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Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
What will the news say about the girl
dark skinned and frail in your arms
removed from warmth in the dark of night
as means of debt collection?

Car wreck
Dim teeth
To dash
Through pain
In rain
For her

Steal back living, stolen property
mistakenly signed away
for the means of living, eternal
by backs reset to zero.

It's all right, honey, I'm here to save you

She'll turn white before the media
you've known since your acceptance
money hides the child in its green blades
pulled through kept grass hiding glass.

It's all right, honey, They'll keep you sleeping

Blade cut
Brown face
For his Blood
Jaymisun Kearney Feb 2014
Just this last year, in August of 2013, I was introduced to this website by an acquaintance of mine.
We'd gone on a couple of dates together, but both decided things weren't moving mutually in our
favor. I'd told her that there's no thing I love more than writing. There's a quality in the transference of emotion from thought to page that I just can't find anywhere else. Sad to say, I told her, I haven't written anything in a very long time. Was it writer's block, she asked. I shook my head, but couldn't commit to an answer one way or the other.

Sometime later, maybe weeks after that conversation downtown at The Rialto, she sent me a text message. That was when my cell phone service was still active. She said that she found this website -- literally, this website -- where a large community of people post their poetry. Hard times were fallen on her and all that, and she said that writing poetry again was a great release. She sent me a link to the website so that I could check it out.

What happened after that was nothing short of a small, personal miracle. Words were coming to me again, fast, fast. For years, nothing genuine would come. Suddenly, the gates opened. Ask anyone who enjoys writing why they write and I'm sure you'll get many, many different answers. Mine is this: to affect. There's no greater joy for me than knowing I've affected others in a way that drives them to an end. A positive end, of course. That old saying, about being able to reach out and touch just one person. That's more than enough for me.

The pain. The drama. The isolation. The spiritual dissonance. The love. The joy. The passion. The surrender. There have been a lot of feelings that drive the words I write, and I'm happy to know that there have been people out there reading, even if only a few. In a way, it's like you've all been riding along with me, and that means more than I could ever say. Instead of trying to describe it in detail, I'll say, Thank You.

I have more piece of poetry I'll be publishing here. The final piece to the Arterial Winter collection. It wouldn't feel right to leave without putting the final nail in that coffin. In the meantime, I'll slowly be removing my older works from the website, one by one, until they're all gone. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be rearranging everything into new collections, and figuring out interesting ways to print and sell each piece. Needless to say, I'm very excited for what the future brings.

Thank you. I really can't thank all of you who took the time to even peek at my work enough for the fire you've reignited inside of me. These endeavors, along with a couple of novel projects I've started, have given me the justification I need to actually consider myself a writer. Regardless of situation or circumstance, I'll be finding you all again somewhere. See you later. See you soon.

Best Regards
2.9k · Nov 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
If I were your old flames
Would both legs and your heart fall open now?
You disregard me.
So of heat and foreign bodies
I'll take your words for gold
And be cut loose
On the run I go

Lariat still worn of course
In ill hope you come around
But I hope
They wreck me
Before you do
2.8k · Nov 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
I can't recall the last time I felt excited
There should be moments there
Instead it's
Phantom pain
The greatness of elation
escapes chase of pumping veins
Instead it's
Only pain
I wish it would rain

Blue light seeps in while water pounds
Where I've cut the power where
Nothing lives
Except strange
Patterns endlessly dreamed up
warming mortal meat in vain
Instead their
presence makes
what hope remains just

Might dreams be reprieve from apathy or worse?
Maybe so but never for me
I know it sounds morose but think
The singer of songs finds unanimous love and is warm to the core
by what the crowd brings
When the monitors die and the singer outside gets shot through the teeth
the dream is a lie and we all nod like
"Well it had to happen sooner or later"
Every time life parts hiding eyes
I wake into nightmare
2.2k · Jan 2014
Mama Yemaya Diaspora
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
What a great unhappy waste
of muscle mass and jawline
Impetus in a mess
is what begs question of these confines
If things were not coming apart
in the ways we all saw under the surface
would our brave little boy
have robbed himself of his life toward purpose
as misguided as this?

Twenty three years staring into mirrors
with two **** brown globes of lightning
filling up with self deprecation
is a waste?

Somehow I knew you'd say that
and the news wrapped in words wrapped in plastic
glances like the spear tip to plate armor
aimed and stabbed from a distance too great

Colored nails, black or pink, or **** and gnarled
Painted face, totally, or face too **** and concave
Chest heaving open or covered from the world
Downtown or eating cereal in sweats from a mixing

On your couch

Be the bullet for all of us who took one
Be the blade for those whose voices drained by knife
And be the voice just by living
Even if hidden,
My Love,
You're real!
I may not have come clean if it weren't for Laura Jane Grace. Congratulations on a new album. This is my dedication to our siblings.
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
She's there, suddenly noticed, woman from the dream
Above the dance floor, red hair fire falling down around a moonlight face
All others blur in the sea of bodies and burn on the sidelines of tunnel vision as the freckles of stars
Cerulean eyes vacuum the dark within a frame that illuminates and
I'm struck, suddenly pulling a name from ether

I whisper*

rings, three drinks in
reach to the rib to feel dress wear for which metal was traded
bartender dead
one stray bullet punctured his head burst through the back and then popped

a fifth of Jameson.

