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We walked together side-by-side
My best friend and I
Down the road and up the hill
Past the prairies’ daffodils
To the nearest store in town
I broke a branch under my feet
And it never made a sound
If you lean on me, I’ll lean on you, so we’ll never hit the ground
They had a bond
Both wolf and girl
They gazed into each other’s eyes
They were each other‘s world
They had a connection that could be seen
They shared each other‘s hopes and dreams
With words unspoken they could express
Compassion with the girls finesse
The wolf a gray and white fur coat
The girl brunette, with a bright red tote
They a pair, as the townsmen stared
Walking side by side they so dared
Without a thought, without a care
No friendship could quite compare
On one Sunday afternoon
The wolf chased down a large raccoon
He grabbed him by his head and ears
And the poor girl broke out into tears
From that day it became clear
The girl must sever ties with what she held most dear.
With the puppy’s curiosity peeked
The bumblebee moved cautiously
The bee whispers in his ear
That the pup has little to fear
And with big brown eyes and scruffy tail
And for this encounter not to fail
The bumblebee decides to bail
For the puppy it was a lesson learned
For the bee to show his true concern
In the garden of the fallen
The reaper spreads his seeds
Only one thing seems to grow
Among the brush and weeds
Ravens perch as gravestones bloom
And the reaper sows his crops of doom
The loss of souls, some too soon
Rest at peace under the howling moon.
You get me so inspired
For everything desired
You fill up my heart with joy I truly feel

Your the apple of my eye
My sun up in the sky
You really know how to seal the deal

I’m your puppet on a string
You are my everything
But I get confused when I try to figure out what’s real

You’re the fire that lights me up
The drink that fills my cup
You’re good company when I want to have a meal

Your beauty is a test
Among the very best
You truly have what I’d call *** appeal

I’m at your beckoned call
You’re my lover after all
And If you’d reciprocate that would truly be ideal
‪In a dream state‬
‪A feeling so divine‬
‪I hush to here the silence ‬
‪In my ever noisy mind ‬

‪And there I found it‬
‪An oasis from the crowd‬
‪A look into my embodiment ‬
‪Much stranger than it sounds‬

‪And just like an illusion‬
‪I was taken by the light‬
‪That gave me strength and courage ‬
‪On this given night‬
The vision to see beyond
By anticipating how we respond
To the nature of our bond
And what we need to carry-on

A vision that’s bright and bold
A special glimpse into our soul
It can not be bought nor sold
For all that glitters is not gold.
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