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An iceberg floats at level seas
But what you can’t see, lies just beneath
An untold story of catastrophe
That ripples the waves with a stiff breeze
And robs you of your humanity
Just like robbers or petty thieves
They’ll leave you hopeless, down on your knees
As you sit there and you beg and plead
For things you know you can’t achieve
Like the sun I burn within
Hidden behind a wholesome grin
But the flames that reach their highest
Mask a world that’s downright grim
And the spark that lit the fire
Is wrapped around a life of sin
I’m not sure where it began
Or where even to begin
To tell a tale so dim
It’ll clock you on your chin
With morbid story lines
Thought up on a whim
Whether fat or thin
It doesn’t matter
Or the color of your skin
It all gets written down
Then thrown inside a bin
Because who is to say who loses?
And who’s to say who wins?
The yang to my yin
It’s all moving so fast
That it’ll make your head spin
Whether friend or foe
Or your next of kin
A distant relative
Or your Siamese twin
It doesn’t matter where you’re going
Or even where you’ve been
It’ll all come back around again
Until you pop it with a pin
You’re my object of desire
You’re my succulent, my sweet
My friend for every battle
In which we’ve never met defeat
You’re the air in which I breathe
My every want and need
You’re the love they tell in fairy tales
In every book you read
You’re my heart and passion
Of this, I will concede
You’re the red I see in roses
And my bandage when I bleed
You’re the fire in my sternum
The flash of sudden heat
The one that gives me goosebumps
Every time we meet
And that is nonrefundable
You can’t take back what’s truly mine
The feeling that you give to me
Every time you come to mind
I never took the leap
For fear that I might fail
I just laughed my life away
Searching for the Holy Grail
Just an object for my quest
I took no subject as my muse
Yet, I always ended up lost
And somehow more confused
I battled and I suffered
I punished and condemned
Myself for all my blunders
And my utter lack of friends
I am still the enemy
I am still class clown
I am just a lonely man
When awake or lying down
I’m a criminal of existence
I’ll steal the air you need
I pass as being human
But that’s just what is perceived
I smile and I wander
I’m not destination bound
I think I’ll just meander
Until I’m 6 feet in the ground
I couldn’t find my purpose
I did not answer the call
When it came to being successful
I completely dropped the ball
I did not help bring in a child
I did not deem it fair
And I asked no hand in marriage
Because they all seemed ill prepared
For the monster in the mirror
The freeloader breathing air
I’d tell you that it hurt me
But I just don’t really care
I am but an open book
Read me if you dare
Knowing that if it were up to me
I’d recommend the chair
I’m shattered, smashed, and ruptured
I’m pitted, dipped, and cleft
There’s sorrow in the depths of my soul
Ever since you left
My life seems out of rhythm
Gone is the pounding in my chest
The love I felt has vanquished
I’m defeated and depressed
You crushed the very essence
Of the love we often shared
It hit me like a whirlwind
I was completely unprepared
And now I run on empty
As if you never cared
I would’ve thought our kinship
Was one you could’ve spared
I still hide you in my poetry
Through the lines and curves
You’re in each letter written
An honor you deserve

I still hide you in my poetry
In every single word
Because not to have you in my poetry
Is a thought I deem absurd

I still hide you in my poetry
Through each gap and nook
Because you’re in each thought
that’s in my mind
And you’re everywhere I look
I listened when you spoke
To detect a little hope
That could be summarized in words
And could help me better
But words are only fleeting
When you misconstrue their meaning
And the promises you made me
Could counteract my healing
That’s why actions speak much louder
And can be chopped up into powder
As fine as grains of sand
But don’t underestimate their power
So say less and do more
So my confidence will soar
And I can put my trust in you
Just like I did before
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