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Jeffrey Jul 2017
You live the first half of your life looking forward,
And the second half looking back
When my love, will you live with me
here in the sun,
eyes wide open,
clothes half off,
top all the way down

dance with me, dance with me now,
**** the fears, and all the lies you’ve told
I’m standing naked in the daylight,
fluorescent and dangerous,
ferociously loyal,
fiercely independent
and totally in love

Let the ground shake, the glass shatter,
be something they don’t understand
Stand for yourself and yourself alone,
Close your eyes,
open your heart
and just ******* let go
You won’t need me to catch you but you know I will

I’ll be your forever boy
But not from the sidelines
Bold, in the center of the ring, gloves off
And turned on simply by the way you smell

Most people spend the first half of their lives looking forward
And the second half looking back
But I am leaving here at 3:00 p.m.

Meet me at the corner of freedom and forever
Sunglasses on, and the rear view mirror will be in pieces

I’ll slow down, but I won’t stop
Then again, you won’t need me to
Just close your eyes,
cross your heart
And leap
Jeffrey Jul 2017
My beloveds,

Please stop seeking me out
in the eyes of every stranger whose form you find appealing
In every evening’s masquerade, serenaded by dime store boom boom playing through bar room speakers

Release the idea that I’m somehow hiding inside of the lover to whom you’ve chained yourself, just waiting for you to release me from a hidden tower

I’m not.

It breaks my heart to watch your aimless searching, pressing up against writhing bodies, then torturing yourself with the notion that you somehow had the one that got away

You didn’t.

Forgive yourself the notion that your sole purpose in this lifetime is to seek someone with whom to share it as it only leaves you searching in places that I simply can not be found.

I am not the destination, I am the journey.  

I am not the answer, I am the question.

I will not find you the moment that you stop looking for me.  
I will find you the moment that you find yourself,
Somewhere along the path that leads you to who you might become 
should you begin to walk it

You seem to think that somehow we are playing hide and go seek, 
and that I am right behind the chair, eternally eluding you

But the truth is I am somewhere down the path between where you started and your potential, while you’ve not even left the living room

You did not come here seeking love.  
You are love and you came here seeking answers. 
Please start asking the questions. 
Who are you?  
What do you want?  
Why are you here? 
Why did you come?
What might you become should you decide to become it?

You, the all powerful, that came to human form, born into the maelstrom to learn, to teach, to be, 
and yes, even to love, 
though you knew that you would suffer, 
You have forgotten who you are and why you came

Brave one, made of light,
you don’t need to look any further to find me.  
You are me and I am you. 
And once you’ve left this form 
you will again remember that you are love and light 
and have never and will never be alone.

But, if only you could wake up while you’re still here, 
then yes, you could change the world.  
You would bend the universe.
And that which you are looking for would find you, 
undistracted, unrestrained, and beautiful, 
at which point I will slip my hand into yours 
and then you won’t remember a moment before I arrived.

Please stop seeking me out in the eyes of every stranger whose form you find appealing

Your life is calling.  
Please pick it up.  

You’ll find me on the other end of the line.
Jeffrey Jul 2017
I will begin on the plains of your abdomen,
gently tracing their rise and fall
as breath enters and escapes your lips
noticing like mountain dew,
how sweat begins to glisten on your skin

And moving up toward your northern exposure
I’lll scale your round, soft mountains,
achingly slowly yet steady just the same
while you beg me
to reach the sensitive peaks
But twirling just around them,
refusing your demand to bite,
and leaving two soft kisses where
a flag would otherwise stand

Then charting a course around either side
of your most golden coast,
instead gently running my fingers
(with ice held between them)
down your peninsulas,
toward the straights of your inner thighs
across the narrows that lay behind your knees
And though you spread your geography
to create an inlet to your ocean,
I will instead continue to attend to
the peninsulas’ ends,
greatly in need of attention
as they’ve carried your land
from place to place without complaint

Then rolling the landscape asunder
And revealing your southern exposure to the sky
I’ll gently explore your heart shaped dunes,
Soft yet firm, causing a vibration in the ground
as you express your approval with the progress
of the expedition

Moving on to the edges and ridges of your
so strong back, your femininity pronounced only more so
by how strong and broad your shoulders,
I’ll hold and rub them firm, thankful for the place
upon which my head at times will rest

And finally, the last frontier of this journey
The soft sweet center of your landscape
like swollen earth between my lips,
and then our hips like rolling hills
An earthquake slowly building
tectonic plates shifting out of place
until the world begins to shudder,
the room shake, and then fall silent
as our two bodies remain as one
while drifting off to explorations
found among our dreams

(National Pornographic was the alternative name)
Jeffrey Jul 2017
Imagine for a moment 
that you could make love to yourself 
Not single handedly, but in full
body on body, legs intertwined, 
fingers interlaced 

Now my love, 
as you began,
what if she (you)
asked yourself to harm her.
Would you comply?

