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Javeria Feb 2020
She's in my memories
And memories can't fade away
Until someone hits my cerebrum
I'm waiting for her one glimpse
As a driver waits for a red signal
To turn into green
As someone waits in the queue
To get his bill done
Let me soak into your warm looks
Which has an element of
Relaxation and calmness
Javeria Feb 2020
Winter maybe a gloomy season
Her smile makes everything alright
Spring maybe a blooming season
Her laughter makes it more cheerful
Summer maybe an exhausting season
Her wink makes the day more radiant
Autumn maybe a ripening season
Her aesthetic vibes sound more peaceful
Javeria Dec 2019
A blotch on her skin can’t define her beauty
She’s not a daisy, but she’s an audacious rookie
Standing, sweating, detecting under a blazing sun
Running, chasing and slaying with her glock gun
Pigmentation ain’t a problem but crime in her society
Show them what she can do, so they can praise her loyalty
Mother is conscious how she can erase her scars
But she’s too busy putting criminals behind the bars
Pacing and glazing with her dark embedded marks
Trepidation, fear overcomes when her badge sparks
Not your type of maiden which you’re expecting
Busy with bundles of paperwork so, she’s neglecting
Cut on her brow can distract your measure  
She’s a beauty with a brain, a hopeful treasure
Javeria Dec 2019
With every beat drop of music she move her body
Not knowing what is actually happening around her
Sometimes you amalgamate yourself with the music
You ain’t comprehend torment which traumatize soul
What if pain was a person people have choked him out
Aghastly! pain is a venomous feeling and it feels like:
As, someone stabbed you multiple times in your heart;
Gladly the most fiddly and beautiful ***** of your body
There is a contention internal pains are way more hurting
But, to overcome all such ******* you need some therapy
People who choose music over drugs, alcohol and smoking
Are enrich people for sure so, tap your feet on the floor
Your liveliness of soul matters, dead soul with beating heart;
Means nothing they’re just imitating flesh with fake smiles
Javeria Dec 2019
Sometimes people rectify their mistakes
Others just put a cloth on their loopholes
Can you even imagine there’s such a place
In and out everyone is cynical and corrupt
Even that brigade who thinks they’re fab
These biased and prejudice creatures are;
Yelling after snatching someone’s right
Javeria Dec 2019
He chose his own path
The path where,
Death was waiting for him
Agonies and pain never ends
Suffering is the ultimate reality!
Gas chamber seemed fascinating
Covered in layers of dirt
He, along with others,
Forced to take a shower
He feels relaxed and thrilled
For a nano second;
Abruptly gas chamber closes
And he along with a Jewish boy
Whom he calls his friend
Both are in striped pajamas
Hold each other hand
They'll face together,
what is meant to come
Ralf was thinking he will find Bruno
But death has taken him away
From this awful, deadly world
To a better place.

— The End —