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 May 2013 Jay
debra fromherz
So i sit here and wonder to myself,
what exactly is wrong with the world,
With every passing day,
there is starving,
there is homeless,
there is killing,
there is hate,
there is envy.
Why is it that when there is a tragedy,
it pulls us together.
why can't we stand tall and proud,
And be the Man or Woman our parents have taught us to be.
Feed the starving even if for one night?
Offer space for homeless so they know they are not alone.
Embrace our fellow man instead of violence,
Shake a hand of a stranger and say,"have a great day."
Look up to others,
and learn from example.
Why do we have to forget how it use to be,
and settle for how it is today.
why do we give in,
or are we are giving up?
 May 2013 Jay
Lori Francisco
The thing about "firsts" is that they can never be repeated.
The thing about "lasts" is that you never know they're the end.
 May 2013 Jay
r l
I'm Trying
 May 2013 Jay
r l
Are minds supposed to race so much at 10:30 pm?
Every sound
Igniting more anger and uncomfort
But silence doesn't make it better
Nothing does

Maybe if I were smarter
I wouldn't be so confused
Stuck doing 15 papers at 10 pm
Every question
Or sentence in a book
Making me more confused and infuriated

My stomach churning with anxiety
My head aching
My face wet with tears of defeat

Don't open that box
You've been clean for so long
And I didn't
I didn't open the box
And didn't grab the farmiliar blade within it
I know I couldn't stop once I did
So I didn't
It's not easy
But I'm trying
I promise
So I don't even know what this is. This barely makes sense,but whatever. I think I just had/am having an end-of-the-school-year-crisis,with the piles of homework and everything. I even had the whole mental-breakdown-crying-emotional part,too. I'm okay now,I hope,I just wanted to write something,since I hadn't in a while.
 May 2013 Jay
Patrick McCombs
 May 2013 Jay
Patrick McCombs
Words pour out.
Flooding the mind
Weaving the seeds of doubt
Hands in a bind
slowly drowning in words
she looks with a blank stare
her silence stabs like sharp swords
she doesn't care
the single stream of words stop
eyes fill with tears
she leaves the shop
now just empty with fears
 May 2013 Jay
 May 2013 Jay
I once confessed to my dearest Spaceman, "I'm afraid of being alone."
Because he asked me, why care about what they say? why conform?

Because i'm afraid of being the only one.
Ridiculous, he said.

Oh my dear, beloved Spaceman
The loneliest man in the world
Because you went to space and back again
Because you saw something more
Because no one understands your brilliance

But I am only what I am
and I'm afraid of being the only one
 May 2013 Jay
 May 2013 Jay
When did you get so old?
Why did your stares turn cold?
How many times have you cried?
Why are you so unsatisfied?

I see the guilt in your eyes,
I see the smoke around you start to rise,
I see the pain etched across your face,
I see the anger taking the fear away.

I haven't seen you for a while,
Since you lost that smile,
I reach out to you, maybe I can help,
But I feel cold glass where I see myself.

The mirror can't disguise,
When you're not hiding behind lies.
Who knew that a pretty face
Would cause so much disgrace?

I see the scars on your skin,
I see you've found the razor again.
I see the tears stream down your face,
I see how your heart begins to race.

The glass turns gray, and you look to the right,
You see your boy and his girl dance in the moonlight.
You see your father's last breath taken away,
And the girl you don't want who wants you to stay.

I see the ghost of a girl that I used to know well,
Last year before it all turned to hell.
I see the girl get on her knees,
And say, "Somebody **** me, please."

I see the warrior under it all,
Even though she seems quite small,
She'll fight, because she knows what's right,
She'll never be done, not exactly, not quite.

I see the smoke exhale from my lips,
I see the scars on my hips,
Imagine me having no fear,
If I never looked into the mirror.
 May 2013 Jay
Max Chisholm
I thought I was strong
But I feel so weak
How can I feel so low
When I was just at my peak
I try to get up and scream
All that comes out is a tweet
I want to keep goin
But my body feels beat
How can I win
When I suffer such defeat
I can’t really write
When all I hit is delete
How can life be so bitter
It used to be so sweet
My words are so shallow
But my thoughts are real deep
Love was so strong
And now it’s got a leak
Water was a fall
Now just a little creek
Im engrossed with hunger
But my body won’t eat
Stuck out in the cold
Can’t find any heat
Sick of this song
It stays on repeat
If my heart was made of ice
It’d only be a sheet
Im feeling so neglected
When theres people to meet
Keep comin up to me
So im forced to greet
Wanna fly away
Im strapped to the seat
I would get up and run
But I’m heavy on my feet
Can’t find a path
Though it’s a one way street
Performing so poor
Once was elite
Im feeling outta time
It’s the beginning of the week
There’s so much to say
But I gotta be discreet
Trying to sneak up
But I don’t know how to creep
The mountains not high
Just looks so steep
Im just so tired
But I can’t fall asleep
One thing ill never do
Is allow my self to cheat
I’ll get through this ****
Then I’ll be complete
 May 2013 Jay
Nathaniel Choma
From this prison noises rise
Into the darkened, clouded skies
And as my throat bleeds from his shout
All the lights begin to go out.

Curled and shaking on a cot
His sanity begins a long, slow rot.
Downing pills on a dragon chase
No more emotion on his face.

It was the hard parts in his life
That led him to escape his strife.
And now alone he sits and waits
Brooding over that which he hates.

A prison isn't for those who break the law
It's the dark behind his gaping maw.
It's the emptiness inside his yell
It's the open gates of hell.

Prison cells and empty halls
Filled with echoing footfalls
Rattling ghosts that circle round
Hoping to be heaven bound.

He found this place wandering lost
Abandoned, gathering late Autumn frost
Deep inside he lost his nerve
When the drugs made the world swerve.

In the corner of the room
Surrounded by his intense gloom
Walls dripping, running; intense flood
Thick, black water like prison's blood.

He looked around and called it home
No more would he aimlessly roam
A final escape from misery
Into the dark where he won't see.

Blind eye looking for no hope
Making friends with bits of rope
A collection gathered to leave behind
A world that slowly took his mind.

On the wall it's slowly scratched
An idea that he had hatched
A novel written in a day
To describe there was no other way

A holy place, this dismal spot
The walls streaming his sordid plot
An attempt at life long left alone
Protected from the outside by steel and stone

Deep within this prison stays
A man who screams as he acts out plays
Characters inside his head
Company after his sanity fled.

There is a soul, lost but free
That identifies that man as me.
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