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Jan 2022 · 96
Like No One’s Watching
My tranquility is critical
As is my peace of mind
Without the two, I’m of little use
But I’m so emphatically inclined
To break free from chains
Get UP!
Pirouette and twirl
And dance as if no one’s watching
Impervious to the world
Jan 2022 · 135
To Infinity
I waited an eternity
I counted to infinity
I love that you’re now here with me
It was an inevitability
You used to call it destiny
You only get the best of me
I only ask for consistency
In a drawn up detailed recipe
Befitting for his Majesty
And his all consuming legacy
Who died somewhat tragically
But was immortalized somehow magically
I’m reminded of it constantly
It’s a legendary prophecy
Just to mention it is blasphemy
But that’s just the way it has to be
For me to take your chastity
And send you to another galaxy
A borderline catastrophe
I’d offer my apology
In reference to biology
If your father gets a hold of me
Things will fly at high velocity
Just in case there’s an atrocity
Will you be writing up my eulogy?
Jan 2022 · 171
Cycle Of Life
Driven by Determination
The fear is gone
Approaching death
No contemplation
I’ve already made my reservations
For the first row
A V.I.P.
I’m only taking
What I need
To the next level
A turning stone
A compilation
Of flesh and bone
My approval
I condone
No other way to set the tone
A bleeding heart
Cold nights alone
Buried under rocks and stone
Resting peaceful
Feeds the earth
To live once more
A fresh rebirth
The cycle of life
The old, the new
All encompassing
All consumed
Dec 2021 · 82
Orange Skies
A sunset over crashing waves
A vast view of orange skies
Farewell to the setting sun
Until it once again will rise
This is but a certainty
Felt by everyone alive
Soaking up the suns rays
Until the end of days arrives
Dec 2021 · 199
The Motive
He has no other motive
He just does it for a rise
He’s a high school adolescent
Manifesting lies
Trivial by nature
But swears he knows it all
Decisions made by a flipped coin
Heads or tails, your call?
Dec 2021 · 279
A Single Drip
The power of the sun is felt
Worried that the ice will melt
Which will raise the ocean levels high
From the ankle to the upper thigh
And for that we’re ill-equipped
From what started as a single drip
Now as big as tidal waves
Flipping over ships
Dec 2021 · 100
Birthday Wish
A birthday wish
A birthday list
A birthday gift
A birthday kiss
Such little time to reminisce
Of the glory days of old
The warmth in winters cold
The pictures taken with family
Now sit in frames of gold
Stories by the fireplace
And the ones that go untold
Dec 2021 · 61
I miss a kiss
A blissful moan
From a Miss
A gentle soul
Whom I admit
Her heart I stole
Her scent, it lingers
Smelt by nose
I handed her
A single rose
On a knee
Where I proposed
You never know
How these things go
If there’s a chance
She could say “no”
Where I’ll then sink
Into a hole
Having left myself out; exposed
But, with love
That’s just how it goes
Dec 2021 · 110
Big Brother
A kaleidoscope filled with neon colors
A flashback filled with thought
Visualizing every lesson
Of everything you’ve ever been taught
Hoping to find your peace
Down a narrow path
The effort makes you tired
But you somehow have to laugh
Because what is it all for?
A caged up spinning rat
Testing us for observation
Telling us how the earth is flat
Messing with our minds
Big brother in the sky
They’ll tell you I went crazy
But not the reason why
Dec 2021 · 77
Elevated Soul
Simplicity in art
Does not gauge one’s skill
It’s a reflection of the person
That manifests its will
The will to be transformed
To encompass as a whole
The fundamental need
To always have control
Also for the echo
To not feel so all alone
Reverberating messages
To an elevated soul
Dec 2021 · 75
She patronized him
In a diminutive way
Harmful connotations
Fully on display
Words became her weapon
She threw daggers with her eyes
It was a heavy on assault
With no room for compromise
Then the room got silent
There grew a puddle on the floor
Nothing left but red footprint tracks
Heading out the door
This is one of my more dark poems. It involves a serious problem we are facing in society. This does not, I repeat, does not reflect on anything I’m currently experiencing. It’s just a dark poem. That’s all. Thanks for reading
Dec 2021 · 69
Calculated Ruse
He begged her to stay quiet
He had a lot to lose
He gave an ultimatum
An honest chance to choose
She chose a lavish lifestyle
Loud pocketbooks and shoes
He had plans to trick her
An elaborate, calculated ruse
But the tension grew too heavy
What if he’s accused!?
