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Oct 2022 · 96
No Regrets
I stare at the fading horizon
On the beach with the wind in my hair
On a seemingly endless adventure
Without a doubt or a care
I pursue all that which has been taken
I’m mindful of tragic events
But if I never chase what I’m after
I’ll be living a life with regrets
Oct 2022 · 87
At The Top
I recognize that emblem
A spider with a knife
It’s very prominent in circles
Of every walk of life
Not those who have more money
The said “cream of the crop”
The upper echelon of prominence
You know, the people at the top
Oct 2022 · 67
The Horrors
It’s the creature of the black lagoon
The ware wolf on a bright full moon
Fear is found in scary scenes
Like Dracula and vampire screams
Or Frankenstein with a bolt of light
On a frightening rainy night
Dark gray clouds and lightning skies
Now waiting for the dead to rise
Zombies with a taste for man
Scouring a wasted land
What’s hiding underneath the bed?
The boogie man inside your head?
Oct 2022 · 70
Waiting For The Love
‪Waiting for the love to come‬
‪With a fire in my heart that yearns‬
‪Longing for a warm embrace ‬
‪Invade her space, come face to face‬

‪Waiting for the love to come ‬
‪In my whispers can you hear‬
‪A poem from the depths of my soul‬
‪That defeats my greatest fear‬

Waiting for the love to come
To share with my desires
And quench my thirst and appetite
While extinguishing the fires
Oct 2022 · 69
She Ponders
She’s lying in an empty field
On a bed of grass and leaves
Alone to daydream freely
About things no one believes
No one will take her seriously
Her thoughts, her hopes, her dreams
So she lies in wait, as her mind creates
An elaborate flawless scheme
Oct 2022 · 82
Dusty Country Road
Tires wreaking havoc on a dusty country road
Spinning wheels in corn fields
Mowed down row by row
They’re in tank tops and in faded jeans
Overalls rolled up to their knees
A toothpick and a straw hat
In a small town down the railroad tracks
That’s where limits know no bounds
Where the fox gets chased by hounds
From dusk till dawn
They’re here then gone
Somewhere likely underground
Oct 2022 · 89
Wrapped In Velvet
Immersed in soft red velvet
Sending shivers down my spine
The goosebumps, they are plenty
In a moment so divine
Brushed against my face, my torso, arms, and hands
Whenever wrapped in velvet
It tends to ruin daily plans
Oct 2022 · 97
Little Lie
She was queen bee for a reason
She was respected and revered
At least that’s what they told her
Behind a voice of fear
She was quick to chop a head clean off
Without blinking an eye
So your whole life sometimes
Depended on your ability to lie
Oct 2022 · 87
The Poem With No Ending
It was a poem without an ending
An incoherent verse
That was spewed out with the alcohol
Then aided by a nurse
The mood was rather somber
It was palpable at best
So the poem went without an ending
And made little to no sense
It was a simple little rhyme scheme
A play on different words
That were fed into my bloodstream
Which now sounds a bit absurd
I could taste the words when spoken
But if they were deferred
It still wouldn’t have an ending
Despite what you may have heard
Sep 2022 · 284
His mother sang to him a lullaby
When she put him down for bed
Her voice was soft and mellow
As he rest his weary head
His eyes were closed as he faded off
And her voice grew softer still
Until it turned into a whisper
With her goal, in turn, fulfilled
Sep 2022 · 158
Something Is Brewing
With thunder comes the drama
A stormy weather scene
Through the rain and lightning
The wind begins to breathe
Huffing and puffing
Viciously conceived
A hurricane is brewing
Agrees the fallen trees
Puddles form with rapid speed
The skies lit up like day
Until the weather slows; subsides
The clouds are pale and gray
Sickly if you will
It’s not my place to say
It just may need a little sunshine
For the rain to go away
Sep 2022 · 155
Crossing The Bridge
‪She’s crossed this bridge before ‬
‪In a long forgotten dream‬
‪When she fell into the water‬
‪And was carried far upstream ‬
‪Reaching out for rocks‬
‪To slow down her increased speed‬
‪And waking up wet and sweaty ‬
‪Drowning in her sheets‬
Sep 2022 · 111
After The Rain
It’s like the smell of the earth after rain
Tall trees lined up in a row
The horizon isn’t as far as it seems
But it grows smaller the further you go
It’s the beginning of a journey
Not the end of the road
Just to the edge of extinction
Where true lovers go
While held in his arms
Borderline exposed
Still managing to stay completely
It must be a talent
That you see done in shows
For a bouquet of flowers
And a single red rose
Sep 2022 · 122
The Retriever
Was it the bell on his collar?
