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Aug 2017 · 446
for my brother-in-law bob
janet chavarria Aug 2017
a good and gentle person
was too quickly called away.
now anguish is in our hearts
for this sad and mournful day.

a blessing to his loved ones
and to each devoted friend.
a great many tears will flow
to realize this dear man's end.

though our hearts will be heavy
and filled with much pain and grief
through trust in our Redeemer
we'll find solace and relief.

for those who came to know him
and be a part of bob's life
he was a friend, a brother,
a dad; and cherished his wife.

we'll treasure the memories
to turn over and again.
like a movie with no sound
that's played ev'ry now and then.

although he may be parted
from this existence of life,
he is now free from worry,
his difficulties and strife.

bob's with his dad and mother
'twas a man like no other;
know that when your days here end
once more we'll see this sweet friend.
Jul 2017 · 262
janet chavarria Jul 2017
people may judge by only your cover.
when you open up they will discover
what's misunderstood becomes apparent:
the chatter about you was quite errant.
their misbeliefs should not be your problem;
stay kind, committed and free to blossom.
no matter what they do or say, dont doubt
your worth or beauty for truth will win out.
your cover may be worn, torn to tatters;
keep shining! for it's God's love that matters!
Jun 2017 · 376
christmas poem
janet chavarria Jun 2017
No jewel shined any brighter than the dazzling Christmas star.
It glowed so radiantly it was seen both near and far.
A beacon to the Christ child as He laid on a bed of hay.
It told to the entire world a King was born that day.
Oh heavenly star keep twinkling - grant us peace and faith and love.
Keep our prayers forever turning to the Lord up above.
T'is the season of caring and warmth and good cheer.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jun 2017 · 348
letter to julia
janet chavarria Jun 2017
dear julia,

you have slipped the soured bonds of earth
and will dance in the skies smiling.
upwards you'll climb to heaven's girth
through sun-split clouds and cosmic bling.

you'll do many things not dreamed of:
soaring high in the sunlit sky,
racing the wind to the moon above,
rising up where no eagles fly.

escalating with ease and grace,
all this wandering won't seem odd
while passing through this divine space.
reach out! and touch the face of God!

i'll be looking up at the stars for you with
     a heart full of love.
you are now at peace, forever, safely home
     in heaven above.
let the wind lift your spirit and take you away
     to the arms of the Savior to hold you this day.
rest in peace.

gramom janet
Jun 2017 · 405
dont give up
janet chavarria Jun 2017
things sometimes will go wrong,
and the road may seem long,
the income may get low
and the bills start to grow,
you need to smile and sigh.
'cause life may seem awry.
step back, rest, but don't quit!
regroup and recommit.
the method for success
is to halt the excess;
make ev'ry moment count;
living is paramount.
Jun 2017 · 295
end of day
janet chavarria Jun 2017
when the day is done and runs out of sun,
hope it went well (only you can tell).
took a wrong and made it right,
took a loose and made it tight,
gave a hug, cracked a smile,
cut a rug, enjoyed awhile.
when "all done" is said, head off to bed.
turn off the lite and have a good nite-nite
Apr 2017 · 237
folkfest 2017
janet chavarria Apr 2017
folkfest twenty seventeen;
pulled out the tent and sunscreen.
bought my ticket, checked the dates;
got to be first at the gates.
Sep 2015 · 662
to mike, my brother
janet chavarria Sep 2015
to mike, my brother

there was a man, I called you brother.
good times, bad times...there won't be another.

we shared a last name, house and secrets
a gift from God and now with Jesus.

a built-in relative i didn't choose.
told me like it was; never wanted to see me lose.

made me laugh, made me cry.
asked me tough questions and not happy til he knew why.

didn't all ways see eye to eye
and that's what families do.
can't imagine what life would've been like without you.

positive, warmhearted, devout, strong-willed
almost describes your worth.
won't ever be replaced by anything on this earth.

if God would bring you back again for one more hour or day,
I'd express all my thoughts and have many things to say.