For pushing her off the building
Then blaming it on the boos
He took some time to ponder
What on earth to do
Then he made up, in his mind
To never tell the truth
Dec 2021 · 127
A Holiday Poem
Mittens for kittens
Gifts under tree
Filled up red stockings
For you and for me
Ornaments a plenty
Food and good times
Home for the holidays
With jingle bell chimes
A year full of mischief
On the good list or bad
But it’s all in good spirits
There’s still fun to be had
Dec 2021 · 59
His Shield
He stood behind his shield; his badge
He was bullied in his youth
He chased and chased for justice sake
Always in pursuit
He volunteered to clean the streets
And to always tell the truth
Then he rescued all from danger
While remaining calm and cool
Hounded by reporters
Doing what they do
Don’t be who aren’t
Just be yourself, be you
The light will find its way to the top
It can’t help but be pushed through
To the surface where the darkness
Is lit up by the moon
Dec 2021 · 70
✨Among The Stars ✨
I think one day I’ll cease to breathe
Watch from above while family grieves
Move on with the passing breeze
And fly among the stars
These are things I often see
In a lucid thought, or a vivid dream
Never quite sure which way to lean
Knowing not for sure
Dec 2021 · 62
Mask Of Pride
She wore a mask of pride
But it was just a poor disguise
For she was cowardly and frightened
Hidden behind lies
On the mask, a painted smile
A twinkle in the eyes
But everything’s misleading
Behind a fake disguise
Dec 2021 · 113
The Beating Drum
I carved my place in history
I heard the beating drum
I listened to the rapid beat
That could get loud for some
It gets my juices flowing
It invigorates my soul
And then before you know it
I’ve completely lost control
If I remain cool, calm, and collected
Or if push comes to shove
The beating drum goes silent
When you lose someone you love
But the echoes, they last forever
Though the memories may fade
And thoughts, they get forgotten
So cherish those you’ve saved
Dec 2021 · 68
Under The Fog
Under the fog
In blades of grass
The bunny must decide
To continue on his current path
Or to hop and hide
Danger’s always lurking
Predators often thrive
He must do what he can
To continue to survive
Dec 2021 · 96
When Stars Collide
A million shooting stars
Like missiles; a barrage
Spanned across the galaxy
But can still be seen afar
Dashing bursts of light
Screaming through the sky
Fading into the nothingness
In the blink of someone’s eye
Pray the blinking doesn’t last
But, whatever you decide
It’s still very worthwhile to see
When two stars collide
Dec 2021 · 120
In the fierceness of the waves
That which hungers hard and craves
Springs up from down deep
In overpowering displays
There’s no secrets to withhold
About the oceans rage
Just an ungodly mean demeanor
That can’t be kept tame in a cage
Dec 2021 · 63
Without Risk
What you risk is on your own accord
But without risk, there’s no reward
Avenues should be explored
To get to where you’re headed towards
Whether money or success
Both can be achieved
But the odds are stacked against you
For goods to be received
Dec 2021 · 63
Her Smile
I caused her to smile
Her cheeks were flush
Her eyes, they twinkled
Oh, what a rush
I caused a smile
I had the touch
It’s not too hard
It doesn’t take much
So cause a smile
Some laughter too
It’s simply the right thing to do
Dec 2021 · 64
Cup Of Tea ☕️
Share a cup of tea with me
A crumpet, and stare
Tip the teacup back to see
What’s staring back’s a bear
Near the rim; etched in glass
With brown fuzzy ears
Urging me to smile back
Instead of shedding tears
Dec 2021 · 86
Deep Enough
I tend to sink
When off the boat
I cannot swim
I cannot float
I cannot cough
To clear my throat
So I circle down the drain
Like driftwood in the rain
Flooded waters high enough
To touch the weathervane
