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43.9k · Dec 2011
Technology, Technology
It runs our lives
From the alarm to the evening TV
Just count your sheep
in the hopes of a six hour sleep
Dragging, pushing, poking and grinding
All for what? A day where we swing away?
Reminise and rewind our lives gone astray
All our friends are easily connected
So why do we feel so alone
Looking for love on a computer screen
We’re all ******* with the naturalist gene
Nature’s monitored via tv screens
With copious numbers of LCD’s, CD’s, Mp3’s to sail the seas
Heaven forbid the ******* sneeze
That’s technology you can’t see.
2.6k · Dec 2011
Welders rhyme
Polished off the filler rods
now lifes got me dreaming
soley about the silver lining
the spooning of the woman on the moon
Keep mapping the schematic, the big move
heading straight to the oil soaked cash
Ready again to make the great dash
This time I'll save my dimes
for those unavoidable hard times
I'll pile it under my matress
a secrete stash thats all mine
Work my *** to the bone
by welding up a storm
Sitting all leathered up
on my light weaver throne
To meditate and consentrate
on 13 times the suns bright
Keep the eyes focused and fixate
count to ten when the mechanics frustrate
Troubleshoot the lines of life
fix the issue then
collect the lute.
2.2k · Dec 2011
Electric Fires
Eqyptian pots of lemon copper
Poles, wires, and rubber
Holds up the electric fires
High in the sky – millions of volts to give the illuminating jolt

Their innovative measures gave way for modern day clevers
We sit in our cages, warm and cozy while tungsten bulbs warm our pages

Pharos would be proud of todays electric microwaves and ranges
For they the godly ones endured, lit up and paved the way
2.1k · Dec 2011
Deam machine
sleepn to dreams splitn the seams on what seems to be unseen
floatn from scene to scene.
exposing the dimentions as an interstellar time traveller
high above on DMT the brains craving pleasure from the endorphine
eyes closed walking through rows of roses of syncronicity.
I see old growth trees from sea to seeing all with inner eys of sympathy.
our vehicular carcass is a calorie burning
cardiovascular cacarborated dream machine
1.8k · Dec 2011
outta sight
Outta sight, outta mind. An eye for an eye.
Walmart, Sobeys obey the ****** man
Circled up family clan
Noises from a familiar land

Castles of torture for our souls
Silver, Gold, and Mercury, and
Plutonium, Sodium, Potassium mold

On stands held tight by weakening hands
They lead you along a path far away from
Truth locked away in the Promise Land.

Up in our heads, in our thoughts, the higher self
will lead the way, Never to be left on a shelf
Take it down for daily dissection
Self-Righteous freedom of introspection

Mothersoul sitting on the ties of the railroad,
Looking down the path to his homeland.
Birdys and net turkey stuffing you can bet.
1.8k · Dec 2011
P....u will :)
Plenty of parking for people
to penatrate the park
with their paddles and packs
prepared to take prolonged trips
for picinics out of purple and pink
plaid biodegradable packets
presented perfectly perferated for pouring
packets can be used for proccessing your potent ***
for proper and pertinent disposal

1.7k · Dec 2011
Taboo everything is Taboo
Who knew Taboo could do to you
what it continues to do
to suit the wants of the big headed brutes

Big corperations running the lives
of the little men with big eyes
no solitude in the things construde
they break down compassion
in a monetary fashion

Companies meeting in secrecy
to change lives into incompentency
what can we do when talk is Taboo
1.6k · Dec 2011
Drone ants
Cellulose, stalagtite, cellular device
Short term abbreviations, quick talk slows the nations.
English language spread so wide,
Multiple meanings for them to lie and hide.
Dumbing down the whole population
Dumbing down the whole generation
Dumb corrupt slavery nation
So many frequencies in these feeble heads
Which ones are they ******* with to make us do something else instead
Drone ants marching all day
Building, munching,  texting our intelligence away.
1.6k · Dec 2011
Uneven rotation
Today I rode to somewhere rare
where I could just sit and stare
to stand alone, naked in nature
stimulated on the flow of noise and vibration of
this planets uneven rotation

