songs
You know when the birds sing? Yeah, well they couldn't do much without the wind, it's a mere imitation of it's beautiful sound.
The wind means well
Let it carry your hair an inch from your face and close your eyes and you may fly like the bluejays it lifts
Let it blow your clothes in a rhythmic pattern like waves on the sea and feel the ocean beneath you as you glide above it, as you fly
If I were the wind I would laugh as I bounced from kite to kite making the young ones at the end of the string happy
I want to be wind
To do all of these things
but mostly to be able to touch all of you at once
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
719 · Apr 2011
Distracting Colors
Jelisa Jeffery Apr 2011
The peacock has made its home inside of me, feathers fanned out
Each representing a problem of mine
And I sit back and see the pretty colors
I can't see the trouble to come or the things I must do
And if I only did them the peacock would no longer have to be inside me.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
717 · Dec 2010
I Will Gladly
Jelisa Jeffery Dec 2010
I will gladly tell you truths when the whole world is lying
I will stand by your bed
And whisper to you
Hold high your drooped head
And fill it with truth
And I’ll tell the uptight world “it’s alright, no one’s dying”

I will gladly make you laugh when frowns are dominant
When everyone is frowning
You’ll be shining through
In sad faces you are drowning
But I’ll be saving you
Your smile will be obvious and your laugh, prominent

I will gladly make you soar when the ground beneath you parts
Below you cracks the earth
And you’ll begin to fly
For all that you are worth
I’ll never let you die
And when I take you by the hand, I pretend it is your heart
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
717 · Jun 2010
Your Voice
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2010
When I hear your voice,
I crave to bottle it up.
Your laugh beside it.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
707 · Sep 2011
Who's Leading?
Jelisa Jeffery Sep 2011
I’ve wondered always,
If I follow life, or if
My life follows me
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
706 · Oct 2010
Toying With Hope
Jelisa Jeffery Oct 2010
I have one hope for right now,
I have many, but those are for later
And I keep this hope with a ribbon tied around it
In a bow
Because it’s worth enough to be dressed up pretty
And delicate paper wrapped around it three times
Because it’s fragile, like hopes are
The way they break so soon and easily
But I have made sure to keep this one safe, and
Currently it is lying in extra protection;
Styrofoam and bubble-wrap
With the bow still around it
But I opened it today, and I set it close to the edge
And I nudged it daringly
And it wobbled like a see-saw so teasingly
But slowly came to a comfortable stop
And after that,
I knew I had this hope very well in my hands
And I know now, it’s not going to leave
Until it sprouts
From a hope to a reality
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
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