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4.7k · Jun 2013
thoughts on thoughts
godspeed, dystopian mind.
alls well that ends well
in the war against self loathing.
call upon historic impulses
electrical? fanatical. transfixed. fatal.
axiom? blight. corruption. hunger.
intent? destruction. hopeless. death.
godspeed, dystopian mind
and don't come back.
3.0k · Jun 2013
Beauty in the brokenness
What does it mean to yield? How do I do it?

Do I have to stop,
or do I merge into what’s already flowing?

Do I just let God plant a seed in me and let it keep growing?

Or do I stop and see what’s coming, hoping I’ll make the right choice somehow?
What do I do God?
There’s so many things always pulling, I get lost and forget which way I was rowing.

But then I see your signs and remember that there’s something more worth yielding for.
Something more worth giving my life for.
I know the truths in me and I’ve found something worth fighting for.
Worth dying for.


I’ve never cried Lord, more than when I’m on the floor.
On my hands and knees begging you please to hear my pleas.
Because this world gets too heavy, and the burden doesn’t just hang on my back.

It slips in the cracks that have formed over time
because this broken soul tries to climb without a harness.
This broken soul tries to be someone he’s not.

Lies, steals, lusts,
but still gives it all he’s got.

This broken soul can’t carry the burdens of the world.

They’re too heavy to hold,
when the same hands and back back are trying to carry a sister who was addicted to crack, who’s marriage has fallen to pieces and she’s trying to stick them together and get it back
but she’s forgotten that you’re the thread that keeps it all together.

Without it, we’re dead.

This broken soul tries to hide the lust but whenever no one’s looking, he falls back into old habits and selfish desires that requires him to de-humanize women and see them only as things that bring him satisfaction.

There’s something so terribly wrong with that.

Something needs to change and fast.

And it’s this same mouth that lies and slanders because he wants people to like him and so he puts on another face in hopes to hide away the toxic black that builds up when he forgets to yield.

When I forget that there’s beauty in the brokenness.
When we finally come up and confess.
That we’re all a ****** broken mess.

and then we hope for more because we’re told to score.
but we never make the cut,
there’s few that do.
but when they’re through,
they’re broken too.

There’s beauty in the brokenness

Someone loves this broken mess.

We’re stuck safe in our heads,
at least, that’s what we think until it all caves in or someone breaks the code and walks right in.

Then we’re left lingering in a place we can’t escape, and we have to accept that it may
the same.

At some point we have to admit that we don’t have it all figured out, and listen to the cries of your heart.

Shout, let it out!

There’s beauty in the brokenness.

The one who loves that broken mess,
is the same one who can put it all back together.

He can make it better.
Heal the wounds that tear in rough weather.

He'll fix the locks,
reset the clocks
and turn back time to when your doors weren’t closed,
when do you suppose?
you’ll have enough strength,
enough courage
to last the length it takes to show that you have nothing?
it's takes everything
to show that you have nothing.

And realize that it’s when we show we’re broken,
share we share that token,
that we become everything he wants us to be.

When we finally yield,
slow down,
look around,
we’ll remember that we don’t actually need to go anywhere.
We don’t need to do anything.
Because no matter what you do,
where you go
or how many times you’ve fallen down
no matter how many times you’ve dirtied the gown

He loves these bruised






brok­en messes

and nothing will change that.

No more, no less.

So, what does it mean to yield?
There's beauty in the brokenness.
1.9k · Jun 2013
and most important of all
If I were to die tonight

or tomorrow

or in the next 3 seconds…

I would want you by my side,

because there’s so much I would want to say

and so many ways to guide

about the world

and love

and about dreams that you should unfurl

wisdom, to dare to do things you never have

strength, so through everything, you remember to laugh,

hope, as the unfolding map

and love, to guide your every path

its a neverending list

a stockade

a wish,

of things I hope you know

of ways you can always grow

but if I had to choose

with my final breathe I’d say:

live your life

you’ve got everything to lose

everything to gain

and everything to choose.