The clouds disapate
The winds and slow
The air is crisp
The sun wards off the snow
1.5k · Dec 2011
My left foots ankle
Once I broke my left foots ankle
snapped the tendons from the inside bone
Now I wear the burden shackle
life dampened, imprisoned by this supportless zone
The things I used to do cannot be done today
When I jump or run with unattention
the earth moves and I become the fallen one
Near the wheels of zero gravity
is the only likely remedy
Straps to boots super stiff
a way to ride my lifes riff
Happyness found in action
soft social atraction
from genuine interactions

Im happy that I can walk still
and that Im not terminally ill
1.4k · Dec 2011
U had me Floored
Tiffany the things unseen you do to me
from the first time my eyes met yours
in your grampy blue van, u had me floored
hazel eyes and a spark of life behind them
to get to know you would be a ten
it seems to me like youre nervous
and a little unsure just like me
can you see?
Im writing this poem about you
cause I dont know what else to do
I was living in a tent
cause it was just me
and I cant afford rent
I thought....
just thought it would be pretty sweet
if we got to know each other
more than just on the street
Hanging out at the cliffs
that was neat
I never jumped from that height before
I was nervous
I kinda did that for you
cause like I said before
You had me floored.
1.3k · Dec 2011
Myself defined
We are only siblings with one thing
that connects us at birth is genetics
and chemical DNA
Whilst our spirit, soul and energy
are from worlds away
seperated by will and the cosmic fate
All through life we open up
to accept and forgive
to with truely live
We have our differences
even with or without the X's
Theres still a connectedness
that cant be easily suppressed
The hemoglobin blood tissue flow
is where our DNA grows
We share the droopy lid eyes
and the addictive traits
and personality lies
ankles and feet that cant
wieght or structuraly stand
I idolized you both so now
so now im alot like you both
and myself defined by my
own values, morals and oaths
1.2k · Dec 2011
Green Guitar
I ain’t got nothin’ but my green guitar

I was getting on track but I crashed my car

Spend my days in different ways

Always lookin back through the haze

Crime always pays but in terrible ways

Can leisure living be forgiving?

While I sip on my irish jav

I could miss out on the things I could have

Motivation, Could it be my salvation?

Just me and my green guitar

Changes are we’ll go far
1.2k · Dec 2011
Tree sap
River rushing from left to right
with all its unstoppable might
The only stellar source for sustaining life
plants and photosynthisis
the way this life really is

The sound of water
and the link between
mother and father
The rise and fall of the moonlit tides
by the light of night the pedals shine

Digital noises penatrate the morning stillness
as the bacon and eggs sizzle behind us
Coffee and camping to connect the sexs again
back to basics and simplicity
avoid the tempation
to loose yourself in the city

Rivers loose their natural flow
****** and restricted
divided by fear and dought
The wanting of
more and better
to keep us going

We should be sitting quietly
with an innocent unknowingness
the tree sap drizzles
as the wind whistles
1.2k · Dec 2011
When the rain comes rushn in
the deceivers will drown in
a pool of their own festuring sin

Crushed and hushed of true emotion
watching the brainwash box of vision
dictating life void of confusion

Conditioned eyes judge then pry with ego pride
emotionally faceless lost in the timelessness
of deep dark spaceness

Chase this
Pace this
Hit this
Miss this
Kiss this
Think of this
Love this and
Embrace this

The path X comes once every 36
when the Nephilim return for their brew
youd better know what to do when chaos insues
1.1k · Dec 2011
Lost in time
Modern cultural asimilation
is the mass genocide of a tribal nation
westernly patronised translation
of an intricate thousand year old civilisation
turn the station on natural creation
fire up the ovens for creamation

These cultures have survived
while we ignore our insticts and blindly thive
hunting and gathering searching for the illusive
nutrient rich honey comb hive