Motion slicing and justified
Violent crash when pacified
Autonomy engage,
Bang, bang


nine times in row
nine suited men dropped still in tow, two more take employees' door
following fast
upstair sprint with empty clip, K.O. with strong arm hefty throw

She leaves safe with escort
Up one more flight to the rooftop
This isn't the first time Julia's run away
This is the first time she's been chased by wanting legs
Who otherwise stood still on the platform watching a present face
Depart when maybe just maybe there was a chance in three words, sure

In three words

Violent crash in memory
Autonomy engage,
Retrace the pain
and follow
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
And now there's a gap where the last eight hours should hang
sitting in a hospital bed looking at my boss across the way
arms crossed, thumbing his mustache like cleaning a brush
He says, "Forgive us, but we had your mouth reconstructed"
"As well as your wounds healed. We didn't think you'd mind."
I say, "I don't mind. I don't like liquid diets, anyway."
Why does it
No work for
He tells me I'm dying and that I'm strung out too far!
Tells me I'm putting too much in to what turns to scar.
Take some time off he says and give myself a chance.
Forgotten for so long to grin and ask myself to dance.
So I say, so say
you, and I'll try
but I'm fine.

And now there's a plan unfolding without my direct discretion
I can feel strings somewhere above as they're pulled softly
I sleep on the train after dressing up doll-like at home
Makeup and suicide tools wrapped around my curves in laughing walls
A women in red locks is taunting me from inside her ward, so familiar
"I should never have let you go," I say as I'm approaching
"I could have found you out," I say but she laughs once more
And sets herself on fire
Nothing but ash before me just out of reach
The dust swirling
Motes of adolescence tickling my fingertips
Why does it
Waking I can't
Arrive at The Roxy. Beneath her neon sign I absorb
cold rain in a way that makes my spine quake.
And inside the lobby, through my boots, I feel the floor
erupting from the music just through the doors.
Why do I come here?
Knowing there's nothing.
I'm nothing.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Self Skewer
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Blowing smoke into the night
inhaled from a mini pipe
twisted with colors
I did not choose

My wispy gaze into rain
summons from the gone past pains
the deepest red hurt
faded, cloudy

and grey

What lost I no longer remember in color doubles affect in its audible cracks
Following in footsteps wherever intuition leads. Happily? Misery? In madness and smiling
What lost no longer hangs over in color but lives always in minute hands

I chose
1.4k · Dec 2013
Untapped Medium
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
Why waste your time talking, are you insane?
You're pushing real buttons when you could play.
Offer me a gun,
Offer me a blade,
Offer me an answer
Cemented firmly in old ways
Or I will crush you in insults with the language you would use to say,

Only one solution to such a simple problem.
Get what is rightly yours or just defeat or justly save.
Offer me the newest
best displayed gun
with the best gimmick
and I'll offer you several days
but once I hear the pleas with common language and you choose to say,

I have no choice but to crush you into the dirt from whence you came!
So say it. Say what you will. I need to use this answer I obtain.

There are those whose ideas work to change the normative horror
but they're working beyond the confines and outside exposure
necessary to ever, ever, realistically begin the revolution leading
to the evolution necessary for our medium to truly newly thrive
and sure it will survive, you're right about that, but I myself
would like to see a future where when given ultimate control
of a problematic situation, I'm not standing on a platform
made of mechanics that come from a singular origin and only
give me a killswitch, saying, "In which way would you like
to end more lives", and though it's a nice enough reprieve
don't get me wrong, I'd rather have an expansive platform
to stand on where I might be given a multitude of options
that may possibly end in my choosing not to become a

Get back.

Are we lost to the tropes which provide the most money for instant growth
that knowingly keep us from ever, ever truly growing and expanding?
Will this be forever the list we're left to roam?
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Waiting like always sitting with hands in lap and head bowed
Just knowing I'll hear news that you messed up
Not knowing, like ever, the words to change or chastise or
Not knowing why I want to
Not knowing why I need you
Not knowing why I need to
Not knowing why I want you
Nursing your head wounds with the TV on while you tell me
We are watching the news that you messed up
We are cuddled and sitting how the god and the child

She doesn't remember what I remember of the years she means to me.
She will fix the pieces eventually so why don't I give her just one small piece?
So I take Miriam to the cemetery.
The cemetery at sunrise.
Looking over a rail yard.
Revealing old gravestones.
Nondescript in the lay lanes.

She doesn't remember why she doesn't visit the grave of her mother.
She will fix the image much sooner than later so why don't I give her some relief?
So I tell Miriam in the old green graveyard.
The graveyard filled with carbon.
Speaking of another girl.
Revealing I knew her
As another distant frame.

You are married with the orange scene in gleaming while I

Not knowing why I want to
Not knowing why I need you
Not knowing why I need to
Not knowing why I want you
1.3k · Jan 2014
Last Time I Left You
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Last time I left you
you left your wishes
in the sweet, slow kiss you attempted
before the twilight landscape
our figures injected black richness
to twisted shadows of the thicket
where we stood laughing afterward
What, in whispers I promised you
last time I left you, follows me
so in shadows

I threw away
your pictures
I burned it all
over the years for the fear of holding on too long
I still recall
the sneakers
you wore that night
drinking beer
at my side outside the mini-mart
each next time in the present when I close my eyes

and it fills me
and it kills me
with pain
I ate with the ice cream bar we
shared between the two of us
you gave me all when you had enough
and it kills me
Jaymisun Kearney Feb 2014
In the white light of a phone's glow
I write the last lies to be told
in these walls
These could be any four walls
as I'm sure you know
All of the best kept secrets wept out in words
that obscure the stories still unheard
Where's the truth
in this morbid, designer
tale of a breakdown?