So don’t waste your time

and make sure to let loose

and most important of all

sometimes I don’t wash my hands after pooping
1.5k · Jun 2013
beautiful symphony
beautiful symphony
oh, so sweet.
your melodies caress me
from my soul to my feet

beautiful symphony
you rest in our heart
you flow through our veins
from the end to the start

beautiful symphony
oh, how bittersweet
just as quickly you began
no sooner, you retreat.

beautiful symphony
or as we call it, love
caresses our senses
then flies away like a dove

beautiful symphony
live in our memory
any feeble recording
could not, as beautiful, be.
1.1k · Jun 2013
well, i tried.
i guess i should write something that's not about you
i love
you were blonde
anxious is the man
countless years ago
he followed doubt and pain
but never let it show

first to catch the eyes
blonde and unrefined
her short and shuffled feet
walk in time with mine

nights and days compress
cars become a wish
each night they turned the keys
the world was on their list

compiled inside a gate
her secrets lied in flame
breaking down the walls
would fuel the fire untamed

whitened in the snow
shoulder made a tool
she told him her regrets
that night beside school

time, a heartless fool
danced inside their eyes
trickled down their cheeks
in to a sad demise

flashing screens of red
warning soon to come
listen to it close
beat it like a drum

round and round it goes
cycles start again
wheels begin to spin
relax and count to ten

hallowed be thy name
unrequited love
worshiped like a god
mistaken for a dove

dyed a crimson red
letters sent with hope
return this back to sender
with a complementary rope

time returned again
this time he brought a friend
distance bared a shovel
knowing it would end

fit it in all in words
fluff it up real nice
rip to shreds her heart
turning his to ice

see her face again
hear her say his name
hammer to his heart
melt it all with shame

now anxious is the man
countless years ago
he followed doubt and pain
never to let go
998 · Nov 2013
before i was so sensitive
my life has been a big joke
never taken seriously
nor seriously taken
mostly just laughable, memorable
scenes you would place in an indie movie

imagine the most contrived and self absorbed
cinematic extravaganza
that always ends in happily ever after
now in place the high school version of me
and play it on repeat
welcome to my life
as simple plan would say

on my average every day
you could count the amount of times
i think of nothing but myself
only if each was a dot that freckled my skin
only if each was a non perishable in a food donation bin
but in the latter case you wouldn't have enough
and when I realized that
the daunting reality of human depravity
is when God became so much more real
when he slapped me across the face
and blood dripped from my nose
not from the brunt of the blow
but from the hand of the innocent
not just the one who was sent
but the ones who cannot be sent
cannot be moved
and cannot escape
in someone elses sick idea of prosperity
someone's sick idea of "making it"
the only thing we're "making it"
is someone else's hell
and when God slapped me across the face
he said to me
I hear their cries
i hear them breaking
their hearts being crushed under the pressure
i see their homes being taken away
i know the depths of darkness they experience
each and every. day.
my children they are suffering
my children they are lost
sprawled out on the floor
being made into each others tool of satisfaction
and that's only a fraction

my children
run to them
not away from yourself
towards me"

that's when I started taking God seriously
the day I realized that this world is too ******* up to be able to even cope

now my life isn't a joke
because my life may be someone else's hope.
974 · Nov 2013
I'm slowly
but truly,
coming to understand
that a world without expression
only apathy.
is a world of true oppression.
965 · Dec 2013
is there a way for someone to get close to me
without me hurting them?
I'm a series of traps in a maze plotted by my flaws and insecurities.
963 · Nov 2013
stitch it in my soul
its troublesome still.
is it ever achievable?
in this lifetime,
I wish to attain it
unconditional love
but Im selfish and mostly want it for myself
to lay my head on your lap when I don't feel like being strong anymore
it's hard sometimes in hard times to convince myself its all going to be fine
when it's all so rough
the friction distills
it's troublesome still
to not have a place to rest my anxious head.
to rely on a God whom I can't feel
nor touch
even though I know you're there
it's troublesome still.
because I need some sort of touch
a stroke
so as to leave a coded memory
embroidered on my skin
as a constant reminder that
I am
in fact
not alone.
957 · Jun 2013
mahogany skies
too often, i think too much
about theology
the future
the torrent of anxieties
ferociously grows inside of me
under my heart
in-between my ribs
and im driven into recluse

too often, i think too much
and forget
the remedy
is right in front of me
i just have to open the blinds
and watch the sunset
that big burning star
scarring the clouds blood red
and mahogany orange
burns inside me