Our lives run amuck in big empty huts
dust gathers on fire place mantels
while tribes try to cope and handle
their lives charged on cards to buy cattle

Governments think they own them
like property shattled, savages is
what theyre labeled
1.1k · Dec 2011
Love me with you words and the unheards
of intentions and suggestive gestures
straight from the heart
everyday is a new start
to kick start your lovers heart
with warm words
sometimes worlds apart
A reaction from the actions of attraction
from words and unheards
1.1k · Dec 2011
Brain root receptors taken hold
electrically charged cannadis synapsis
I smoked with jay, **** followed and road
it went so deep, straight to the core
back to when I couldnt see any more
Too many revolutions in my head
11,000 or so, with many more to go

pHARMicutIcals they ******* HARM U man
Fructose, Aspartame, Floride stain
the weather man is ******* with our brains
Just flush the **** straight down the drain

***** Leaves a resin stain
on the synapsis of the brain
Lubricated, Nurished
with no neurological pain
1.1k · Dec 2011
Objectual attachments to material things
cars and gold and shiney rings
The less you have, the more its apparent
that these possesions leave you incoherant
Unresponsive to change
comfy in ignorance
humans are quite strange
Externally subtracted
its a fatal attraction
Internally is where we thive
looking through the minds eye
Over and through
Im done with the lies
pluralized and despised
making money that makes you cry
When you dont have enough to get by
it can be really tough
trying to eat like a heath food nut
Real soul food is love and trust
and the persuit of Happyness
from a life lived with less.
1.1k · Dec 2011
Plant matter
Missunderstood medicine man
plant and herbs tight in hand
veggies fruits and and tobaco plants
from tribe to civilized
plants are disected and pillized
while open awake to thrive
pharm free eating pots of honey hive
theres many that help and many that ail
tabaco dipped for death
hospitals smell stail
steel and lumber companies say hemp noway
that stuff is the devils kept
hemp went away because of that day
its back to wear and eat but not to smoke
what is this some kind of ******* joke
1.0k · Dec 2011
Citiots are all around
all over the ground
running around
like they own this town
and the little pieces of land
they call their own
are ultimately in mother natures hand.
1.0k · Dec 2011
Astro capsuls(car) warm delight
Ballistic speeds to the extreme
Catagorised on shape and style
Detour from the mentor
Elevated on pavement close to enslavement
First to the mark forging through the dark
Grounds down below like a rivers flow
Highlighted with lines to guide you along
I see the danger to react is no stranger
Jerky action bad disaster
Klinkity klink klink on a broken castor
Left outta breath, DMT the chemical master
Money leaves my pocket to fix my expensive little rocket
Need all my wheels to feel, now its heel to heel
Orange is the word that mixes well with porrage
Porrage stays good in storage unlike an orange
Question the suggestion of a new auto selection
Running and walking without the radio theres more talking
Service stations fuel the imagination
Time slips by in the wink of an eye
Under the weather convertables arnt better
Vast spaces traced in the unknown race
Watching life through layers of sand
X-ray vision lights at hand
Yellow dot marks the spot of caution
Zenieth and zorrow were standing on the Yellow

and thats how i crashed my ABCs
next time wont you please
GET THE ******* THE ROAD for me
984 · Dec 2011
Chill in the air, sun going down
orange shakra all around
down the street without a care
the Squirrel he did dare
to chose the road creature beware
the cars theyre really going nowhere
you didnt make it, your life was was taken
life goes on and theyll recreate it
Darwinism at its finest, its survival
of the fittest and of the kindest
Quiet observations a focused solutions
Im not a person
I have a person
its in my wallet
if you got a minute
I'll prove it
I'll explain it
to rearange it
in your brain stem
to churn your stomach pit

Alegal fiction was created at birth
against my will
too young to sign it
its not valid

You think slavery is dead
the sheeple are sleeping
in their soft shackles

We have freedom of choice
to keep us distracted
but we ask and beg for permission
like a child
can I use my property?
can I eat?
can I stay warm tonight?

