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May 2013 · 791
enter here
jax shaw May 2013
Enter here
I have been twittered tweeted chat roulette a few
Tumbled flickered facebooked too
Instantagramed even reddit
Haven’t been face to face in months
Human contact
Leaves me here in cyberspace
Leaves me wanting waiting anticipating
A warm whisper
A single finger slowly moving down my arm
A kiss on the forehead
A loving embrace full of passion for me
Smiles with dimples that glow the room like sunlight
Twinkles in the eyes as laughter bubbles beneath the surface
A single sigh of satisfaction but alas
I google yahoo asked and binged
I search for love
It’s back to the internet
To hide and bide my time.
Mar 2013 · 498
Pandora’s box
jax shaw Mar 2013
Give in to me
The mistress of all you aspire to desire
Give in to me
Let me take you to the plains of pleasure in the pain of pleasure
In the palm of my hand
The flick of my silken whip
The sway of my hips as I pump with your permission
Give into me
Greedy I am for your submission
Give me all you have plus a 100% more
Surrender your trust
Surrender your mind
You are mine
Surrender your soul
As I caress your body
Under the soles of my stilettos  
Give in to me
I want you to let go
Inhibitions fears open up
We shall open Pandora’s box together
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
Chasing Pavement
jax shaw Mar 2013
A disappointment I had a few
A setback or two has come around to me
When it comes to love
I am just two left feet in the wrong shoes
Falling stumbling just plain tongue tied
Leaving me……
Chasing pavement
Am I bound seeing thru these rose colored glasses
I persist no insist on wearing
Love being so exulting
Just leaves me exhausted
Falling in love I persist no insist on
Chasing pavement
I want to believe that hurt aint around the corner
But I am gonna believe
For now
Cause I am falling fast and hard I can love with a pure heart
This maybe a fresh start
Even if I get torn apart
I will enjoy this ride
Get all the chills have all the thrills
That your love offers me
Here I go all over again
Chasing pavement
Cut and bruised
From love’s gentle touch
Feeling abused
Sometimes used
I go ……chasing pavement
I have my arms open
To embrace it all
Eyes wide shut
Ready able no matter what
Yelling at the top of lungs
My declaration of devotion
For that rollercoaster ride
Called love
Chasing pavement with abandonment and joy
I am waiting
I have my many doubts
Well maybe just a few
Here I am
My guards down and out
Chasing pavement
In love with………You
Mar 2013 · 4.2k
The Cage
jax shaw Mar 2013
Born a King
Born a Queen
Born a Slave
Born into freedom only to be
Shackled bound confined
Far from the Motherland
A people
Made sculpt molded
In her image
Brown earth
Yellow sun
Mahogany dark
Like the stone unyielding
Proud like the Kilimanjaro
Minds open like the plains
Of the Serengeti
Only to be brought here
Used abused overwhelmed exhausted
Thrown away when aged like broken toys
Broken minds broken spirits afraid of our own image
Here we stand today with all the technology the worlds knowledge at our fingertips
Brothers’ sisters’ fathers sons’ mothers’ daughters’ families ripped apart
Torn at the seams no village to be seen
We are at war with violence ignorance rage
A horrible legacy indeed ……Caged
Our once proud people afraid to face the future
We are creating to our shame the same source of fear ignorance and rage
In our most valuable assets our jewels our destiny
Our children
Our vision
In our cage we destroy each other
We are racist in our own race
We defame denounce deplore each other
Are we comfortable complacent satisfied in our cage?
Our history tell us no our descendents tell us we shouldn’t be
They say to us we have no limits boundaries restrictions
They found the keys to the cage
They urge us they encourage us they push us in the direction of the stars
Come out of your comfort zones
Embrace hold tight pull it in
The spirits of Our Kings Our Queens Our history
Teach if you can learn
Learn if you can teach
Open minds hearts souls
Receive your freedom
Unlock the
Free! Liberate! Unshackle!
Black history is not a month it’s your life.

— The End —