and the torrent subsides.
923 · Nov 2013
boring sucks
i'm afraid of the dullness
the unspectacular scares me more than any cancer
more than any mortal wound
that thouest couldest ever inflict upon thine flesh
because it's telling me that i am not doing something to live life to the fullest.
it means that at some point, I made a decision that lead me to experience the dullness
the dark side of experience
and I don't know what to do in those moments
in those dreadful
never ending
frictionally enhanced
time stand still stanced
i can choose to do something else where I'm truly "living"
or i can wallow in the mellow and live dangerously in imaginations sleeping quarters.
i'm such a rebel.
but there's no room for resting in the dormant ticks
that's the time for the treadmill
or rather the spinning wheel
for this hamster of a brain
to start running in circles
always leading me to think the same things
"i should be doing something more productive"
at which point lack of discipline
and my love for self loathing all barge in
wielding several large knives
and hold the poor little creature hostage
if only I could afford better locks...
909 · Jun 2013
i don't blame you
i've been flying too low to the ground,
but since when could i fly?
i've been grounded since birth.
my head may have been in the clouds sometimes,
but my heart always remained on earth.
but ever since you came around i've grown some wings.
made me think i could fly.
made me think i could finally reach my dreams.
but i never came close to the sky.
hah, what a joke
i thought you gave me a way to soar
but it was me who built them.
it was my lips that swore
to blissful ignorance,
and hopeful innocence.
and that crippled me.
took a knife, jabbed it in my eyes
so i couldn't see.
and i crashed and burned.
i don't blame you though, don't worry
someone so broken
and torched
from the inside out
can't possibly understand
the uncertainty
and the pain
that your doubts made me withstand
I know you never meant it
I know the last thing you wanted to do
was to hurt me,
because of you.
but that's what happened.
the only lie,
was that I could make it through.
I came too close to the ground
the wings finally gave in
Now the only thing i'm left wondering,
is where the hell my head has been.
878 · Jul 2013
"Write a poem"
those three words are all it takes
and before I know it
everything i've ever known
all that i've ever experienced
is wretched from inside of me
and taped (clumsily)
aligned (crookedly)
and stapled (loosely)
to this signpost we call hellopoetry
maybe someone will notice
most will pass it by
but little do they know that it's not my words that are dripping with angst on the pole
it's me
because my words are me
they filter through my brain, my gut
my love, my hate, my biases, prejudices, hurts, scars, fears,
ideas, thoughts, hopes, dreams and most definitely
most importantly
my heart

so remember as you read these words
and their words
you're not just reading poems
you're not just glancing at some scribbles on a page
slopped together to mean nothing
and consumed,
like a 50 cent burger at a diner.
you're reading expression
true, raw, human, expression
and you need to pay attention
because that expression
can sometimes
but more often then not
mean everything.
877 · Jun 2013
the day i became a man
the day i became a man
was not when i started growing hair on my face,
(though, you can never go wrong with a plentiful beard)
was not when i kissed a girl for the first time
(sad attempts at beards make for even more sad attempts at first kisses)
was not when i got a car
(never happened)
was not when i bought a house
(hasn't happened either)
nor the day i have a kid
(although it will significantly increase my manhood levels)
nor the day i start my career and begin making buttloads of money
(never going to happen)
it most definitely wasn't when i decided to bottle my feelings up,
because men don't show feeling
(this poor guy is cursed with emotions that make decisions for themselves)

no, the day i became a man
was when i realized that i had something to offer the world
it was when i realized that i'm not on this earth to take
and be selfish
or to get famous
or make lots of money
or be successful
no, my badge of manhood was earned when i came to the conclusion
that i don't need your ****** versions of what a man really is
to understand
who this man
really is

it was earned when i
to earn it
and decided
to start learning
and caring
and loving
the responsibility of a mortgage is not on my shoulders
the responsibility of the world is
(and there's no other way i would rather have it)
elegant master bedrooms
whimsical classic tunes
clean healing needles
almost as common as beetles
when your colors match their blues.