Submisive to supposed authority
with their fancy words of trickery
Legalise to make to buckle at you knees
Please, Please
tell me there isnt a tax on my sneeze
Cause to me thats slavery
946 · Dec 2011
Awkward Cavity
Flesh, blood and bone nothing more nothing less
not a name, body pain or past
an organism void of idealisms
with blood rushing through of rivers vein
H2o is the flow of body rain
hearts turn to stone, programed drones
perched above in egoic thrones
break the trend and begin to mend
so all the lost men can transend
join the concousness, the state of aware
purely awakened
twisted vision upside down
occular nerves spin it around
weird to say the least
it kinda makes ya wonder
where the hell are my feets
I seem stuck to ground like some strange beast
a burdon a body an awkward cavity.
916 · Dec 2011
Mind chatter
Whats wrong with your matter
why do your thoughts seem to shatter
and splatter all silence into waves
of static chatter
Let your mind faulter
sitting silent under the calm water
Bubbled constant blabber jabber of
topics and thoughts and things that really dont matter
Fill the days with more than one hour
of silent inner and being stiller
giving power to the brain flower
Ignore the distractor the interactor
and the teacher thats molding young minds
with some kind of ego attractor
use brain conditioner applyed twice a day
by a liscensed practitoner
asleep at the wheeler
thoughts that act as some kind of leader
attracted by a stringer
unaware of the silent danger
mind of alter hidden
right above the shoulder
914 · Dec 2011
holding the balance, my heart is green...never will i be dishonest or unseen.
my blood & my being are both in the colour of red, just like that of the arch angel we both dred.
I have & enjoy my open communication with you..... so, i speak my words intently right out of the blue.
I go with my gut pulling from yellow.....for i know that i am a kind and decent fellow.
The spark is orange that gives all its life...i bring it in to sight with loving voilet, NOT with the vision of a haters knife.
Indigo is the place where it all comes in....and is weaved into form with the creators manifesting pin.
903 · Dec 2011
Brain washed race
Im sitting in the sun,
soaking up all the sounds of all
the other number ones
running around
all over the ground
Tires spinning
Motors pound'n
Restlessly questless on a mission
to aquire worthless possesions
and proffessions
that educate
and fascilitate
a brainwashed race.
891 · Dec 2011
Not a victim of deception
I’m consciously aware of my existence
I wasn’t born of royalty
None of that blood flownin through me

Not a victim of mass manipulation
I'm the creator of the creation
I'm God cause I make life through an *******
To me it's plain to see, that God lives inside of me