I'll be looking up at the stars for you with a heart full of love
you are now at peace forever
safely home in heaven above.

let the wind lift your spirit and take you away
to the arms of the Savior to hold you this day.

rest in peace.
janet chavarria Aug 2015
(dedicated to the ones we have loved and the ones left behind)

We talked often about the rest of our lives
And where we would be when we turn 65.

Kept thinking that times won't ever change
And things would all ways be the same.

But we won't be coming back when this year ends
We need to heal and make amends.

'Cause we're off in a different direction
And will adjust to our situation.

So if there is something important you need to say
Better speak it now because there won't be another day.

As dates arrive, I'll remember the times we had together
And as life changes come whatever, you will have a place in my heart    forever.

We will move on and may not slow down
But the memories will play like a movie with no sound.

We will think about tomorrow but not like now.
We will survive out there. We will make it somehow.

I keep thinking that this is not a goodbye
'Cause the past is a shadow that makes me sigh.

The past is done, won't forget it.

The future is yet to come, planning for it.

The present is now, leaning on it.
Aug 2015 · 518
ode to the folk of song
janet chavarria Aug 2015
for many years they've come to schwenksville
crowding the streets to camp on the hill.
life is brought to the Old Pool farmfields;
pitch the tents and shrug off the suit shields.

they've come to sing these grasslands alive
guarding traditions that will survive
with guitars, violins, flutes and song.
while the beat dances to the crowd strong.

for many years city people leave
their orderly days to hear minstrels weave
tales of love and loss set to music
with strummings old, new, and exotic.

over the bridge that arcs a small creek
to the concert area and seek
a good spot for a blanket hoedown;
they come from uptown, downtown, hometown.

dress is casual, sunblock crucial;
campsites range from fancy to frugal.
hand claps, toe taps, knee slaps to the beat;
musicians drum, hum, strum in the heat.

for many years the keepers of song
have come to schwenksville to play along.
with stories in their mouths and a spark
in their hearts, that burns into the dark.

in the years ahead this tradition
will survive, that will be their mission.
simple melodies and rhythms play,
the spirit of folksong will not stray.
janet chavarria Aug 2015
A three day extravaganza
of traditional folk music,
and rustic camping bonanza,
relaxing and therapeutic.

dance, crafts, children's activities
presented at the Old Poole Farm.
the ultimate of festivities
in upper salford, a schwenksville charm.

an event you won't want to miss!
workshops, showcases and concerts,
rain or shine, foods galore, what bliss!
lots of sleeveless shirts and short skirts.

jamming and camaraderie share
a great way to spend summer's end.
the Philadelphia folk fair,
an experience to attend!
Aug 2015 · 575
folk fest daze
janet chavarria Aug 2015
ain't just a craze
in the august haze
******* relays
mindful strays
campground chaise
amazing gaze
tour the tent maze
no rain delays
catch some rays
music all ways
Aug 2015 · 504
janet chavarria Aug 2015
what went wrong here?
was doing clear,
then suddenly -
my fall's ugly.

i am not sure
when i got poor.
all i recall
is joy's forestall.

smiles turning down
friends to foes frown.
and all for what?
left alone to rot?

i felt empty.
somewhat lonely.
but deep inside
the Lord will bide.

He will answer.
He's my anchor.
could not concieve
why He wouldnt leave.

He has the voice,
mindful rejoice.
got it all wrong
held out too long!

this is a stage
and brings out rage!
but deep in mind
the Lord does find.

He's all around.
from sky to ground.
patiently waits
for prayer of debates.

walks by my side
his love i denied.
he's all ways there
hears ev'ry prayer.

the Lord'll help you
He's reaching, too.
prayers'll bring answers
to real matters.

tired of it all?
His name you'll call.
open the door!
weary no more.
Aug 2015 · 446
manic attack
janet chavarria Aug 2015
all around me closing in
i cant describe this fear.
all confused and shaken
i feel i'm going to tear.

unsettling, these thoughts
are barring the help.
the brain's at a loss
and trying to yelp.

my head hurts,
my heart spurts.
and crying about it
only makes it worse.

can nobody ever
truly understand?
unless you've gone through it
you won't chance a stand.

it is a just anxiety
and another day of black.
i am crazy you must think.
it's just a smother attack.

— The End —