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Never did I think
That someone would see me
Whilst hiding in plain sight
While trying to hide from everyone

Thank you for finding me
Strange to think I've known you for three years
Yet only have I heard your voice
a handful of times
And the waters we stand by
are not one in the same
And though my words must travel great distances
to reach you,
The journey does not corrode them.
And though we may not speak as often as I'd like,
I have not forgotten you
I wonder how many times
I thought about you fixing your hair
or laughing at my stupid joke
If only I could fold the earth and
step over the mound to be by you
If only
“This Heart”

The heart bleeds black India
Though not through a vein
It's said the flesh is the sanctuary
For a soul led astray

Yet the heart is the library
Decrepit and ancient
Where the scars are the manuscripts
Collected with patience

Filled with love songs forsaken
Next to books with blank pages
For plays yet to come
Upon immaculate stages

To the melodies of mortals
With their highs and their lows
And a chorus of angels
Of which some fell below, and

Within this binding you weep, yet
At the same time you shine, for
In this heart were you born, so
In this heart should you die
This is an edit on my previous poem "My Heart Bleeds Black India".
She real cruel
She go hard, but
She speak sharp

She got heart

She spit fire, no
She ain't tired
She no fool

She real cruel
A little play on "We Real Cool"
The campus was all but silent
Rushing water, whistle of the wind
Unrhythmic, the two untrained melodies
Yet they seem to form a single song
The grass is all uniform
Shape and size they are all the same
But alas they are unique
Some carry strong patches of brown
Deep into the shallow roots
Some with scattered leaves
And little pink flowers
Autumn is approaching
Many dont see the perks of silence
It allows one to hear things
they had not before
The whirl of the fan
The quiet hum of the AC
The gentle roar of the engine
If all are but silent
The uninspirated thoughts
Are free to roam
But we do not appreciate this gift
And as I walk through the valley of the shadow of flesh
I shall fear no evil
For who am I but another person amongst the people?

And who are you but a sibling and an equal?
As such we should be treated.
To get respect it must be given

Though never was I to worship
Stories for the cradle
If you should show me Cain,
I’ll gladly show you Abel.

For nature is neither sane nor stable
And nor am I
And nor should you be
Breathe free and die beautifully
So this is normal living
Not wanting to end it all
Not wanting to forget it all
It doesn't feel right
She was a hellaciously hard hittin’ heart stopper

A semi-sophisticated mother/daughter

My complex candy coated no-LSD dropper
the truth is
i miss you
though our
eyes meet often

forgive me for
showing weakness
i am only
a foolish man
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