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 Feb 2013 Jason Wright
Anne M
Reality is vanquished
by the utter darkness.
The world is constantly
shifting--a pendulum
swinging across the sky.

But with no evidence,
this phenomenon can't claim you.
It remains obstinately
theoretical and the fugue

Only landing
can prove you ever
took off.
meaningless tattoos
and fingers stained blue
with the hair dye I used
last night to spite myself
are this moment's triumphs.

a half full bathtub
with most of my body
above water
is all that is keeping me
from drowning.

symbols of my unfinished life
start closing in on me
until i convince myself
of artificial claustrophobia

"I never did anything to you"
is the cheap excuse tingling
on my slippery, fat tongue

But you never did anything to me either
and my teeth still
grind against each other
when I'm reminded
of your existence

We could have loved each other
if we met today
instead of six years ago
but I'm glad we didn't
because I don't want  to love you
How lovely to have drowned
with people all around
and not a soul bear to see
what was it that became of me.
 Feb 2013 Jason Wright
Drawing things I cannot see,
Too the strange things,
Coming from,
the albino dressed pavement smoothed,
Bedroom walls,
Braille textures,
slipping like termites,
or a strange smell,
dancing from the dusty old lady haired vent,
on the ceiling,
Braille raindrops,
escaping from your,
soul window sill,
gets in the room,
and we light cigarettes,
purple scented totem poled candles,
with out near future,
and dripping on the wooden counter-top,
which we dip our fingers into,
sticky like petroleum,
sticky like the sap from a forest broken snapped,
tree limb,
which we tasted,
which we ran danced hollered and orgasmed,
like the melting candle,
like the sapped,
broken kansas public tree limb,
and i,
took off your,
orange dress that you stole,
though only a few dollars,
i called bonnie,
you called me paradise,
though we danced gleefully,
in the slums snout snarling broken home windows,
***-holes,untied shoes,untied fathers,lovers planning paradise,
inside the blue 80's oldsmobile,
with the stereo turned low,
low like the quiet hummingbird song,
of making love,
in the cold night,
under trees,
that was old,
and had probably seen many lovers,
come and go,
as its Fall leaves grew wings,
as its,
winters balding scalp,
scattered away,
like a field of dandelions,
or the birds,
that flew from nests,
only to fly south,
or like wise boxcar boxcar dharma bums,
sat on telephone wires,
at the intersection,
where two lovers planned paradise,
in the back-seat,
of a blue Oldsmobile,
and the night,
holy night,
and i,
**** mind wonderer without wings,
or sad singer leather boots harmonica whiskey drinker,
and Her,
white as stars,
dancing in a blind choreographed orchestra,
in the sky,
even the highway,
has no exits,
to see this performance,

So i sit on a rock,
smoking a cigarette,
with a Fools smile,
as I,
watch beauty,
from the Key-hole,
that is,
 Feb 2013 Jason Wright
“If you need water
Just ask”
But what I really
Is pen and
Paper because
I’m bleeding
Run faster
Than my mind
Can think
And your
Stone cold needle
****** find
No blood left
Inside my
Clenched up
Holding on to
All that’s left of
I never had


Still you want
Open up my mouth
And draw it
From my bitten
Look inside my
Head and
Shout for the doctor
To come stitch my
Back together into
Someone who makes
Sense and
Sees light
At the end of

This tunnel

You offer Band-Aids
Trying to
Patch together these
Holes in my hands
And ask how
And who and when
“I guess you won’t
Do that again?”
Chuckling softer than
The ticks of the
Clock I’ve been
Counting down
All my words
Are slipping out
Of consciousness
I’m holding on
To grains of sand
Blowing away in
Winter wind
The mattress is
Soaked in the
Sweaty truth of
Were too busy
To hear
To see
To ask


So bandage me
Up with your
Perfect prescribed smiles
Tsks and tuts and
“What would your
Mother think”s
And I’ll try to
Fit the pieces
Back together
By myself
With pencils
And napkins in
Your waiting room
While a cab comes
To carry me

I feel the caress of my own fingers
on my own neck as I place my collar
and think pityingly
of the kind women I have known.
 Feb 2013 Jason Wright
Tim Knight
We could tuck ourselves in a crevice,
between a wall
and view the stones
for what they really are.

Let the light loom over us,
shade us from the heat;
The warmth of a halogen bulb
highlighting the street.

And it’s there we’d kiss,
and spark cigarettes,
and forget why we came here,
and let no one in, let alone near,
and we’d have a private joke,
like small font liner notes,
and for that two minutes,
(more work for the coffee mule)
we would overlook the important
stuff, for
that’s what it is,
another 70, at best, years
of toil and fluff.

*This tableaux love affair
will be omitted in years to come,
filed under the ‘lusts that resulted in
no fun, that night’ folder
in the great green cabinet of bills,
bills, bills again invoices.
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