but if there's no color coordination
you might need some exploitation
followed by some red and blue
then some orange and white.
and happy times follow
with the vacant and hollow
bibles and books
presenting principles
far from the original examples

but you'll make an example.
it's all you've ever known
it's all you've ever known.
it's been something I've believed since the day I saw the light
the light that shines on every one's face
that shines through the acne or scars
the birth marks or bars
that everyone is beautiful
regardless of what titles theyve been given
I know you've all heard it before
or maybe you haven't
either way you need to know
that you are not what you're told
whether that be garbage, or gold
you need only one title to call yourself
that's human
that's living
and with a heart aimed somewhere past your past
you have the potential to be great
but only when you realize that you're strongest in your weakness
when you see that the road less travelled
is less trampled
because people weren't stepped on
walked all over
they carried each other
held each other up
the road less traveled isn't easier
in fact, it's rockier
and you're most likely going to get hurt
you're going to gain some scars
because the road less traveled was pioneered by forgiveness
and i don't want you to think that it's easy
because it's not
i don't want you to think it's simple
because it's not
i want you to know it's right
so do the hardest thing tonight
and forgive yourself
so that you can start down the road less traveled
called beauty
829 · Nov 2013
clenched grit
i see you've got a life
here I've got mine too
fold them in together
wishes do come true
then soon but some say later
i saw my coin fall
ripple in the water
and wishes i wished i never wished
wished above all hope
gave too much away
the things that mattered most
not within myself
but crashing on your coast
hoping for the latter
the former never came
leaving spinning clay
all but only fame
so i picked at each stitch
with my teeth clenched grit
still catching on my shirt
i'm bare, cold out of wit
just naked, wet and wishing once again
that coin would wish toward
a less broken, barren end.
how prevalent and real the problems are
that we often on see on the reel.
there's a reason why movies are made
pure entertainment of course
but others are a source
an insight
made to bring to light
what often evades our sight
we best take heed
because when people look back on what we did
when the future looks back to the past
they will see that some lived
and some died
and few fought
and the few that did
they won something that could never be bought.

and you better believe that every muscle
every bone
in this man's body
will have felt what it means to fight
to struggle
to fail
to fall
to endure
and to crawl
until the skin on his knees
and the skin on his hands
have merged with the dirt
to the point where he will be forced to stand again.
to fight some more.
fight to change the course of history
for the better
even if he is not to be remembered
for the fight is not for glory
but for right.
for truth.

for light.

so it's up to you
what you're going to fight for.
or what you're going to continue
to ignore.
818 · Jun 2013
howling chest
for a while
you were my home
for a while
you were holed up in my chest.

we made blanket forts,
set up christmas lights,
threw pebbles at traffic,
and soon,
we were unable to distinguish days from nights
then i took you for a tour
into my soul, through my delights

I lead you to a mirror

my dear

that's where you first saw you and me
but you only saw your scars
and i still tried to show you what we could be
but at the sight of yourself
you lost what could have been ours.

you ran away
leaving a trail
running through me
and soon
your words became my skin
your smile, my cells
my arteries were open and gushing
but you were constantly hushing
lest anyone hear my heart bursting from its encasement, underneath your heel.

and now, memories of blanket forts and laughing snorts can't drown out the howling wind blowing through my open chest.
where we used to play.
Some of us still wish.
For greatness
For love
for even a sliver of stability
because lately it seems things are rockier than The Rolling Stones
its beginning to rattle your bones

Some of us still hold on to those childhood dreams
clinging to them as tightly as you used to cling to that
stuffed fluffy cow,
or that green plastic dinosaur.
hoping one day it would come to life
and wisk you away
to where dreams never died
and mothers and fathers never lied
when they promised
til death do us part

they never parted,
or died.
but something inside them did

Some of us still wish.
that one day we can go back to those days
when our biggest worry
was finding just the right stairs
being sure they didn't creak
so we could go drink beer
and play truth or dare

but most of us just wish
that we could live
and be happy
and live lovely
and love lively,
and untamed
until the day we die
unlike our parents
wearing the world like the tide
exploring the moons darkened sides

yeah, some of us still wish.
but there's a few that simply...
People want real.
People want tangible.
They want something they can see
not something that's been construed into its own language
filtered through your typical middle class white
and mixed in with struggleless anticipation of "just desserts"
which is a milkshake rejected by the general populace because its smell accurately represents how atrocious it is for your health
not to mention it stains your teeth a bright white
that never seems to go away
until you stop drinking it.
the biggest danger is that tends to make people think they never need to brush
its the leading cause of tooth decay
and bad breathe
things don't tend to smell good when they're rotting on the inside.
698 · Nov 2013
Beauty is transparency
667 · Jul 2013
just like wine
What do I really want?
I'll need some time to think
but in the meantime
let me inform you
that your sunglasses turn me off.
they haunt me with images of Lady Gaga
and if you're anything like her
I say nuh-uh.
You spend too much time painting your nails
checking your phone
and looking for sales.
Now, don't get me wrong,
I'm not saying looking nice is wrong
trust me
i notice
but i need someone with their priorities straight
not someone who regularly takes a picture of their plate.
and I don't want to just sit there and stare into your eyes
saying they're a teardrop from the moon
trying to get you to swoon.
your eyes could be the most beautiful things i've ever seen
but that means **** to me when you're a material queen.
instead, while we gaze into each other's eyes
i'll probably pick your nose
stick it in your ear
or wipe it on your clothes