That's all this is
as I'm sure you know
You've been here before

felt the last drop of hope float
down the drain with the last check
cut from the paper of places
that let you go
or you let go
It's all the same story growing old
felt the final slap of real emotion
under your face to touch your soul
and unless I'm mistaken
You let it go
You gave up control to your old ghosts
You let it all go
And as
You felt the empire crumble on your shoulders
You could only
Cry and laugh,

I'd take air into my lungs
I'd get up, I'd get up
I'd walk
For me

If only Winter were over

All of the best kept secrets wept out in words
that obscure the stories still unheard

That's all this is
as I'm sure you know
A story

The son
The daughter
The treasure
The burden
The troubled one
The space cadet
The kraken
Reaching its tendrils into
For all that you're worth
And squeezing,
Keeping you cold
In ocean
In orbit
Keeping hold
Even as dirt and ashes coat

You let it go
You gave up control, you gave it away and always
You let it all go
And as
You feel the ghosts breathing sweetly on your shoulder
You can only
Laugh and cry,

I'd take air into my lungs
I'd get up, I'd give up
I'd live, fully

But this arterial Winter
wonderland won't warm these walls

I'd live

If only Winter were over
That's all this is.
1.3k · Dec 2013
Murder and Modafinil
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
5a.m. for the fourth day in a row
ruby red filigree in my eyes glows
sleepless fissures reflect in the window glass
I ride this train again
and I
still feel

6p.m. for the fifth night in a row
snuffer of light continues on his show
sleepless pursuit demands another dosage
I ride this train again
I feel

12 o'clock noon for the tenth day in hand
lunchtime finds me at an old street side stand
hypnotized, eating, still entranced by a man
I scan his dossier
and I
still feel

2a.m. neon tracers over dance
undulating bodies keep up to task
sleeplessly bound for fate encounters of chance
I stand in rain again
I feel

Would waking correct me
I'd kneel down, delighted!
Fall softly to sleep
under these streetlights.
Would my call permit me
I'd retreat in belief
that all will be well!
Under these blinking white streetlights,
under the cosmos
but my work commits me
to wakeful burden, to half-light alley-
ways in Hell
1.2k · Nov 2013
Save States
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Matt was dating Shana
Brad was mad about it
"Shana should be with me"
Matt and Brad went into
the field and then the woods
Talking like friends do
Pretense and all
Together they found a small box
with two buttons
Brad held the box first
and pushed the first button

Nothing happened

Both boys stared
"Nothing happened"
Brad pushed it again
"Nothing happened"
"Press the other one"
Brad pushed the second button
Something happened
He stared at the box wide eyed
"Nothing happened"
said Matt as he crossed his arms
Brad pushed the second button

"Nothing happened"
said Matt as he crossed his arms

"I need to test something"
Matt raised an eyebrow
and watched Brad sit the
box on the ground in the mud
"Hold on"

Down by the creek
Brad found a large rock
with a good weight
He crouched down
and stared into the trickling water
"Come over here, this is really weird"
"What the hell did you find?"
Matt traded places with Brad
and examined the spot at
which Brad pointed

Brad swung the rock against
the back of Matt's head
with force so great
blood splattered out
across his face
Matt fell slumped into
the trickling waters
Brad crouched over him
and kept swinging

two three
four five six
seven eight nine ten

"You ******* ******"
"******* ******* ******"

Brad stood and stared down at the remnants of his work
dripping with the red running waters and bits of brain matter
that his best friend Matt had moments before held kept in his head

Brad breathed deeply
Pushed the second button

"Nothing happened"
said Matt as he crossed his arms
and put his hands into his pockets
Brad shoved the box into his sweatshirt pocket
"I can probably use it for parts"
He said

Later that night, Brad enjoyed eating the same slice of pizza
twelve or thirteen times while he was alone in his bedroom and
watching **** at the same time that he was messaging girls online

Brad never was a great thinker
but that night his head spun
around with ideas faster than
his writing hand could match
Don't speak.

~ JaymiAK <3
1.2k · Nov 2013
Put Yourself Out There
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Sometimes (Often)
People (Men)
On social networking (Dating)
Genuinely scare me

The thing is, though
--and it's a good thing--
is that when people contact you first
it's a reverse book-by-cover scenario
so my judgment is justified and there's nothing to feel bad about

"i leik to getta no you betta mmmmmmmyeah fkin hottie"
He says, so I go and look at his pictures
Suspicion confirmed
He says on his profile he likes gettin nekkid
Stays up late at night
He says his pad is so cool he parties all the time
Such frightening size
He looks like he could be on the cover of an Aryan prison gang documentary

If this situation were bottom to top and not top to bottom
then I might feel bad but
when you lay your cards
out first and eager
and you scare the **** out of me
I don't feel so bad
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Icy bones
buried in our homes


Threatening silhouette

She's coming
He's coming
Every one at once

In time
frozen lips press to our necks
Every time
We become dreadfully bare
Shade borrows our breath

Broken homes
supply deathly tomes

Our words escape
Our wounds innate
Dig us down

Grasping, praying, godless, as soils fall

Over our gathering
1.1k · Dec 2013
Enkindle Reprisal Pyres
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
heaven above guide wheels gone reeling
send the strength to ward from grieving
for the forces without whose sweetly singing
calls toward the crash in the trash from the mess i bring
because once more i bore in the echoing
because i grow from lonely echoes
brimstone below fill veins with fire
send what strength ignores desire
that in change i enslave them with my choir
billowing so softly but brought to screams, deceiving
because once more i bore in the echoing
i barb my wounds and heart as i descend on scene
impacting, wings bound, and bleeding
to **** the evidence
1.1k · Nov 2013
Tunnel Vision
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
We both got blisters on that night
Same toe, but different sides
In retrospect the shield powered down
(and how could I?)
Eagerness worn around golden crowns
(and then)