Yet deep enough
To call my bluff
At the facts that still remain
Dec 2021 · 59
Red Tape
Blunders of soft intellect
Not to be taken as a fool
Red markers mark the mistakes made
For the lessons learned in school
Just like in life with red tape
Obstacles abound
And if you show up unprepared
You could end up underground
Dec 2021 · 124
Double Edged Sword
I choose the double edge sword
On my own accord
Bend through the air unscathed
The wind fights hard
So avant-garde
Yet still, it harnesses the rain
The sword is meant to disenchant
The strength of a never mentioned plant
But what it’s meant to do, it can’t
So loosen up the reigns
Dec 2021 · 93
Paid The Piper
I pulled some strings
Which fueled my greed
That began as an implanted seed
That grew into enormous strength
When there wasn’t any need
I paid the piper
Now I’m freed
To set out and follow
My hopes and dreams
Dec 2021 · 96
Carte Blanche
I had hoped you’d reconsider
Hoped you’d pause to give it thought
But you did the deed incessantly
Without fear of getting caught
You had my admiration
For your disobedient carte blanche
For your unrelenting nature
And the thrill of sabotage
Dec 2021 · 78
Hungry For Your Love
You left me here to starve
Hungry for your love
I’m famished, yet resourceful
When push comes to shove
I’ll get the fire going
Make sure to stir the ***
I’m craving every morsel
I have or haven’t got
You tantalize my tastebuds
Yet you’re somehow bitter sweet
Tenderized and savory
Like expensive meat
You’re delicious and delectable
At least, I imagine you to be
You’re sugar filled and delicate
And a million calories
Dec 2021 · 300
Look how bright the stars are tonight
And for the rest of their duration
In alignment, they form and tell a tale
As enormous constellations
Of animals and of Greek Gods
Shared stories and of myths
But we are just mere mortals
Enjoying the universes gifts
Dec 2021 · 74
Hanging Off A Slope
I was hanging off a *****
The angle, sort of steep
I tried to cross the threshold
But I misjudged my leap
Now, I’m dangling from a mountaintop  
My cause of loss of sleep
Me falling to my fatal end
Without shedding tears to weep
Dec 2021 · 91
Uncle Drew
I have an uncle Drew
Who really is quite crude
Primitive in his ways
Always walking in the ****
He never seems to notice
He doesn’t seem to care
To have a little decency
And at least wear underwear
But that wouldn’t be my uncle
As he feels the need to share
He’s just a little out of his mind
But that’s neither here nor there
Dec 2021 · 114
Off The Charts
She sees her own reflection
She spins to slip away
Enjoying every moment
Until her dying day
An alternate dimension
Two worlds far apart
But both look up to the stars
Somewhere off the charts
Dec 2021 · 62
Who I Truly Am
Holding on to the gravity
Of the situation that’s at hand
Then letting go of my comfort zone
Without a leg to stand
I’m mesmerized
By your ocean eyes
Your skin so toned and tanned
When I settle down
Feet on the ground
You’ll see who I truly am
Dec 2021 · 106
A Need
My poetry’s poetic
Efficient and eclectic
I’m not energetic
I’m not egocentric
I’m borderline neglected
Not prophetically directed
My rhymes come with ease
When I’m finished, I am pleased
At the outcome of my effort
Because I fulfilled a need
Dec 2021 · 82
End Of The Shift
The end of today’s shift
Came surely as a gift
As I couldn’t wait to leave fast enough
I stormed right out the gate
No patience to wait
As a day like today was mighty rough
I made it to my house
Sat down on the couch
And quickly lit up a spliff and had a puff
Dec 2021 · 79
The Mantle
It stared me in the eye
On the mantle in the den
An old disheveled photograph
Of four distinguished men
One looked too familiar
Whom I know I’ve seen before
I had a need for answers
I wanted to know more
