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Nine to five
Cheesy radio
Choked neck tie

This is my prime
Enjoy it kid
Treat your mother like your flesh
Your sister like a brother
Your daughter like a mother
And your lover like none other

Be wary of a woman’s love
But not out of scorn
For hell hath no darkness
Like a woman forlorn
Bear traps and snares?
My dear, who cares?

Penetrating darkness
And tortures heartless
I could sleep through that
And dream regardless

La dee da
Boo biddy by
I don’t scare easy
My sweetie pie

I laugh at pain
I walk on nails
But I’ll tell you now
What turns me pale

What shakes my soul
It’s most profound
In every day
And every sound

It beckons my smile
And sleeps in my tears
My dearest, your love
Is the sum of my fears
O Mother
Who so violent and beautiful

Lively, lush, and serene
In youth gone past

O Mother
How much longer shall you last

Once only revolutions
Alone and at ease

As time would have it
Your life grew to breed
Your tears rained upon us
Our only desire to feed

O Mother how we forsake you
We perceived God up above

But below us is He
And He is a She
In the warm dirt
And in the soft breeze

It's you dear Mother
I wish others to see

But watch my Caretaker
Dry your tears
In your lonely revolutions
I have felt your fears

Will the children abandon home?
Will the life that you bred
Forget it has roots
And leave you alone?

It is not for me to say
But I have seen my brothers
And I have seen my sisters
And I beg them to remember

The deep chill of December
The fragrance of the Fall
The Pacific in the summer
The vibrant life around us all

And as I breathe
So do I love you
And as I love you
So do you heal

We are young yet Mother
We have much to learn still
Addiction is a battle

But in me it was more so

Much like a war

I had a love triangle

With whiskey and Norco

And god I knew it was bad

But still it’s so

My will was so…


My soul was still hurtin’

Man when this pain

Gets inside you

It eats you up

And alive you

Can’t help but to scream

And tears pour down

Like the rain

And you’re

Not at once safe

Not even in dreams

I fiend

For the bottle again

For the pills

Just one win

Not again

But ****

How I loved to sin
Alcoholism. Opiates. Painkillers. Medicine for depression, prescribed by one Dr. Me. Send this **** back to lab boys, side effects include suicide.
 May 2013 Janelle Nicole
Admit it, darling:
not too long ago, I had
you weak at the knees.
I had you falling for my every move
I had you dreaming of my smile.

Admit it, darling:
do you sometimes think of me,
even when you're thinking of her
and how she doesn't want you
like I did so long ago? do you?

Admit it, darling:
you used to want me
as much as I wanted you.

Go ahead, admit it, because
only you and I will know.

I promise not to tell anyone
how I'm playing your game just
as well
as you are.
So, this was kind of written almost as a "sequel" to my poem "You: 1; Me: 0." I want to several of these, so I planned to create a collection, but I couldn't quite remember/find where to do that, so I guess you can just go read it if you want. You don't need to read "You: 1; Me: 0" in order to understand this one, but it does make it easier to follow how I'm "keeping score." Love you, beautiful people! :)
Little Dummy sang alone
But Little Dummy
Could carry a tone

Nobody out there
Would ever care
If Little Dummy
Was here or there

Because Little Dummy couldn't read
He could never grasp how
Worth was printed on a sheet

To pass or fail
How asinine?
So Little Dummy
Was left behind

Without a glance
Or care from the world
Little Dummy
Put to rest his soul

His beauty never seen
By a thoughtless society
Little Dummy
Would never again sing
 May 2013 Janelle Nicole
In this life, we are all placed
into a category from birth:
Alphas or Epsilons, firsts and lasts.

And the Alphas go on to live beautiful lives
with wonderful significant others and
successful children and
fulfilled dreams and
intelligent thoughts and
perfect luck.

And the Epsilons go on to live sub par lives
with average significant others and
delinquent children and
nonexistent dreams and
subservient thoughts and
no knowledge or experience of luck.

But Epsilons are so endearingly stupid
that you cannot help but feel sorry for them
and so we pretend to love them, we tell them
that they are special, that they are beautiful.

But there is nothing more dangerous than allowing
an Epsilon to have a sense of self-worth, of self-respect
because once they believe that they are more than the picture
you have painted of them, they will refuse you and your
inadequate "love".

Everyone falls for the Alphas, darling.
It's the natural order of things

And we, the Epsilons, we go on living
our insignificant,
sub par,
little Epsilon lives.
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