I am here to remember
What I am
That which lies hidden
Beyond the remembered
The access lost – or so it seems
Somewhere in between
The tapestry of experiences –
Weaving time through space
And space through time
Cutting and pasting
A kaleidoscope of experiences
Into the frame of linearity
Of our 3D playing field
And that which exists
Beyond the humanly perceivable is
But shrouded by the veil of forgetfulness
Made up of intricately interwoven patterns
Concealing the escape hatch
Out of mental confinement
© Jasmine, August 2013
I'm doing something I've never done, publishing a poem that is not finished. But hey, you gotta do things out of the ordinary sometimes. I'm still not sure about the beginning and the end, so I opted for posting the middle - just to stay out of linearity!