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JD Apr 2012
You asked me what I see in him.
My mind had so much to say.

There is the way he wears my lipgloss after our good morning kiss.
When we drive for hours, not speaking a single word.
He knows me better than I know myself sometimes.
Every quirk and every flaw.
Every evening he holds me close.
He gives me hope.
I know I'm never alone.

All these things I wanted to say, but instead I simply shrugged.
JD Apr 2012
Four letters balance themselves, hanging precariously on the tip of my tongue.

A single syllable, firing in my mouth like a bottle rocket from tooth to roof.

Dare I say it?

One word that could make or break me.


I sigh a breath of air, full of silent screams. Begging myself not to.




Four little letters.


I love you.
JD Feb 2012
Just one smile was all it took. My name on your lips and I was hooked.
Don't you want to know what its like to take a walk along the darker side of life?
You're driving me out of my mind. Don't make this any more complicated than it has to be.
I'm not going home alone tonight.

Tonight, just tonight, you can be my Mr. Right. You can take me high, give me wings, make me fly.
By morning we'll be strangers, just a misplaced name on a vague, hazy face.
But for now lets pretend that this is the night of our lives.
JD Nov 2011
"Four leaf clovers and shooting stars are only going to get you so far.
Where will you be when Lady Luck leaves you stranded without a single prayer?
Be ready to kiss goodbye whatever it is you're risking.
Take a gamble and you're bound to lose it all."
Says the man who's already lost it all.
JD Nov 2011
Everything about you is a masterpiece.
From your single dimple to your knobby knees. Infectious laughter like a cool autumn breeze.
Even those bushy eyebrows and that freckled skin which burns far too easily under the hot July sun.
The way your soft golden locks spill over your shoulders, down your back and to your waist.
Its simply breathtaking.
I love everything about you. From your head down to your toes.
Your imperfections are what make you perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.
Everything about you is a masterpiece.
JD Nov 2011
I glance around the dinner table. Illuminated by the soft glow of candles are the faces of my family. Through thick and thin, this blood runs forever deep. Each pair of eyes see through a window of pain, loss and betrayal. Each spirit forced to carry burdens much to heavy to bear alone. Yet here we sit. Smiles on our faces, laughter in our hearts. If this isn't hope then I don't know what is.
JD Nov 2011
Press my pen to this blank canvas.
Let the words flow out like the blood of a freshly opened wound.
Just cut a little deeper, dig a little further.
Tap into a passion, raw and uncut.
Don't think. Just feel.
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