Then I thought I saw your chest light
behind your full chin height PBR
More brightly than Naito streetlights
could illuminate waterfront park

where we sat

Exciting, isn't it?
Exciting, like nothing else, to be wrong
1.1k · Oct 2013
Blue Orbs in Shipwreck
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
There's no hiding from pain
you're due. Your worst mistake to this day has been running
Pockets raining change and names
I watched you running
Open the wound ignored,
you knew would mend but ran just before salvation. Me?
Watched you running
Could only watch you run away

Little means anything anymore, now that it's known that you're doing well
Caught in the frame you left me inside, I rest now with gravestones
And in smoke
Imagination sets in as rain washes away soft spoken days we never wrote

To rectify mistakes
You said, "Your medicine's the same thing I've been taking."
Offered ears that I once gave
I gave up taking
Burns just as badly
when left to freeze instead of thawing, kept within wings
Gave up taking
Played it off, silently screaming

Never mind an antidote
Wild necrosis covers
what's left of trees
leaving black bones to tainted earth
1.1k · Feb 2014
An Arterial Winter: Pulse
Jaymisun Kearney Feb 2014
As surely as the sun will rise beyond your demise
As surely as the rain will quench and carve in time
As surely as the space you take on the Earth remains

Death will come
Every thing at once
Black and wrapping

As surely as
The certainty of pulse

Come to life
Frozen, ignite

You can hear this voice
You can catch your voice
Before the sound rebounds away
May the pain that's left you void
Cut to your marrow just to show
You're alive to feel the bone break
Death levels but never takes
What wounds surely regenerate

As surely as
The certainty of pulse
1.1k · Jan 2014
Bigger Numbers
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
I feel like I should floss my teeth
but I give up, give in
what's the point?
You may have your pearly whites
decades beyond when I have mine
but we lose all our things in the end
so in the end you're just a bigger number
aren't you?

At night
I want to start my engine and drive
as I walk by my empty
parking spot.
Walking may be my cure for the blues
but pebbles enter from the holes in my shoes
so while I walk on for dollar coffee
I repeat the words you taught me
when I felt claim to lecture you
and line up your mistakes:

You're just a bigger number aren't you?

I see you when I least want to see you on the internet
pervading almost every single ticking ******* second
I see your face and I can't help but wonder why it looks like
to the world at large those four years that passed are
vanished like ghostly plumes of dust into the morning light
and in the end it's just like we'd never met at all
but I swear wherever I am I'll be gazing at your fall
nine days long from your penthouse to the ground
but for now

You're just a bigger number aren't you?
1.1k · Nov 2013
A Particular Love Letter
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
You don't like Clerks like I do.
You don't appreciate AFI like I do.
You don't like Adventure Time as much as I do.
You don't agree with me when I rave about awesome uses of the uncanny.
Speaking of uncanny, you don't like David Lynch movies the way I do.
You definitely didn't love Blue Velvet the way I love it.
You hated that movie.
You don't like crowded public places like I do.
Crowded places give you panic attacks.
A lot of things give you panic attacks.
You're anxious just as much as I am,
but about entirely different things,
and so it's very frustrating.
You like Super Smash Bros.
You like Super Smash Bros. more than you like Street Fighter.
I don't even know if you like Street Fighter at all.
You don't like fitness like I do.
You don't like martial arts like I do.
You don't want to do active things very often.
You don't like the same food I like.
You don't like to cook like I do.
You don't like to do what I like to do in bed.

When you do the things that you do, you do them genuinely and with an impassioned scowl I don't think you'd appreciate if you could see it from the outside.
When you do what you do, you define yourself, and your definition caught me at first -- then waned and does wane -- and catches me now, usually when I'm absolutely certain there's no more left to share.
When you do the things you do, I spectate, never letting on, that I'm entertained so much I want a bowl of popcorn and the lights dimmed.

Agreement means little when you do the things you do.
The similarity we do share is the orb in the heart of our human cellars.
We both know how badly our moms messed up.
I couldn't ask for anything more.

I love you.
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Over the music
I knew it
Was too good to be true
I thought that I heard you
Say, "Hello"


Under the tracers
Of lasers
You stood out peeking through
Auburn hair cast in blue
And yellow


Are you hungry?
Are you lonely?
I feel you staring
Burning a hole right through
I know you're staring
Projecting those three words

Don't speak
Bare teeth
Grasp me, moaning, gasping
When I cut your lips for you
As we both leave to continue

Once before
Once before and again
Crossing with frigid wind
On shallows

If imagination taunts
Like holding haunts
I'll be broken down if I turn
If imagination taunts
While we still walk the wasteland
May we meet in the melt of rings
To find Spring
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Bright white light
guiding a freeway
with only one lane
Into grey mist
up ahead
So deep is the truth in view
it will burst the engine
urge to roar
Smothering courage
like the fog,

Beat. Bleeding. Hands.
Grind the asphalt
One. Still Goes. Searching.
As pain demands
We speed into a breakneck rush until our heart's left

Dumbest one
Directionless soul
You're only one left
of many who
tried before
died deep in the snow when shown
memories bled into present
(Lonely, Lovely)
Best you sleep
where these festering
bodies release lingering poison

to the infinite wreckage
Or. . .
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Often I sit cross legged
And move my ****** issues
As best I can into my brain
Where I can think about them
And then not think about them
By using some minor will
To hold them back
Right now in fact, I'm sitting
Cross legged in the backseat
Of a car with a busted tail light
Mary jane in the glove box
Backseat also full of groceries
So I adjust frequently, scowl
As I eat food
Licking my fingers after I
Eat octopus flavored snacks
I reach into the bag again
Noticing denim fibers stuck
Like cat hair on my hands from
When I wiped them on my pants
And that's kinda gross
So I stop
My back starts hurting
1.0k · Nov 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
What are we doing spinning our wheels?
I ran when you asked.
I thought that you asked.
You told me you're more forward than that.
I ran for nothing.
I laughed and told you.
You gave me clearance, and I dropped the act.