Not a victim of the slave nation
I was indoctrinated at an early age, too blind to see
Money, greed and material overcame me
Possessions like shackles broke from my ankles, now I'm free.
858 · Dec 2011
Cold breath
Winter snow solstic shows us
when cold slows bones to ice stones
and muscles chilled, while blood thickens
blurry vision from frozen retnas
tissue senseless cause our sences suspend us
from the inevatable light tunnel
the funnel, the big sun dail
exiled, buried deep in a snow pile
is the there a another ice age, awaiting back stage?
Ready to turn the page to a beautiful new fase
of this planet, our only lfe cage
Osilating axel, balanced in the void of a
spiraling dust cloud of penatrating noise
Beings adapted to stellar propeller through the
dimentional divide, alone in this realm we hide
so close to cold and certain death
our sun gives us life for the oxygen of our breathe
856 · Dec 2011
Inner Eye
THC allows me to see parts of me that you youself chose not to see
Through sober eyes its hard to see where the lines lie inside
where we hide behind ego pride
bending the right use of will has an internal effect on the present
unaware of dialect, if left unchecked the mind protects from psychosis the pshycotic net.
i hear the inner voices of I the high the high of the inner eye.
850 · Dec 2011
Micros Oft
Lines at night by the light of the moon
Their plan for death will come true for some all too soon
Our lungs with air that’s bombarded with toxin
chocking on the particulate, that spreads across the land.
Veggies and fruits grown by hand or spiralina with colliadal silver,
Cannabis and chlorella too, those are to filter out the Toxic Goo or
The slew of the ultimates poisonous brew
Masked evil intended for the micros
That’s you and me or
should I just tell you something you already knew.
The gates are opening and the *******  is spinning
The time is ticking,  their hands are getting all sticky
From all the ***** money that was made aloft from
All the Micro beings being slowly Offed.
849 · Dec 2011
Bear Spray
I have a Voice!
Freedom of expression – Undeniable Choice
They pull me down
Stole my ride
Crushed with ego pride
They justify then deny my cry
Behind walls of stone, they craft the unjust lie
Teeth clenched, fists squeezed
Red with anger, it’s written down for the Brotherhood of favour
In lies they trust, I’m not a bear. I talk to pierce this unlawful crust
He drew his mace and ****** sprayed
Four seconds of fear in my face
I stood like a statue, stating my case
Arresting me for frustration
F this ****
I just lost faith in his occupation!
828 · Dec 2011
Mental fight
I dont understand why life is so vein
whilst the persons around me are incompetantly insane
Your inalienable god given rights
live inside out and give a little mental fight
827 · Dec 2011
Nerves a twitching under silent anticipation
Been chosen to speak in quiet constant contemplation
Out of nowhere, here I am on the 11th path of Bala presentation
The equation of this fun situation, got me dreaming through the pipe of this freedom nation
I love the thought of me on a station
Or even on a page rather than in a cold cage of their creation
The courts are deceiving, they’ve got us believing that the way it is, is just the way it is
I’m more than a number on a indoctrinate discloser.
I’m a talented pure potentially grounded, loving creature
824 · Dec 2011
Lonely Atom
Small holes all around in the underground
built by humans trying to survive the sound
of mounds of earth and rock being blown around
with a deaf'ning shock, the after thought of the
nucular bomb, that one, the one and only
Lonely Atom

Surface dwellers bones blown apart
vaporised and locked in hells cellar
at the center of Hell
unable to escape the firey skies
the invisably cloaked radiated drape
Bombs falling all around
earthquakes rattle and are quick to
dismantle any structure left on the ground

Sound and safe in a hole, a cavity, a cave
my private underground hiding space
Locked and sealed
while millions lay dead in the feilds
Radiated cities and towns
people digging deep down
to be safe in the underground
817 · Dec 2011
No hurry
Instant gratification generations
all nations bent on material sensations
but to wait for something great
takes patients and vurtues, morals and debate

Carved in stone, chissel in hand
all my own roaming the land
time is a test and rocks last longer then the rest
some were moved from all around
back and forth across the ground
slowly and surely, theres no hurry

Step after step
with no debt
I live small
I have it all
806 · Dec 2011
Not a victim of deception
I’m consciously aware of my existence
I wasn’t born of royalty
None of that blood flownin through me

Not a victim of mass manipulation
I'm the creator of the creation
I'm God cause I make life through an *******
To me it's plain to see, that God lives inside of me

Not a victim of the slave nation
I was indoctrinated at an early age, too blind to see
Money, greed and material overcame me
Possessions like shackles broke from my ankles, now I'm free
788 · Dec 2011
Time unforgiving
Life is an evolving  journey
as we see and breath naturaly
Days taken in stride from moments
riding on the tide
Theres nowhere left to hide from
Time the unforgiving ride
766 · Dec 2011
Dehydrate me
Coffee coffee a delacasy with a
tasty dehydrating quality
Farmers worked the feilds
where there once was a beautiful yield
Why the hell is my tongue all pasty
whatever cause that was Fuckn tasty

Chuck the paper cup, disrupt they all add up
bite your plastic shrunken lid lip
take it, grind it, its best brewed with a slow drip
this thing we speak of, it desires
the minds insatiable crazy love fires