Or maybe his marbled pattern fur?
But really, it was his comfort
That I look back fond on how things were
He was as docile as ferocious
Each obstacle achieved
I’d send a stick one thousand feet
Just to be retrieved
Sep 2022 · 86
Parallel Universe
He’d fallen into liquid
He was drowning in the deep
He went through every motion
Until he met defeat
He fell into a deep abyss
But somehow he came to
Breathing, lying on the beach
In his bathing suit
He wondered how we got there
Was he dreaming all along?
How could this have happened?
Something was all wrong
He’d fallen through a warm hole
And came out the other side
In a universe that’s parallel
He’s glad to be alive
Sep 2022 · 153
The Infiltrator
He stormed the shop in epic light
Sunbeams through the trees
He churned his peddles towards the north
His back against the breeze
He entered town without a sound
Until he coughed and sneezed
Then everyone around the town
Made the sick man leave
Sep 2022 · 111
Mercy Of The Breeze
The story lies in the pages
Whether it’s read or told
With a beginning and an ending
Printed up and bold
Cuddled in a blanket
Keeping out the cold
Allowing my imagination
To make the barriers explode
Take off on a journey
Sail the seven seas
Dangle from the mountaintops
Trying not to freeze
Or wrestle in the jungle
On a large trapeze
Balancing on a tightrope
At the mercy of the breeze
Sep 2022 · 474
At A Glance
A chandelier above the center of the room
Champagne on a silver tray
The smell of sweet perfume
A smile, a wink
To the girl in satin pink
With ribbons in her hair
Standing with a drink
I asked her if she’d dance
It was the beginning of romance
For given half a chance
From what started as a glance
Sep 2022 · 109
The Creek
She dipped her toe in the quite creek
To watch the ripples spread
Which ruined her reflection
And warped her little head
The ripples drifted up the creek
They spread out far and wide
And what should have come as a great big shock
Simply came as no surprise
Sep 2022 · 65
Manes Of Gold
Along the open meadows
Near the trees lined in a row
Horses run and frolic
Like they did so long ago
They’re left alone, and free to roam
On acres of green grass
It’s sure to be, a sight to see
Anytime you pass
They’re big and bold
With manes of gold
They’re muscular and fast
They’re majestic and they’re statuesque
They’re elegant, with class
Sep 2022 · 70
If The Two Should Meet
She huddled in the corner
She cuddled in the sheets
She asked her Lord and savior
If the two of them could meet
She promised to be casual
Quite and discrete
In a proper manner
On a getaway retreat
Just to talk about the weather
And have something sweet to eat
Not to talk about harsh subjects  
That I wouldn’t dare repeat
Or to match wits on a topic
Of which I can’t compete
But rather sit around and get some sun
In the summer heat
Sep 2022 · 105
Vineyard Ripe
In the vineyard of ripe vine grapes
The grapes drape to the ground
They’re fresh and sweet, to drink or eat
And they sell it by the pound
Grapes may come in different shades
In different sizes too
But some may say they’re best with age
Under cork and *****
Sep 2022 · 85
Rhythm And Blues
They continued to play
Though the echoes remained
As a sign of what was to come
They blew us away
As we stood in dismay
Seeing where they had come from
A full on display
Of the trumpet and bass
In a place where blues can be found
The harmonica played
As we clap and gave praise
When the room shook, and so did the ground
As you came near
You could certainly hear
As the band grew increasingly loud
They played through the night
And into the day
Just to appease the large crowd
Sep 2022 · 218
Afraid Of The Dark
“I’m afraid of the dark,” she said
As I turned out the light
We’ll disappear, but have no fear
The future’s looking bright
The moon went down, the sun came up
And the light crept through the door
She woke from sleep
Began to weep
When her feet hit the floor
I asked her why it was she cried
And her answer to my surprise
Was that she believed her life was ending
Every time she closed her eyes
I said that sounds ridiculous
As a tear rolled down her cheek
Be strong, I said
And rest your head
And try to get some sleep
Sep 2022 · 88
Wading In Water
Wading in water
Calm without breeze
She swam with the fishes
While drowning her fleas
She now felt much better
Completely relieved
But her heart still went out
And so she grieved
She’s a lovable creature
Relaxed, feeling free
Wading in water
Surrounded by sea
Sep 2022 · 168
Aged To Perfection
I am told that I’m simpatico
Affable and carefree
Easy to get along with
At the center of my Chi
I only want acceptance
A hug or warm embrace
The camaraderie of laughter
While standing face to face
Bonding us together
My senses opened wide
Completely unrevealing, still
Of my darker side
The yin and yang of selfdom
Both negative and fine
Aged, until it’s reached perfection
Like a semi dry red wine
Sep 2022 · 362
Just Because
I asked myself
Is this girl the one?