What scares me, you ask.
I haven't been acting
. . .

What are we doing meeting for drinks?
Walking down Hawthorne.
Poking fun freely.
You told me you may move away soon.
I first idly shrugged.
Cringe now in panic.
You dropped your shroud, I dropped mine in tandem.

What drives me, you ask.
I analyze my moves
captive to Virgo suns.

You gave me clearance, and I dropped the act.

What's funny, you ask.
Still laughing I kiss you.
What's scary, you ask.
I haven't been acting.
Still you do seek me out.

Still you seek me out.
. . .
1.0k · Dec 2013
Glorious Morning Sunraze
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
no reign over the red vessel
beat beat beat
beet red locker of sacred funds
your name
your face
for both
under your warm hands freely runs
could you delve any deeper? yes.
intrusion from you deeply craved
i couldn't hide it in silence
if i so wanted as flaunted
now by my chest
with your face pressed
i give my secrets
in offer,
in offer,
in offer
your face beside mine on the bed
sweet sweet sweet
suite for the warming of your blood
your heart
your trust
for both
i offer protection from rust
can i be your faith keeper? yes.
deliver for you brand new days
after long moonlight in noon time
genuine giving is lifting
dark's dreary mist
with each next kiss
let sun raze,
let sun raze,
let sun raze
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
Fall all you leaves of red:
(I can't believe you're still lying and lying right to my face)
RUST and disintegrate
(There's nothing left in your lungs to which I should listen)
Labor onward my slave,
(I won't let you stand there taunting me like I belong to you)
on and on and on. . .
(There's no line left for this desperate charade to ride)

For all that I've done for you
(It's true you helped me survive)
You repay me in change
(This has been on the distance)
Of which I can't be a part
(Since our original night)
I've been hollowed

(Don't tell me you didn't know when you've always lead this)

I concede if you can defeat me because I
Can't commit suicide

Trailing ground, claim this ghost, this ******
This cycle spinning out of control keeps haunting me, drawing me, on again
All I need, all I need is an opening out of this
Biting His smothering hands all the way to His bones, even if I have to crash

Burned trees
Dead wood
Black bone
In the forest of dreams a violet light shone
Around the repeating scene until the night died
Until the smoke and the ash swallowed

The last lonely, laughing glance of His shadow
Almost at a close, now.

Ghosts will chase you for years and won't go away.
--But it's a nightmare to exorcise.

Here's to the ending.

~JaymiAK <3
1.0k · Nov 2013
Mother Wire Maiden
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Poor courage,
break down pleasantly.
Feed the nameless
with siren calls.
Feed them all!
Their hungry bellies can have myth.
Feed them all
splinters of health in your absence.
Be a doll and let them feast.
Behold! You're tragic
after all.

After all drips have fallen
from the auto-feeder,
believing so much in -- no!
Run right back to mother hope,
covered in wire.
Metal bones frame our warm lit home.
Covered in wire.

Stares hurt too
much to remedy.
Breathe the pain in
your oxygen.
Breathe to mend
old bite marks on which critters gnaw.
Breathe to mend!
But breathe instead, poison
cutting coughs.
Begin orbit, notice your throat bleed.
Behold! Your answer
to their call:

Silence. Retreat.

Whisper frustration into bedsheets like a lover,
feel the warmth you radiate imitate another, to
take reward in the title "savior", to be reborn
in your listlessly pulsing head, and sing your solo
song, song, song,
Reborn, born, born
in leery echoes.
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Your conspiracy brings
what avalanche over
this paranoid spiral
forcefully traveled
as I cool hot black?
Under an awning
in heat below rain,
overpriced stale coffee
works like electricity
Shock my brain:
Why would I explore
tightening veins?

Could it be,

That you tore me from ear to ear
jagged through the jugular
and I'm redirecting?

Your deliverance calls
what genuine heartbreak
to our turbulent girl
who feeds stray black cats
then loses, clueless?
Wet alabaster skin
in heat under sheets
brings wanted dreams in tow,
almost realized and live
squeeze my veins:
Why would I submit
to chemicals?

