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Jason Walsh Sep 2013
Tonight we will make things right
Tonight we will talk through our hearts not hands
Tonight we will express our rawness
Tonight we will imagine a life without one another
Tonight we will imagine
Tonight we will hold hands but not kiss
Tonight we will love but not make love
Tonight we will share the same mind
Tonight we will wipe the tears from our consciousness
Tonight I will love you

Jason Walsh Sep 2013
Hold my hands dear
You know this place
You know the time
You remember
Do you want to go back in time with me
Just for one night
And never speak a word of it
But just relive this wonderful night
With me
Jason Walsh Sep 2013
Still I remember
Still I refuse now
To forget
What has made me
Who I am today
I still
Jason Walsh Sep 2013
I have this hard shell
I pride myself on it sometimes
But other times I wish I could throw it away
And be the boy I was when I first met you
But these years haven't been forgiving
To my shell
Jason Walsh Sep 2013
That smell
I haven't smelled that smell for what feels like a year
I push my nose into this sweater
I'm taken back in time
To a cold December night
That warms my cold heart
to remember
not forget
Jason Walsh Sep 2013
Stabbed in the ******* back
Let the blood run down your blade
Stabbed in the ******* back
Let hate take over your brain

At the end of the day
You're nothing but filth
Nothing but a pile of ****
Now stick your nose in it

I used to trust you
Now I question every word you say
I’ll just keep you alive long enough
To feel every bit of pain you caused

After the suffering
I’ll watch as you die
Jason Walsh Sep 2013
How am I supposed to feel?
Like it was just a thing,
A phase,
A segment,
And I'm supposed to accept it right away?
Well I apologize,
It's not as easy for me.
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