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Jared Weber Aug 2016
Months and years have
all gone by, and yet
this newfound anger won’t subside.
The unforeseen Traitor,
has gone too far, retreated on
every word he said. Attempting to take
whom I strive to be mine.
Reality has spoken; now is the time
When one who is better is near to taking what you dearly desire.
Jared Weber Aug 2016
Jeering looks and happy smile
overlay his malicious heart which
reeks of a very pure evil.
Deceived fully by this falsely smile
a poor Saint will become beguiled.
Nigh is the day this devil will
rise, bringing young Saint to her demise.
Honestly poetry is the only way I can vent my angers towards people.
Jared Weber Apr 2016
You cannot trust a tree, because the tree, it cannot speak
A roof made by its wood, is bound to spring a leak
You cannot trust a tree, because the tree, it cannot think
A boat made by its wood, is eventually going to sink

You cannot trust a beast, because it’s nature isn’t tame
For the company of a beast, will only end in pain
You cannot trust a beast, because it can’t perceive
Having the company of a beast, what will you achieve?

You cannot trust machines, for machines are not alive
As machines do not have minds, therefore they cannot thrive
You cannot trust machines, for machines you can’t control
As machines don’t have ideas, therefore they have no soul

You cannot trust a man, even if he’s old and wise
For even the wary man, can ensnare you in his lies
You cannot trust a man, even if he’s honest and true
For even the decent man, will put himself before you

You can only trust yourself, because your mind is bold and free
You are not insincere like other men, or fragile like a tree
You can only trust yourself, you are gentle unlike a beast
And unlike machines you are alive, and that’s to say the least
Wrote this in class, hope it's inspiring for people

— The End —