Black or cream and with a little sugar
to some its a dream
ya sure theres water or h2o in there
but the caffine doesnt discriminate or even care
Substance abuse
people and nature swinging from a noose
725 · Dec 2011
Ear drum
My ear drum burst on my birthday
runny wax like moldable clay
My carcass is 32 today
but my energy is ageless
like the pages of the pageless
the life of light creation
Graveyards mark the pity little spot
from death day as we lay and rott
Birth and death are two and the same
from internal we emerge with an internal flame
thrilled till we fade away with our hair
turning white and gray.
698 · Dec 2011
Check your unchecked testostirone
your male inflated ego zone
Death and destruction all through the
centeries from the dawn of time
Man has *****, maimed and killed
to reach the top,
its time to stop
this time to stop that insatiable climb
690 · Dec 2011
Expanded Sky
Once apon a sky native elders could hear the earths unmistakable sye
they knew with out a dought that one day this would all end
Mother Earth would be whole again
death winds covering the planet, comming from jets
silly humans, they just dont get it
mother earths cry from intoxicated skies

sitting up high with checks in hand
spraying chemical death all over the land
aluminum and berilium salts just to name two
in a slew of corperate government funded brew

population control on a new level
knocking down our immune systems
adding H1N1 to the trouble
Lines in the sky they expand unnoticed to untrained eye
floating along in the ionsphere
electrically charged particals send us fear.
686 · Dec 2011
Sleeping sticky sludge
Look at me, why dont you look at you
only seeing what you want to
your quick to judge all who bavely
trudge through the darkness of your
sleeping sticky sludge
peoples perception is a disception
of it being slightly misconceived since
655 · Dec 2011
Little Monkey
You bang your head just like a monkey
You swing your arm to beat your hairy chest
Come on man, Check your ego it’s a test

Little monkey, big truck
Little monkey, stupid ****

So proud of prison, so you gloat
I don’t care, You’re just a being like me
Did you drop the soap? Just wishing of a slit throat?

You were scared and now your scorned
Ankle band, you won’t go far
652 · Dec 2011
Creator divine
Terror rains, volcanos to ash
no sun, no warmth, cold bones
cash cities fall from sky to rubble
big or small theyre all in trouble
popping, screaming, lungs collapsing
no breath just dust
tidle waves beware sunamis out there
land to water inandated not vacated
rivers of blood, all alone, isolated
the flower of birth can now emerge
from the earth, old habits submerged
A butterfly free to cry through the cosmos of time
space is mine with the Creator divine
645 · Dec 2011
Combustible Snow
Big bright sun sitting in the sky
Spinning, burning, churning our lives
Home cooked pie
Plate up a piece and eat
When its done, get up and run
Is the plate clean for the next one?
Crumbs and goo left on my right shoe
Nothing left for us to do
The time has come for the world to forget
To forgive the pain of the past, live truthfully with no regret
Learn and grow always walking tall
Through the freezing cold mounds of Combustible Snow
639 · Dec 2011
Original SIN
Freeman on the land is worth two in the hand
believe you me its hard to understand
how to make one mend with the other
without the other feeling smothered
at birth we emerge with one last surge
swooped away tagged and weighed
registered like some foriegn cargo ship
certified then denied selling freedom lies
conditioned the schooler with the golden ruler
we sinned with social security pins
at 14 did we see what we should have seen
or just a false sense of security
did we willingly voluntarily and intentionally
enter into these one sided contracts naively
ignorance had a different meaning
relying on employer seeking to empower by
continuesly consuming and devouring
returning to the land as a flesh n blood being
living modestly circled and truely free again
636 · Dec 2011
Rapid death delivery device
Rapid death delivery device
fighting for so called freedom
blindly tightening the ego vice
taking life and stirring up strife
no one in range is safe
married to the system
abandoning your child
and your beloved wife
564 · Dec 2011
Wish I was a fish, Swish swish
If I had one wish I'd wish this
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