Could it be,

That pages left in mud puddles
are best never resumed
and I'm redirecting
old losses until I lose it
987 · Oct 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
Brittle rings transcending silence in offer
(An offering)
To offer up trust
They break in the moment you speak
To offer your life:
Foolish. like all the rest broke me
I look forward to secretly building co-dependence
Just to disassemble what you thought you held
I'll drain your breath

Words explode and shred
They fly, genuine, from lips I'll lock with in pretend
Under bus stop signs you stoop to kiss with the impression I won't leave you gasping, gaspless

Folded paper if you feel they weren't heartfelt
The offer of rust
Heard from a wet weak heart's keening
I offer it love
Hoping share of my warm blood brings
All pretense that lies in your depths spiraled to the surface
Hope then showing like pustules I'll crush each head
I'll drain it out

Slash rampant like the knife unleashes
In fingers soft, skin taut to the bone
There is night to find
Slash rampant like the knife unleashes
In fingers young, keys tuned to one note
And you can be the prey

But you don't have to be
984 · Nov 2013
Softly Lit Ossuary
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Knock well on wood as you enter but
Know knuckles lend their skin for flood
Of the risk of entrapment eternal?
Well, few find their bodies stuck and
What's worth its weight in blood
Splays on the lit altar face

It can be warm
Only if you touch
If you touch first
You speak your secret

Read through the words you spent sinner our
Real lines lie under thinner lace
Your constant wore hiding the venom crawl
Held below bidding inlay here
Half craving finger's trace
Specters bid sweet interlace

It can be warm
Only if you touch
If you touch first
You speak your secret

Empty ones warn walls
Before little embraces
Creating lethal snares
Catching worlds unaware
"Empty ones," All say
(Come speak your secrets)
"I'm fine."
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
Once more return to the place of hate, hot with the warmth of the womb still after decades, receding like always into the presumed delirium held in that head of yours--but it's both the head and the heart that have ever boiled blood and pried tears and forced seclusion and withdrawal, and continue. Continue through the threshold keeping hidden decay at bay from the world of the waking, unnatural wooden floors keeping hidden the past inefficiency of care in your wrinkled hands, failing to the strength of the stench filling each passage and room in mist. I'm feeling now the way I felt for every instance within the walls. Towering over me when I close my eyes is the memory of the life I somehow saved and though living thoroughly broken beyond conventional means of disrepair, the despair now pales to the nightmare pressed angrily into the backsides of these eyelids. Days like print turned burning script against the black hole that might otherwise be home and sanctuary and ward to the intricate and frightful realities of the outer world, days that wind away and then back in dead drop and ascent that has not yet failed repetition, because of an inability to nurture nature that stemmed more from apathy and disinterest than any real shortcoming. Each time the world begins to end with the potential crashing sound of bone and flesh driving through the depths of the vacuum to pass through solid asphalt and concrete, I wake and the world flips. The trip to your bedroom sheds light on all the others, where once slept two souls aimless and needy, now sleeps decay that you began breeding from the spores formed in their lungs. Cats eyes like lightning slice through the mind as I wander your dark halls to the end where I myself fail at opening the door. I can't breathe. I can't look. I leave. There are things worse than the fragments of mind I clutch desperately as blankets under the Winter sky. What waits looks bad but I'll go if it's smiling or screaming. You. You can die in your numbered hole.
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
driven to the edge of her passion by another for another time
the taunting of the clock hands can no longer clearly be heard
above the endless beat of dreamlike devotion her heart sings
above the harsh, hard, sting of what could be
now listen

driven intensely through the night to her paradoxical moon
the ink trail binding every trauma to her person floods from her
below her wary, carried, submitted body quickly dies her dirt
below, the oceans overflow pulled by pluto into black
flood water

across the star scene i'm shooting far
for ancient resonance i want close
moon and sun, what's been done?
what love lives here still, i watch you burn
and feel resurrection
in this fire

i'm burning
on your leash
i'm burning at your feet
i'm burning
hot and cold
magically to your lure
i'm burning
from your hooks
brightly, willingly
from just one look
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Once starshine
Once iodide
For years healing
You're done healing
You hard stop
You immolate
Every word
To ember but

You left a fuel line to me

I swore I'd
Sing should you **** me
Unless you
Took my tongue with you
I see you
Thought sealing my mouth
With stitches
Would drown my war cries
Well we all
See how well that worked
Now don't we?
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
manifesting destiny comes when i'm weakest
i'm weakest now, when my shade comes haunting me
tracers of past, near and far, grasp my heart, seal my chart
forever licking me
licking my neck
biting my flesh
whispering words selling failures in the stead
of who could whisper all accomplishments

here i am, open, seeping all my wounds for you
hurt through the cracks believing that the scars i wear just may reach you
here i am, open, singing the only words i have left

your shadow
my shadow sneaks in
all too close
hovering beside me
your shadow
my shadow knows all
that it needs
to do to destroy me
and it seduces

blessings rarely come and tell me i'm okay
in absence i have learned to rely on things
deep within my emotion but lacking from my bed
forever taunting me
licking my neck
biting my flesh
whispering words selling love to my loneliness
of that i know full well would disable me

here i am, open, seeping all my wounds for you
hurt through the cracks believing that the scars i wear just may reach you
here i am, open, singing the only words i have left

what the hell does love mean, anyway?
well, open your arms, i'll let you enter the void.
what the hell does our love mean, anyway?
open your reclusive arms, i'll let you fall in.

fall in to the extreme
logic fails where the soul has been
fall in to the extreme
i'm warm,
i'm warm,
i'm warm
906 · Jan 2014
Bottom Teeth
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Lead with your bottom teeth
when you come to get me
If I see the fangs above baring
Baring down from above me
I'll push away

A month ago it was simple
Shopping trips in arm and arm
Bites to eat at the boardwalk, baby
Inviting each other inside at the end of the night during our 'hard-to-parts'
Maybe I should have left you
Maybe I should have left you
I know I should never have invited you in

Now my energy is draining from me
Being pulled by you (and here you told me to trust you)
All of my blood and my aura's bleeding
Being bled by you

And here you told me to trust you
when even your breathing has been untrue

Lead with your bottom teeth
when you come to get me
If I see the fangs above baring
Baring down from above me
I'll push away
Every once in a while I like to write something about vampires.

Sometimes I like to write in homage to 80's pop culture.