i need someone who understands
that life is really about where we've been
where we're going
and most definitely
about taking the scenic route
because if our eyes are the windows to our souls
that's where I'll be looking when we grow old
and i'll see all our memories
not the cancer
the spots
or crippling disease.
because age may wrinkle our skin,
and time pass us like wind
what's truly important
is what's within.
Just like wine
we'll only get better in time.
so lets make those memories
lets scrape our knees
really feel the breeze
and please please please
remember that we can stay young if we just act a little dumb.
remember these mountains we climb would take less time
if we hold each other's hands
and intertwine.
that way,
whether we make it to the top
or life pulls us down
we'll be together.
my love.
my crown.
631 · Jun 2013
one second
can change your life
what do I say?
one second*
it's seems like such a small thing
but it can have such a profound consequence
one second
could decide my fate
which path do i take?
one second
but remember the regrets you've made!
learn from your mistakes
one second  
think of the future
5 years, 10 years, 20
one second
heart throbbing, chest pumping
i can't concentrate!
one second
do I want this, what do I want?
how do i know?
one second
it feels like a year
but the clock hasn't moved
one second


one second

please just give me





don't go
some days I feel fit for life
a real contender in the race for...
whatever the goal is.
the vacancy sign is buzzing on my forehead
trying to remember what i'm supposed to never forget
but too often i always forget.
obviously today is not a fit day
today is not a day that goes down in the histories of
elegant thoughts or grandeur revelations
flagrancy has its consistency basting at the bottom of my spine
who knew thoughts like this could still be mine
i'm not supposed to think things like that

if i were projected onto a screen
mindful of the electrical patterns governing
where exactly my eyes have been hovering
the views expressed do not reflect the views of Jeff's heart
please, avert thine eyes and let go of your pride
if only it were that easy.
604 · Dec 2013
gospel of right
I'm tired of the gospel of
"I'm right"
I'm sick of the gospel of
"I've got it all figured out"
I'm fed up with
"this is how you should live your life
this is how it should be done.
because this is how I see it
so you should too"
the ******* seeps through your fingers
because you hold it too tight
you're making a mess
get your **** together.
realize that you're about as close
to figuring out this faith thing
as the next guy
who's drunk and high
laying in the ditch.
because the second that you look down on him
the second your smile becomes a charity
for the one's you see as lesser
is the exact second you drive yourself
into that very same ditch
and then
there you are
drunk and high off your own pride
and just as broken inside.
587 · Nov 2013
just be
don't try too hard to smile
putting on a face each day is of no importance
but facing each day
that no matter how you feel -
that it is still a beautiful
extraordinary day.
because living life to the fullest
isn't about always being happy -
let's be real
that's stupid.
and impossible.
it's about embracing
and learning from each experience that's thrown our way
or happy.
because life is going to sucker punch you in the gut
and you're going to sometimes be stuck in the fetal position
laying on your floor.
trying to soften the blows.
and you have no control over when
or where
or how hard it's going to hit
the only thing you have control over
is yourself.
so stop trying to force yourself to smile for others
embrace the emotion of the day
and treat it like a friend.
don't keep trying to change it if you can't.
i'm dreaming of big things
im dreaming of experiencing things with someone in which I care deeply
someone in which I love freely.
not easily
but truly.
i'm dreaming of an indie movie
those scenes where a catchy track is playing
and they're blissfully ignorant to the world
yet so desperately in tune
so deeply holding on
to that moment in time
when not everything was okay
but it felt it
when not everything was fine
but it didn't matter
those moments where you're so close to heaven
you can feel yourself falling.

