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 Jun 2013 Jay
Ross Rivers
So, what’s this all about love?
Everyone talks about it
Like it’s some gift from above
I don’t know what it tastes like
The sight of it eludes me
But I hear it’s like a lightning strike.
Call me cynical but I have other stuff to do
Thing’s to write, arguments to make
A lot of different things to go through
I’m still hearing “why can’t guys be like you?”
Instead of something nice like
“I think I care about you”
But with all that’s happening here
I find the simple idea of love
Something impossible to bear
Because I’ve got suff to do
So I can’t be weighed down
By useless dances of two
Of course, I’m lying right now
I really do want to love,
I just don’t know how.
 Jun 2013 Jay
Glenn Silowka
Thats Rock Bottom

When this life makes you make you mad enough to ****
Thats Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough to steal
Thats Rock Bottom
When you feel like you've had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream
But you sad enough to tear

Thats Rock Bottom

                - Marshal Mathers, Slim Shady LP
 Jun 2013 Jay
Chloe S
 Jun 2013 Jay
Chloe S
her fingers and toes
always so cold
but her heart so warm
though she could make yours torn
her words were always so distinct
connecting you to her by an unbreakable link
she was one who didn't have to do much
just smile and leave a simple touch
she always could wrap you in,
and make you think leaving her would be a sin
you could tell her anything at all
and she wouldn't dare tell a soul
though herself--she would never crack
her secrets were what you would lack
just by looking, you would know
her mind wandered places, from high to low
too much for anyone to guess
she knew of everything (more or less)
and all those notions messed up her mind
too many parts of her, hard to all bind
and this was why she knew she could never feel,
love, she thought, would never be real
 Jun 2013 Jay
Morgan Wright
The chemistry was insane,
I couldn't say no.
The first time you were in me,
I knew it was over.
My resolve, my heart,
every inch of me yours.
When we were together,
I would've done anything for it to go on.
You were never really mine,
but I was always just for you.
All I wanted was for you to say,
be with you all the time forever.
I would have given it all up,
just to kiss you everyday.
 Jun 2013 Jay
Haley Doss
The Sky
 Jun 2013 Jay
Haley Doss
The sky is like him
I would say he is like the sky
but that would be wrong –
To me, he existed before the sky
And only later did I notice the universe above
Because it resembled the man who held the sun in his hand

Have you ever met someone who was just so
That when you tried to see the end of him you thought – maybe
You might shatter into dust
Become part of his endlessness and disappear amongst the rest
Of the rest of his never-ending galaxies existing beyond your comprehension

I reached out to touch this man today
And found him just beyond my reach
So palpable, so there, it burned
I could nearly touch the sun in his fingertips
But he raised his hand, and as the sun rose out of my reach
It floated amongst the clouds

And my world turned dark
He exhaled a frigid wind and blew out my stars
This wind howled and angered the clouds
Who dropped an icy vengeance on the ground beneath my feet
A thousand booming explosions as each shard made contact
With the earth I once knew

That day I thought the sky would fall
But that thought was, of course, foolish – that which is up never comes down
                            The sun burned brighter when it returned, wrapped in
                                                                ­                                       rainbows and promises
But I knew better than to reach out, or to hope.
Just to see was enough – just to know, for the time being,
That he was there
 Jun 2013 Jay
Do you ever feel as if you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, with one foot over the edge, waiting for someone to push you?

Or maybe the things you want in your life aren’t really plausible?  That they’re just dreams you’ve held onto from the time of infancy? That you’re just clinging to them, because you’re too afraid of joining the world humans have created?

Do you ever feel those you’ve surrounded yourself with don’t really give two ***** about? Whether you live or die, because either they’re too selfish, you’re too selfish, or neither? Maybe you’ve just outgrown the other, but can’t dream of leaving them behind? Maybe you were close at one time, but the years have worn away, and it feels as if a stranger is staring you both in the face?

Do you ever feel as if you see the world as this beautiful, sensual, dream like setting you’ve been blessed with? But then you realize people are the ****** up, cruel reason why the world’s considered cold? Do you ever feel relaxed sitting in a field; watching, observing, and perplexed by the world outside your own? Do you ever realize your own life causes more damage to the world than of use?

Do you ever wonder why millions of particles, of atoms, of molecules molded together to create what is now considered you?

Do you ever feel a sense of dread so heavy, it paralyzes you? Traps you to the bed, holds you down, and smothers you?

Do you ever wonder at all?
 Jun 2013 Jay
i have learned very well
how to be awake.
my best teacher
and the one that was most interested
in seeing me succeed
along with his mentor
and their friend

...they have taught me well enough
to make sure
i will never sleep
they have helped Tired
unpack from the back of my mind
and move into the new space
that just became available
behind my eyes
they have really
been looking out for me
every single day
these last two years
and i really owe my success
to them.

you are excellent
at what you
and i commend you
for your
i never sleep. my mind is tired. i can no longer find peace.
 Jun 2013 Jay
Madisen Kuhn
i’m beginning to realize
that i go into a situation
thinking things
are going to go
a certain way,
and i get my hopes up
and i pray that everything
will go according to plan,
but then later on
it’s brought to my attention
that God didn’t put me
in that place
to be blessed,
but to bless
someone else

and i guess it can get
a little disappointing,
because i start to feel
a little empty-handed,
but it’s also comforting
knowing that God is using me
because He knows
i’m strong enough
to do His work
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