This time is both of those times.
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Fragile like soft rotted wood
Recept still not understood
Almost a quarter of a hundred on
More setting fires more feral and blind than ever, I'm endlessly taking the endless life
Ever vibrating through me
Some say it's cynicism build-up pressuring away young naive eyes, I maybe take the knife
Because I dream pain relief
Remembering what's good that's come before

Epsom salts for weary ghosts
Allow me to play the host
Kneading energy into carrion
Believing the love I have to spend is best spent on what is gone that I can't quantify
Umbra inside reaping me
To ends my means can no longer afford all day long living under night, I maybe hate the light
Comfort to others while weak
Offering peace till the slamming of doors and I slammed my door

Maybe I'm hopeless, Maybe I've locked it out
Every ounce of me preaching so devout
All of these lies sung from my poison mouth?
Garnishing with flourished words
All moments of nurtured hurt
I'm taming darkness to commiserate with peers about the loss of gain I could commemorate

No longer I'll tame what no longer remains
What ever the pain rusts I've divined I'll
Trust the lifting energy like it's evolving me into my god

For now
Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
Last night, deep
In sleep before the heater
I had a dream
. . .
You were in it
We rolled on the floor
Clothed, close
I kissed you

You took it with your dark lips open
But pulled back after just one
Your words were, "You hurry too much"
Eyes wide, I sighed, "What have I done?"

Were it isolated I wouldn't think twice
But I wake to wind at the window
In a moonless night
The stars aren't enough to see where I've gone
Lacking illumination I repeat my wrongs
And caress against a pillow
To pretend I'm warm

Last night, deep in dreams before the heater
I dreamt a scene
. . .
You weren't in it
Weeks ago we played
On the bed

Too infrequent for cravings
When joined and apart
Your words were, "You don't care if I
Live or I die"
So you withheld your invite
Eyes wide, I sighed
And keep sighing

How do you measure me?
How do you measure this?
Why would you
Hide inside
To try?
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
What I remember most is the ghost I left in the North that day
And how you agreed to drive--I almost didn't believe it
Not only not my body but not my soul, so what better an anchor?
Not my home and not my world--what better an anchor?

I-5 South to 405 driving like nothing, but leaving a smoke trail
S.O.S. outbound in denial with no signal return
Smiling beside the driver unknowingly burning, unknowingly smoking out

Could you respectfully decline an offer to wipe your feet clean at the door?
Outbound there's nothing that changes but the fear inset and instilled
It's just a portal
Could you respectfully decline an opening to escape with your devils moored?
Outbound it's better than ever if you'll accept it's not running away
Doorways are just portals
Next lyric.

Let me explain something. Running works like this for runners:


~JaymiAK <3
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
shadows once more steal from sleep
deathly fingers
of one troubled past's regrets
god of war holding intact
what life beyond
held for keeps, ending squandered
in ash
trailing from heel
lunar or solar matters
nothing to intrusive recall
nightmare's face joking in bedsheets, choking on sidewalks in day

puddle shines back the muddled
brown face and blonde hair
of her troubled form, instead
of the
city's mirror lit windows
she stares at herself
reflecting decades younger
but she can feel
the ghost fires in water
kissing her neck from just behind
the past crawls down her spine as a shop sign explodes down the way

worry to Kaneda she
denies offer
to hide under umbrella
to feel
waste washing down from heaven
on them in rain
through quiet alleys hidden
this sad patchwork
of city to a tower
where bodies and spirits collide
where who waits on the high floor senses her arrival in night

softly from her lips runs like
pills down the drain
Meijar, Miriam's keeper
of truths,
eats the manic idea
with glowing green approval
and gives her ***
in the same green atrium
on the
wet cement floor
before taking the one door
to the rooftop and beginning
the ritual calling of lost names, exploding in blossoms
to the
green moon she knowingly sets on the rise
the name
Julia across the sky
Chapter One
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Stirring listless in bed under a patchwork of broken shade through moonlit blinds
It's 2 a.m.
My face has turned just as blue as the lunar white light as filtered by the night sky
Under the cold
I want you to know that even in growing old the trauma is ceaseless but I can't speak
My lungs imbued
Once with the strength of trees, pull in till my voice cuts, mute, and continue to squeeze
I see your face
Stir so listlessly close to mine, as if you were synchronized, and even closer with open eyes
We respirate

With the breath
From your kiss
Which you so lovingly demonstrate
Let us sleep, let us rust
Imbue me
With the hurt
That you so shamelessly share with me

2 a.m.
Under cold
I feel your eyelashes slashing me
Let us crash, let us warm
The trauma
Is Ceaseless
The message is lost, I cannot speak
Both lungs squeeze
I forgot that I wrote and then I lost this piece until I found it just now.
My memory, me oh my.
Let's call it a B-Side.