Would you pull on your own beautiful hair, 
the hair that you waited so very long to grow, 
hard enough to make her cry, 

Would you dig your nails 
into the soft skin 
that for years and years 
you only wanted to be unblemished

Would you, smack so hard, 
your unprotected places, 
round and soft, 
and tighten cuffs until 
they cut in to your wrists, 
wrists that always just wanted 
to be gently held while 
you crossed the street 
when you were so small 
you couldn't see over the hoods of cars 

Would you succumb to being 
the brutal abuser of your second self?

Or would you see my love, 
would you see that the you 
that is asking to be hurt, 
is already hurting so very much

So much so that 
she's confused pain with love 
that she's so far lost
that she can only find her ****** 
when being punished for things 
she has not done, 

What if instead 
you ran your hands through her hair, 
and told her what you have
both been longing to hear. 

That you're not alone. 
That you have yourself, 
and that she doesn't 
to abused to come

Could you both loosen your grip 
so that your broken model of love and *** 
can be glued back into place 

a place where you're ****** 
is a tidal wave of beauty 
instead of a shameful corner
where it hides today

You are perfect my love. 
And you are beautiful.  
And you don't need to be punished. 
You don't need your hair pulled to know that you are real,
 that you are alive and that you are deserving of love,
 love that you're withholding from yourself and that only you can give. 

There is a new story for you now.   
And if you are so inclined
It’s time to start a new

Reach a soft hand down between your legs
and feel yourself begin to swell 
to fill your *** with warmth 
while you move your hand in gentle rhythms 

Let the warmth begin to grow 
and your breath to deepen 
while you replace your fantasies of hate 
with an undeniable love 
so that you never again 
let some *****-breathed 
and undeserving stranger 
to abuse your beautiful body

Make love to yourself.   
and when the warmth 
breaks open and streams down your legs 
you’ll finally feel where love and ***
are truly meant to overlap, 
disappear into the vanishing point, 
burst out with laughter 
and then don't let anyone touch a hair 
on your beautiful head ever again.  
You don't need the pain anymore.  
You, my love, are free.
Jeffrey Jun 2017
You ask of others
what you are not willing to do
each time you ask another to love you
when you do not yet love yourself
(For if you did, you would not ask)

And yet each day I watch you wander,
walking the lines of someone else’s shores
searching for a foothold among rocks and sand

Though within you there are boundless oceans
with light and hues you’ve not even yet imagined
that remain completely unexplored

You’ve not begun to swim their depths
as you are too busy trolling the shallows
of someone else’s refracted image
of the self that they don’t know

Worry not about painting the sky
with someone else’s color
and find now your own palette -
the one that is yours uniquely
not yet discovered, for it will
only be found when you
find it within your self

Journey within and you will see that
the kingdoms that you are seeking are
also seeking you

You are the ultimate mystery of this lifetime
the grandest adventure of them all
the undiscovered continent hiding in plain sight

Love has not abandoned you
it is within you waiting to be discovered
please stop asking others why they won’t love you
And start asking that of yourself

I can't see you, but I see you
I don't know you but I know you
When you let me I will love you
just as deeply as you love yourself
and we will swim your oceans together

Love does not make you vulnerable,
it makes you invincible
Jeffrey Jun 2017
Side effects may include:

Sleepless nights
Self deprecation
Unquenchable Thirst
Abusive behavior
****** *******
Night terrors
Misdirected blame
Substance Abuse
Searing Pain
Excessive *******

Please consult yourself before starting this or any new relationship by passing fear off as love and pretending it is real.  

Studies have shown that the hard honest work of falling in love with the beauty of the real you will lead to a lack of willingness to subject yourself to suffering.  

Ask your doctor about LoveThySelf and whether it's right for you.  

LoveThySelf- The soul you save will most certainly  be your own (for it's the only one you can)

Available now, at a mirror near you.
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