My host was kind enough to oblige
Now you rest assured
Our relationship has mended
Orders now restored
Dec 2021 · 104
No Fumar
‪I’m taking in nicotine ‬
‪Coughing up smoke‬
‪Air becomes fleeting ‬
‪Volunteering to choke‬
‪Leaving me breathless ‬
‪Yet, unwilling to cope‬
‪Taking a slide ‬
‪Down a slippery ***** ‬
‪I’m at my wits end‬
‪And at the end of my rope‬
‪Until I quit once and for all‬
‪Because death is no joke‬
Dec 2021 · 56
Role Reversal
My reflection makes me look away
From a toothless grin
That the years have left me shriveled up
My skin now paper thin
But in these eyes
Is an old, but wise
Soul who’s long been cursed
Stand in my shoes
And you’ll see
How the roles were if reversed
Nov 2021 · 78
Solid Roots
There’s strength in solid roots
That grew from a small seed
They grow up tall
But beneath it all
They’re in dire need
Of affection
A tender touch
The precious air we breathe
Not cut down to build playgrounds
But maybe that’s just me
Nov 2021 · 345
Calm Waters
An amber horizon
Felt in a warm summers glow
Over calm waters
That shimmer and flow
Feeling calm and serine
Like a midsummer nights dream
Taking deep breath‘s
Coming forth; coming clean
As the wind whispers secrets
Nov 2021 · 96
A bristle, a tumbleweed
Resting on the sand
Staying out of harms way
The best way that it can
Moving on when it’s time to go
A passing breeze
A wind that blows
Towards wastelands that have long since closed
Known best for their skull and bones
And where dangers always lurking
Nov 2021 · 94
Naked In The Rain
It wasn’t a catastrophe
A little crisis if you will
I managed to stay dry as best I could
And I ate the bitter pill
There were concessions made
Big plans were delayed
Until the bad weather stops
I’ll stay naked in the rain
Nov 2021 · 59
Lost Souls
I am the night that rises
I am oceans deep
It is written in the Bible
Of the lost souls that I’ve reaped
I’m the witch that cackles
That flies the skies on broom
I’m the black cat with no shadow
Despite the well lit moon
And through it all
I here the call
In the echos of the fallen
Crying for my sympathy
But their fate was always chosen
Nov 2021 · 69
If home is where the heart is,
Then I am broken hearted
Home is where I long to be,
That’s where it all started
Home with trees and fences,
Family, and friends
Ever since I left; departed
My hearts been on the mend
Nov 2021 · 210
A Harmless Conversation
Just a harmless conversation
Words sent back and forth
As birds fly south for winter
Withdrawing from the north
Just as they cross overhead
I look up to the sky
And no sooner do I lift my head
That there’s a bird **** in my eye
Nov 2021 · 71
Precious Cargo
Uncovered in the rain
To help saturate the pain
And watch as all the teardrops
Go swirling down the drain
Packed up in a suitcase
Where the precious cargo soaks
Will they drown in innocence
And dash away all hopes?
Or have a brighter future
By getting shown the ropes?
Nov 2021 · 74
Our Guardian
Our guardian
Our angel
Our savior from ourselves
Guiding us
Denying us
Lying idle for a spell
Always moving forward
Never looking back
Directing us
Inspecting us
Not giving any slack
Always sentimental
Always showing love
A gift that’s been bestowed
High from up above
Nov 2021 · 78
Déjà Vu
Impressive blue hues
Over breathtaking views
In leu of small clues
Of yesterday’s news
Predicting the weather
From small drops of dew
A pair of old shoes
That the laces are chewed
Thrown in the waste-bin
For something that’s new
To feel the same thing again
As if I had déjà vu
Nov 2021 · 95
My Journal
I’ve written in my journal
I wrote down blatant lies
It was a sadistic sort of vengeance
For someone I despise
I am not a jealous person
In my or in Gods eyes
But I am not to be trifled with
As I laugh at all your cries
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