She’s pale and thin
Must be from lack of sun
She worships me
But it’s all in fun
She lets me speak
Listens till I’m done
She cooks and cleans
And smiles as she does
She puts things back
Just the way it was
And I value that
Just because
Just because
Sep 2022 · 153
The Haunted Mansion
The house was a mansion
Empty, unfilled
On cemetery foundations
They decided to build
They say it was haunted
That ghosts were abound
Sometimes there was screeching
A sheer horrendous sound
All would steer clear
None would approach
Not even the people
That steal and poach
There were gossip and stories
And as legend goes
The dead were awakened
And wiggled their toes
No longer buried
Unearthed; exposed
In search of the living
To make known their woes
Sep 2022 · 88
Time Will Tell
Time in its essence
Is fleeting; unkind
For those that are aging
Until they wither and die
Constantly moving
Each orbit, each path
Until the end of existence
It’s both science, and math
All time will end
But no time too soon
Perhaps some day
We’ll all live on the moon
Sep 2022 · 529
One Wish
She hid behind her flawless façade
I had hoped to catch a glimpse
Of her auburn hair and freckled cheeks
Pretty eyes and lips
When I had her in my sights
I told her she’d been missed
Then I held her hand in mine
And leaned in for a kiss
She reciprocated my advancement
And there was momentary bliss
Then I whispered in her ear
She’d granted my one wish
Sep 2022 · 153
Bound To Erupt
‪There’s grumbling down inside the earth‬
‪It can’t stomach or digest‬
‪The pollution that mankind’s created ‬
It ‪seems that humankind’s digressed‬
‪There’s plastic in the oceans‬
‪The ozone layer’s marred ‬
‪The forest’s been depleted ‬
‪The entire planet’s scarred‬
‪Just another piece of plastic
We can’t wait to discard‬
Warnings told, but nothing bold
Has been done by those in charge
Even though there’s global warming happening
In their own backyards
Sep 2022 · 90
The Forbidden Fruit
You’re mimicking like shadows
With every subtle move
Whether in daytime or at night
You can’t hide the truth
When every movement is a reflection
Of the connection to our youth
It amplifies temptations
And we eat the forbidden fruit
Sep 2022 · 94
Down South
At first we headed west
But we weren’t that impressed
So we decided to go east
But we wound up in the streets
So we ended up down south
In a town I can’t pronounce
Standing in a field of shredded wheat
Sep 2022 · 160
The Umbra
There’s fear in the unknown
Of a seething unwell mind
Where the darkest part of shadows
Go inevitably to die
The umbra goes unnoticed
When the stars refuse to shine
Because the thoughts of unwell people
Cannot be considered crime
Sep 2022 · 94
She vanquished and she stole
Every living soul
That ever crossed her path in any way
She needed us to know
That her heart’s as dark as coal
And she looks at every man as human prey
There’s nothing we can do
She’s obnoxious, loud, and rude
I’m not sure how much more there is to say
I hope she gets her just
For the previously discussed
Soon, before she gets wise and escapes!