~ JaymiAK <3
889 · Nov 2013
Open to Thoughts Type 2
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
For once I'll cut the language play
in favor of getting to the bottom and being outright
Forthright with the motions behind
two eyes, emotions and notions like wind at seaside
Sure words work and we can know
because words hurt
words save and alleviate
Been twisting words more than a decade on
but when I stop and think what actually have I done?
Nothing much, just talk, speak, write
Once did and still want to be a novelist
and if I can learn to multitask at the keys I might
but as it stands, the wheels spin forever in the parking lot
only accomplished in the close-up shot
and when backing up the facade crumbles all on its own
then as quick as the pretense rose, I have no home
night is cold without the future wrapped around
the curves to which you're devout
the future slips slippery forever
accident again and it's gone
that last shred of impetus keeping me strong
what if there's meaning though in the steps that I walk?
what if my mistakes raked up fuel the others who don't belong?
maybe being me means just rolling the dice
I haven't died or taken a life so maybe I'm doing all right
let these missteps and hiccups lead not to backspace
but fill the heads full of that black shrouded beast
with what earnestness I have
so that in hopes, though, perhaps vain
I might smudge the pain so that
when you look in the mirror while you eat the pills
and see your shadow looming in grinning and licking your ear
the shadows don't make it that far and fade into light

I don't know
889 · Dec 2013
Shambles: I
Jaymisun Kearney Dec 2013
Crashing outside the bedroom door
at the end of the hall
Scratching like nails on your front door
awakens you in sweat

Mormons, Witnesses, maybe Catholics

In silence the lump in your throat grows
Chokes your pulse stone cold in your arm as you throw your gaze at the window

Oh. . .
The moon's out.

Crashing into your living room
with the sound of moisture
Mashing pulp feet to your bedroom
to the speed of your heart

Beat increasing to keep from screaming
Meaning well with your gun as you reach for it, gasping, swallowing spit

Oh. . .
Two eyes flash.
Two more.
Two more.
Two more.
More and more.

me any face in shade
emerging but the
flesh rot, putrid
stare of the
ones who
in death return to night.

Jaymisun Kearney Jan 2014
All eyes scanning across us,
They all
Ears hear and understand us,
And they
Connection with severence
Blue lipped armed with contention
to mumbled fears
from bodies
Still warm

For what it's worth the hurt means
very little
It's love lacking in life that I give
that flows this ocean

Callous tongues that lash upon
Siphon will till palms open
Water once pumping crimson
Transmute wishes into ink
for those close for
Or not

From distance
The trembles
Shake young hands
From cynics
The whispers
Turn lovers away

Glyphs giving
Strength consume
Who follows through
In ocean
Clean lines
Drawn in secret
Seep mess
Life stream
864 · Nov 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
TV light glints from pale fingertips.
For how long have I been passed out?
The longest I've been dead is nine whole days.
Stirring in pitch darkness to faraway sounds
delusion of two dark cracked lips upon mine
infect long loved texture with bitter hate.
Now from Heaven a hand rips off the roof
godly divine bound in rags soaked in proof.
"Drink of me, drink me down."
I'm left lone and uncovered under basalt skies.
"Drink now, drink forever."
Here I'm left vulnerable to you and that original knife.
"Drink down, drink down, now."
So swallow, I think, swallow.

Pressure from within building, pushing out
ruptures suddenly leaving a cold head hot.
Twisted highway we ride quakes spewing black
broken fragments through white eyes as glass.
Hungrily ******* for life, skyward again.

TV light glints from pale fingertips.
For how long have I been passed out?
Falling, with unfolded wings.
Dreaming, luciferous dreams.
Burning, brightly nine days straight.

I bring and bid you drink from two leaking lips.
857 · Nov 2013
Whispers Through Static
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
. . .

Late at night
In what some might call the witching hour
Close your eyes
Let waters fall lightly on your neck
Under heat
May you feel
What screams you think are screamed dissipate
Feel, only
Hear no words
No words will trespass the line
Separating you and I
So two hands will have to do
Phantoms of time lost touch you
Do they remind you

Of the one, most haunting?
No ill will, no poison
Deletes love
Faith, I ask of you -- I manage whispers
Through static
Open your eyes

While running around your day to day
May you find
The forever in love gone that's saved
As your fear
Warm memories flood through Winter's grave
Breaking peace
Into your war
Close faithfully forlorn eyes
Their dark delivers our tide
To our hidden coast again
Mute words from the black ocean
Written in the sand

Of the one, most haunting?
No ill will, no poison
Deletes love
Faith, I ask of you -- I manage whispers
Through static
Open your eyes

Can you
Keep the void connected and still move?

. . .
846 · Oct 2013
When Words Will Work
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
Sediment in a world class whirlpool of wishes
I'll tell you what
Our whole ****** wanton ship
Reserved for high
Is sinking
Until we're waving with tale weaving fingers
At new blood

No Place Lower
Up and Singing
Up and Weaving
844 · Nov 2013
What Comes with Hunger
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
Wake up
do nothing
for a while
unless you're called to kiss the porcelain
all last night
unless you'd rather keep the mess inside

I understand how that goes
I understand, I mostly do

Dine on
until each
breath you take
results only in your anxious trembles
from others
around you
so displeased
with their inscience, knowing it's a half truth

I understand how that goes
I understand you, I mostly do

Ignorance sure
ly sparks the recluse
but in cyclic
al humility
it comes to light
The lust for ears who hear you
and truly listen

I understand how that goes,
a little less than always
I understand you,
completely, too
827 · Nov 2013
Jaymisun Kearney Nov 2013
If I saw you coming at me I would growl
at first sight of your woodland form
at that beard that hides the face of a lion
You're standing here so close that I smell your breath
a thick cloud from your pearly mouth
a strangling reminding me I missed my chance

Beat your chest in your defense, you know I know you won't back it up
(You were caught purring too many times to be a threat)
Stare at my eyes like you'll lunge, lash out at this pout and rip right through
(You were silent for so long and in all ways plain gone)

key maybe
like spineless

Should you see me slinking to you I should think
at first sight of storm incarnate
at last your chance to cement your meaty fist

How is this anything? You just stand there.
How is this anything? You take me in.
How could you now, with tools to prevent, invite the catalytic tempest?

As I howl
Next page