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Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
Being with you hurts
You always make me feel less
Less than I can be
Jeff Barnes Jun 2014
Innovations are dreams that have been realized.
The status quo is where dreams go to die.
Jeff Barnes Jul 2014
I know my cause is hopeless
I know there is no winning this thing
I know I should pack my things and leave
And see what kindness the world brings

I am out gunned and over taxed,
Out maneuvered and out matched
I am out of luck, destitute and ******.
But I can still fight. I can do that much.

No one sends flesh and blood to fight by my side
I think they all wish I would just lay down and die

What the **** can I do?
When they are the head and I am the shoe.

I will fight,  I will fight
I will fight... until I die.

Because even the smallest dog
Fights when backed into a corner.
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
For so long I was so wrong
To let you inside my head
I once thought if You left me
That I might as well be dead

Those weeks, those nights, those days we spent apart
Left me alone to heal my broken heart

But now that I'm free
I keep my head held high
Found what's right for me
I'm back in control of my life

Moved on now the pain's gone
You always had the best of me
What went wrong made me so strong
When You left... it set the captive free

You took my trust, my love for granted
Yet I still survived unlike you planned it

But now that I'm free
I keep my head held high
Found what's right for me
I'm back in control of my life
I wrote this for a song: my friend Steve wrote and played the music for. Not sure if it is technically a poem.
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
This poem was removed.
My daughter insisted that I submit this poem for her. I apologize, she is only 9 years old.
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
Pathways of the Earth
Flow to the ends of the land
Never changing roads
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
Coffee to sharpen our minds
***** to dull our senses
Meetings to shape our town
Dinners to mend the fences

Leaving our work at the door
Listening to our spouses *****
Looking down on a homeless dude
He don't know how tough it is

To keep up this ******* day after day
That's heroic man
When all you want to do is take off
And leave it all behind

Get on the open road
Born to be wild
Leave your stress and kids behind
**** this treadmill life

Where's my slice of glory?
Where's my name in lights?
Where my ***, Drugs and Rock and Roll!?
Where's my blinged out Nikes?

Where's my drugged out supermodel?
Where's my ******-full **?
How did life get so boring?
Man I just don't know.

****, time to pick up the kid from band practice!
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
The sky shines with a silver light
Casting out the shadows and the darkness
Sparkling light jewels are the stars in it
Bright jewels at the bottom of a black lake
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
Bright is the north star
Shining over the land
Star of beauty and power
This star of white gold
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
I fell off the flat Earth and love is written in the stone
And love is the seventh wave that will always take me home
I feel wonderful tonight because I woke up laughing
I was climbing Solsbury hill where the wind was blowing
Keep it dark, they'll never know. I was a child for a day.
My heart tells me more than your raging eyes can ever say.
It's gonna get better. I'll follow you if you follow me.
I'm making contact, our bodies returning to the sea.
Earth Stone, wonderful laughter and the wind upon the hill.
The dark child believes in you, the once raging eyes are still.
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
They came, the marauders, from out of the night
Burning, looting and setting our homes alight

We were murdered in our sleep and slaughtered in our beds
Our women-folk misused and then left for dead

But that was yesterday, now it's time to bury our folk
The pain inside is like a knife, is this some mad god's joke?

We will look to our knives and any sharp objects that we can find.
For tonight the farmers will become hunters with death burned into our minds.

For what can replace that empty space where our loved ones used to be.
But the blood of our enemies, flowing over the land and into the sea?
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
The land is dry and infertile.
The rivers and stream share the same fate.
This will mean the death of our people
Unless we can find some escape.
So we pack our belongings
And take one last look at our homes.
Leave what food we can for the elderly
And set out for the unknown.
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
Swiftly flow the years
Like foam upon the waters
Leaving memories of songs
And girls with juicy booties
Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
I love her
I need his friendship
They love and need each other
Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
Pillars of the sky
Rooted to the Earth's mantle
Piercing through the clouds
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
The sound of thunder
The mad rushing of the wind
Sparks fly from the hooves.
Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
Doorways of the soul
They can be warm or ice cold
In the young or old.
Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
Cupping her ******
My hands the perfect vessels
For this precious gift
Jeff Barnes Dec 2015
I bury my nose in her armpits, breathing deep
She exudes sweat and musk; funky and intoxicating
Soft curly hairs brushing my nose and face
My tongue flickering and tasting - salty and sour
My body touching hers in so many places
I don't know where I begin and she ends
Or how long we have been like this

— The End —