I don't live for these moments
these moments live for me
so I can remember that heaven
is with you and me.
whoever you are
whoever you may be.
574 · Aug 2013
We dress to impress
Walking through life
Pleasing eyes,
causing sighs
but the pleading doesn’t stop
only brings out more lies
trying to make it to the top
only to realize
that it dries
everything your heart holds dear
and you see that you’re motivated by fear
and rejection,
Propaganda shoved in your ears
telling you that your worth relies
on your pride and lack of compassion
well, that’s not true
so Let’s shatter that, like a mirror
the constant distraction.
and then we’ll need to
Keep our eyes on the skies
because that’s the only truth
on which our worth relies.
566 · Dec 2013
what is a moment?
Have you ever had a perfect moment? It only happens for a second. There's an all encompassing peace that overcomes your body. It's as if your blood begins to run thick with syrup extracted from the oldest of trees, for they truly know the meaning of peace. It's as if you're moving through a pocket of time where everything seems to freeze in perfect harmony. The perfect picture forever captured in your mind. These moments are a rarity. Remember them. Cherish them. Long for them. Know that they are not everything, for they are a glimmer of what is to come.
you ask as if I truly see
what comes from pure emotion
what depths of unencumbered breathe
the movements of the ocean.
not often captured on our screens
it's cast into the air
not often seen because we're scared
but don't deny its there.
it burrows deep inside your mind
and captures every thought
spinning swift into its web
then out comes bitters rot.
so cleanse thee tongue in silver splints
removing wood from thee
so each word, each phrase have linings true
to hearts among the sea.
551 · Dec 2013
too close
I guess I'm afraid of someone being aware of my flaws
I would prefer that you saw me from afar
and never mentioned when you got close enough
to realize I am not a hero
instead, you should just keep it to yourself
and pretend that the best in me
is all that you see.
547 · Dec 2013
it's so late
you've dimmed the dashboard
and taken out the key
for air so cold
it's thicker than it should be.
535 · Jun 2013
the world won
you know that song by Coldplay?
the one on the new album
Mylo Xyloto
(the album name doesn't mean anything,
you told me.)
the song was "Us against the world"
I was learning it.
I don't have a very good voice.
i mean, it's not terrible
but it's not great.
but I was doing it for you.
it went
"through chaos as it swirls,
it's us against the world."

i guess the chaos swirled,
and the world won.
530 · Nov 2013
every writer
every writer
wishes for profundity in their writing
every writer
wishes that their work
would be the next expression of the ages
the next coalition of words that compiles the dictionary of broken hearts and suffering souls.

maybe that's just me
maybe every time I sit down, inspired, i never have the intellect
wide enough to know the words and expressions to express
the depth that's been suppressed until now
i never know how
i wish i knew how
to script this rupture of repression into words
but it's never as eloquent as i wish
never as accurate as the thickness of emotion that
calmly, yet strongly exudes itself by silently whispering to me
all the mistakes ive made and the scars its edge has
scathed just slightly under my skin.
not enough for you to see it
but always enough for me to feel it

words and poems
are always just a fraction
a tiny little snippet
that hole, that crack in the fence
that gives you a glimpse
of what's really going on
but you'll never truly know
you'll never truly understand
because the words may show you a piece
but they're also the fence
520 · Nov 2013
"when I don't know what to write
             due to my lack of inspiration -
                              ie. i'm not contemplating the problem of suffering, pain and despair in the world, and wallowing in my own self loathing,
                                     my posts lose significant quality
                  and gain significant satirical substance.
and I intentionally place the lines askew
                                                         to portray a façade of artistry."

*--J.A. Williams, excerpt from "Uninspired, and pure fartswaggle: A collection of unadulterated, barely (occasionally, but mostly not) rhyming poems."
511 · Jul 2013
I keep looking at pictures of you
so that maybe it won't be so hard to see you next time.
i'll get my eyes used to seeing you,
so that my spine won't shrivel
as the present motion picture
swivels through my heart.
but i think it's harder to look at pictures
than to look at you in person.
the pictures show what we used to be
snapshots of what we could have been
but the present us
isn't us
it's me
and you
both knowing what we put each other through
and that's enough to numb any poison

our past is my antidote
502 · Dec 2013
not to be ventured
love is not earned,
but learned