I’m unsure how to get it done
No thought I think seems fun
But we need to make a plan without delay
So, let us all discuss
What we need to do and must
So I can get undressed and hit the hay
Sep 2022 · 287
To Stay Afloat
I’m drowning in an ocean
Treading water; churning feet
Just to stay afloat
Happy, and upbeat
I see you with your troubles
Almost every time we meet
But there is a silver lining
You can see right from the street
I can take you there to see it
If you want to come
But I, myself, am looking
Down the barrel of a gun
Sep 2022 · 74
Deviating Deviants
‪We could sleep away the day‬
‪On the bed on which we lay‬
‪In comfort, me knowing that you’re there ‬
‪I could tell you little lies ‬
‪And you could act surprised ‬
‪And end it, with the flipping of your hair‬
‪We’d both be in the ****‬
‪Acting deviant and lewd ‬
‪While not giving a single iota of care‬
I could whisper in your ear
Close my eyes and disappear
While you’re telling me how life just isn’t fair
I’ll do what I must
If love’s turned into lust
But I will not act as though I’m in despair
Lay your head upon my lap
And take your precious nap
But just remember, that life isn’t always fair
Never in love or war
Has it happened once before
Where the enemy, was set free, and spared
But if these moments should arise
I’d still claim you as my prize
Because you’re my every breath, my oxygen, my air
Sep 2022 · 126
Fuchsia Waves Of Spring
They ‪flourish in my dreams‬
‪In fuchsia waves of spring ‬
‪Swaying in the brimming meadows ‬
As if ‪bowing to their king‬
‪Yellow pollen spread by wings‬
‪Dusted effortlessly about‬
‪Pollinating everything ‬
‪Removing any doubt ‬
‪Of what will or will not grow‬
‪Being purposely exposed ‬
‪To the sun, one by one‬
‪Steady as it goes‬
Sep 2022 · 60
Cloud 9
They form
Then falter
Then float away
Then dissipate
In shades of gray
Constantly changing
Never the same
The producer of shadows
We tend to call shade
Hovering up and about
The hoarders of rain
They’re what we’re sad to see go
But are happy they came
Aug 2022 · 501
If I Had Wings
What I’d do if I had wings
I’d chase the stars and count the rings
On Saturns outer limits
They defy the laws of gravity
They are visible for my eyes to see
Until the clouds shade my visibility
And I fly about my way
To see the things I haven’t seen
Not just pictures on the silver screen
Or a vision in a vivid dream
That opens my imagination
I’ll tip the scales of mediocrity
And soar the skies more vibrantly
To cure my curiosity
And to justify the means
Aug 2022 · 61
Iridescent Flower
Raindrops form on the pedals
Of an iridescent flower
Is it just the morning dew?
Will the sun again shine through?
Or was it just a little morning shower?
It doesn’t hesitate to bloom
The rain was overdue
But it stood its ground, when others may have cowered
There’s resilience in the air
Even flowers come prepared
And that itself can make one feel empowered
Aug 2022 · 94
Momentary Bliss
The velocity of a sparrow,
Can be faster than any arrow
When you’re headed for the brink of a first kiss
Cupids arrow’s fair, but none can quite compare
To the speed in which there’s momentary bliss
Aug 2022 · 123
Trivial Pursuit
Why venture on in a trivial pursuit
When you quibble and pout
eating passionate fruit
You hunger, you need
You wish to proceed
Despite all the hurdles
You constantly leap
To avoid any conflict
Any variance of trust
You do what you will
You do what you must
Aug 2022 · 143
The Imp And The Sprite
A mystical stardust
Lights up the night
Beyond the forest
They bicker and fight
The small feisty imp
And the unflappable sprite
Always a brouhaha
Over who’s wrong or right
They’re always at odds
They never relent
Until the stardust
Was heavenly sent
And then there was peace
Things became clear
Love was in place
All hate disappeared
And the two became friendly
And then became friends
And they lived on in harmony
Happily, the end
Aug 2022 · 80
Pink Oleander
Out in the garden
The flowers have bloomed
Pink oleander
And red roses too
Beautiful lilies
With aromatic flow
In through the nostrils
Of a sensitive nose
The fragrance alluring
It’s time to propose
To the woman I love
The one whom I chose
And with my confession  
And my intentions exposed
I’ll pick through the flowers
At the roots where they grow
Aug 2022 · 99
Bunches Of Buttons
Bunches of buttons
Some old and some new
Worn in a fashion
That best describes you
Whether yellow, or orange, silver, or blue
Some with four holes
Most have just two
Designer buttons
To pick through and choose
Then sew them on tight
Because they’re easy to lose
Aug 2022 · 104
Amber Pedals
Amber pedals mixed with gold
Picturesque, truth be told
Something simply beautiful
In a world that can be cold
Yet, they still rise and bloom
On sunny afternoons
In the spring they’re free to roam
Along a country road
And wave to passers by
On the highway to the sky
Aug 2022 · 90
The Truth Never Lies
Wrapped in diaphanous robes
and lush lavish lace
Soft as the skin on her beautiful face
****** and sensual are pleasures we seek
Bound not to tell, are the secrets we keep
Unless on the pillow, where the truth never lies
There’s more to what’s there, than meets the eye
Aug 2022 · 232
Sunflower 🌻
Sunshine on a myriad of sunflowers
Stretching out and rising
to endless bright blue skies
Happy lengthy flowers
In a yellow pedal sea
Existing on this planet
Just like you and me
Fields and fields of blossomed belle
Enamored with the sun
Basking in its radiance
Each and every one
Aug 2022 · 123
Deep Art
He was catharsis with his paintings
He creatively reached release
Then he’d infuse it with the paints he used
And he painted what he pleased
Whether landscapes or a portrait
Or an abstract just the same
All express emotions
Like the love, the joy, the pain
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