In the old garden long hidden through misuse amateur gardeners are restoring its past with the help of professionals who know about such things as should bee boles face east where blue poppies do best and which are good grapes for wine
It took quite some courage to hack at the creepers and break up the concrete but look at it now
The purple prose of the local paper- trying to imitate the tabloid press with its flaming headlines- describing the animal seen in the headlights of a reporter's car very late at night is a bit over-ripe in the cold light of morning
A murmuration of starlings thousands upon thousands of them swooping rising curling away pulsing and throbbing as one ‘til they slowly gently descend and melt into the shadows of the trees and the screen fills with a picture of David Attenborough
An old-established confectioner claims his mints "keep you all aglow" makes me think of old-time buying from people serving behind marble counters the picture on the packet shows an arc of blues expressing delight I'm trying a mint ball now - and it's all right.
We lived in Cornwall then crashing waves and seaweed tangles sea views looking so far distant it could have been to another hemisphere Bliss At least we thought so until- you know how the smallest things trigger a firestorm? In this case it was musc each of us despising the other's choices 'til the rows reached a crescendo stereo shouting and the split was inevitable
Folded in my hands a nestling, a tiny bird hardly old enough to hop or fly let alone step over my windowsill from the hazelbush outside Caught, before it could panic and throw itself at the window It rests quietly then darts off, in relief at being free
"Pull your self together" is what they say to me It isn't all that easy- I've lost the string, you see Anxieties keep coming they overwhelm my mind and without some mental quietness that string is hard to find So give me quiet thinking help me see I needn't strive, that the world will go on spinning and I will remain alive