*-- J.A. Williams, 6 word.
495 · Aug 2013
carry you on by
i'm pretty tired of this whole finding love thing
i think i'll just quit
i already stopped looking a while ago
hoping she would just find me,
but apparently thats not how its supposed to work.
maybe i'll find her
once i stop trying
but beliefs like that come from the same hollywood discount ******* bin
as fate, love at first sight and true soul mates.
seems like everyone buys from it, hoping to get a deal
but i think I'll pass
i want something real.
so rather than wait
i think im just going to throw hopes into the wind
and pray they come back around some day
and carry you on by.
unrequited love
the hottest product on sale
it'd be flying off the shelves
if it's instructions weren't in braille
its release date is june 15th
in the year Two thousand, never!
between that time and now
you'll be trying to hold yourself together
ah, but this is business as usual
in the shop of hopeful sorrow
where flowers line up by the dozen
wishing for changes by tomorrow
only to be left out in the cold
drenched by a familiar substance
slightly saltier than rain

but don't fret
no don't worry
we'll open the door a little bit
just to keep you here
to make the lines a little blurry.
don't try to come in though,
we've got to get things in order
so here's a few more flyers
they'll get you a deal or two
so you'll stay at our doorstep
we'll open the doors real soon.

Desperation rots in my stomach as knots toss and turn in war with every bone in my body.
There's no escaping the poisoned feeling that consumes every thought and movement,
seeping and lingering in each and every day.
Moments of calmness are all that's left as a sea of confusion crashes against the sand,
leaving me broken and battered like a ship tossed to land.
I look up and down and see no end to the shadow that engulfs my entirety,
caused by the light that falls over my past.
There's no turning back,
Only sideways and around.
leading me in the same direction I was before.
I am stuck in a maze built by my own insecurities and need for control
and now I'm left in the corners
the depth of my very own creation

I am broken.
This was the first poem I ever wrote.
I was going through extreme anxiety problems and I didn't know how to get all that I was feeling out. So I took and pen and paper and just... wrote.
This is what came out.
After this I never stopped writing.
478 · Aug 2013
we're all riots
what began
what started?
a song
before and after
its still going
you just stopped listening
you just stopped caring
wrinkled in your skin
curled in your toes
yet, nicely stacked in rows
you're walking by them
gently swathing branches
but you won't take your chances
no, never take a chance
because the song is too quiet
you have to listen to hear it
but when you do
it never leaves you
because you realize it's been there all along.
yeah, it's up to you to hear the song
470 · Nov 2013
to my ex
"it’s all good."

*— J.A. Williams, excerpt from “Things poets never say”
460 · Nov 2013
I can't help but smile
I can't help but smile
when I think of those times
where we decided to leave,
but stayed a while.
460 · Nov 2013
my life trend lately seems to be
on a spectrum
that's constantly swinging back and forth between
"feeling like ****"
and "feeling like ****, yet wanting to write about it"
453 · Nov 2013
a name i know longer know.
i could lose myself in you
fully encompass myself
truly engross
hide myself
bathe myself in your scents
tie myself to your memory
tide myself on your shore
grip your thighs
long for more
but longings
only lead to hopings
and dreamings of long before
and long before i've ever dreamed
i knew a name i know no more
444 · Jun 2013
it won't be long, now
when your insecurities bubble up
you begin to crumble in
then we start to fizzle down
and we can never seem to win

but spring brings new life
that's what they say
but for us it brings distance
and we're not just far away

now I'm lost among your words
hoping mine will get me through
but they're a noose around my neck
tethered with my love for you

it's saving me from the fire
that's burning at my feet
but soon my own device
will be the cause of my defeat
440 · Jul 2013
Quick! hand me the phone...
it was just a quick little jab
nothing to worry about
an inner flesh wound
that's slightly more inner than my flesh
and mostly more bitter
because it's so fresh
but just leave me be
i can handle myself
you go ahead
but grab my tele from the shelf

i have a call to make
to my past self
438 · Nov 2013
i'm left here.
i have all the time in the world
and i'll have all the world in time
all the world as in
because my world is in your heart
and your heart, will in time, be mine
the desire is real and desire leads to action
ah, but not to desire your skin on mine
though that addresses me with a smile anytime she pierces my consciousness
and now, instead of personal revelation in the form of
perfect poetical pontification
comes the inevitable disdain
i can't help but be disgusted at my own sappiness
i can't help but read these words and think
you're such a ****.
what the hell are you writing.
do you even understand it?
you have no idea what you're writing."
and I lose my inspiration
and I'm left here.
so ***** it
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