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Jason Walsh Aug 2013
I make an effort
To understand you
I really do

Its not easy
But I try my hardest
To make you feel better
Just to be shrugged away

I laugh it out with you
To see if that's what you want
What you want to feel
Only for a few seconds it lasts

I make an effort
To be a good friend
And it seems like
You won't accept that
Jason Walsh Aug 2013
No matter how hard you try
No matter what words you say
No matter the emotion you show
Or the pain you feel
There is no chance
No hope
Because what is there to hope for anymore
Jason Walsh Aug 2013
I feel a little better
That thing that just stimulated
The correct part of my brain
And took a bit of the pain
Jason Walsh Aug 2013
Live life as you want go ahead
Live it up to the most you can
Some can't though

No matter how hard you try
You can't fill it in
Some fill it with religion, music, film,
But there will always be room for ache to set in
Jason Walsh Aug 2013
You're my best friend
You stay by my side
You look me in the eye
And understand why I cry

You're my only friend
We talk unlike anyone else
We share what comes from our hearts
And understand how it all starts

You're my closest friend
You say I'm going to leave
I'm more worried about being left
Because without you I have no one to share my heart with
Everyone else left...
She knows how much she means to me.
Jason Walsh Jul 2013

Comfortable speed.

That's me.
Just going.
Somewhere I don't know.
But somehow I know all the roads.

Build your journey right.
Jason Walsh Jul 2013
Thou art not but a siren,
Singing thine song.
Thou do not but lure the hearts of men,
Into thine caltrop of a jaw.

Not devouring instantly,
But instead thou bides thine time.
Thou pleasures before thou feasts.
Thou waits until the opportune shade of sundial,
When the hearts of men art trustworthy.
Thou feeds upon them as if a beast.

But dost thou have beauty?
But dost thou have charm?
But dost thou have wit?
This is why thou cannot resist.
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